Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

The Man, The Hair, The Good Book

Just like pet rocks and Java Jackets, and now the bible 2.0,...I thought of that years ago. Unfortunately for me, AC "Awesome Hair" Grayling beat me to it. The Good Book: A Humanist Bible, by AC Grayling is just what it advertises (and dagnabit, myself and everyone else has thought about writing an atheist bible), an atheist bible for, like, right now. Maybe if I save my nuts I'll be able to buy a paperback years from now (le sigh).

What, ya don't know AC, one of the most awesome philosophers of right now. Awh, ya gots to check this dude out. Not only does he have fantastic hair, because he does, he is what the kids nowadays call the sh*t. Deff. check out Five Minutes w/AC (above) and deff. check out him in (one of the ) Intelligence Squared Debate title Would We Be Better Without Religion. In this one AC and the boys, the boys in this one none other than Christopher "Our Hero" Hitchens and the man, Richard "Papa Bear" Dawkins, whomp all over these poor souls.

There are so many ways to debunk religion and philosophy is one of them. If you fancy...you can use ancient history (Richard Carrier), or evolutionary science (R.Dawkins) or, you can check out philosophy and the Gray-Man. Awesome.

* The mandatory Huff Po article that I always link to.

* Amazon...The Good Book.

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Evangelicals, The Newt and WTF

OK, the Newt doesn't makes sense, what else is new. But this one is so weirdo, I had to mention it.

"I am convinced that if we do not decisively win the struggle over the nature of America, by the time they're my age (his daughters) they will be in a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists and with no understanding of what it once meant to be an American (that this country was founded on xtian values/beliefs)." Quotes are mine.

Sooooo, If we are to be an atheist country, then how can we simultaneously be dominated by Islam. If Islam one day rules U.S. of A. (which will never happen) then I'm moving to Canada or Mexico. There are no atheist in Islam, well, no atheists that are alive. It is their way or the highway. It is impossible for both to happen at the same time. C'mon now, Newt, all that cheating on yer dying wife has yer brain all scrambled. I was just gonna mention that, but the article was some gems.

The Newt was speaking at the church of Rev. John Hagee. The Rev. is infamous for saying that Hitler was an ok dude for killing hella peeps and, of course, he cherry picks from the bible to justify that.

"God says in Jeremiah 16: 'Behold, I will bring them the Jewish people again unto their land that I gave to their fathers. ... Behold, I will send for many fishers, and after will I send for many hunters. And they the hunters shall hunt them.' That would be the Jews,” Hagee had said in an earlier sermon (CNN Belief Blog)."

Here is where is gets weird'er. the Rev. also belongs to a Christian Zionist movement. For quite some time I didn't understand why xtians would want to help Israel. Here it is...In order for the Christian prophecy of JC coming back to save his small elite number of true believers (certainly not everyone, afterall, then who would his dad have left to kill) and take them to heaven, the state of Israel must be established (and have a certain amount of peeps). The Jewish prophecy of a returning to their homeland (which I support, but that's a diff. story) is not an end of itself; it is a step in the process of the Christian prophecy.

So the Rev. does two contradictory thingies at the same time. On one hand he needs the establishment of the Jewish homeland, and on the other hand, he was on Team Hitler. WTF? Meanwhile, The Newt, when he's not getting hella divorces, is parading around the evangelical circles because he's a thinking 'bout running fer some president. Hagee, The Rev., offered his support, but The Newt wisely turned him down. Good move on Newts part, he's already known as a divorcee wife killer, it is probably better not to be associated with that Jew killer.

OK, I'm done now. Awesomeness.

*CNN Belief Blog

Pastor Tight Pants

Whoa Nelly...what is happening to religion as of lates. The new new NIV bible is softer and more PC (they changed the word 'booty' to treasure) and evangelical pastors are letting Gandhi into heaven. "But he's Muz-lim", say that in yer best hick voice and laugh. Well, not all evangelical pastors, just one, Rob Bell.

Pastor Rob Bell has a new book out called Love Wins and in it he is redefining what hell is. Yes the fire and brimstone are gone and now minorities like Gandhi are welcome. Of course the traditionalists are hella mad, because they don't take well to change, or for that matter, evolution. "Dagnabit, God wrote the bible in english and he said there and wuz a hell and that's good enuff fer me," say it and laugh again. Oh yea, the real Christians are calling dude a heretic.

On the video at CNN Belief Blog, Pastor Cool Guy says that we are only speculating on what happens after we die. WTF. I can't believe it. I....actually....agree....with that. It's true, no one knows what happens when we die. I just watched a good debate with "Our Hero" against some Jewish peeps and they concluded/admitted that no one knows what happens after we die....there is only speculation.

There are two thingies going on in my lame ass brain right now 1) evolution of the church is a good thingy and 2). there is no such thing as hell.  I keep mentioning Bishop John Shelby Spong and how he wants to modernize the church. He wants to take out all the supernatural-y stuffs and replace them with symbolic stuffs. For example, miracles don't happen, those are impossible, but those stories where the miraculous happens, that is cool and you can learn from those stories. So Pastor Young Guy wants to modernize the concept of hell to include good people, OK, I'm cool with that....except...

Hell, or heaven for that matter, does not exist. How can Gandhi go to a place  that doesn't exist, he can't, you can't, I can't, if fact no one can go to a place that doesn't exist. The church has been so wrong about so many things, surely they are wrong on this one also. Age of the earth, wrong/creation stories, wrong/biblical prophecies, wrong/end of times, wrong/Noah's Ark, wrong, the list can go on and on...

What is heaven, or hell? Do dogs go to heaven, what if you don't like dogs? Is your family gonna be there, what if you don't like your family? What if you don't like minorities, are there gonna be minorities there? All these situations can easily be hell. Are there many heavens and hells simultaneously, or just one? Howz about there are none.

So, kudos to Pastor Hipster. He is trying to modernize the religion he loves and in doing so (hopefully) it aligns with all the cool social issues like DADT, GLBT, feminism and smoking pot. OK, maybe not that last one-that would be cool tho. Traditionalist call him a heretic, but who's not a heretic-they are all heretics to someone. But...but, where we go our own way is in the whole believing in heaven and hell. I like The Bishop also, but hell if I'm agonna believe in hell (I couldn't resist). Pastor Tight Jeans might listen to cool music and wear all black, but just like he said...we can only speculate on what happens after death. Until I get me some good skeptic proof evidence on the existence of heaven or hell...then I'm going with Team A and Team Skeptic.

* I always put an asterisks comment after a post, but this time I don't have anything to say or add.

A Thought On That Walmart Case

First of all, this is an attempt to blog while only having a sip of my first coffee (wish me luck, hope it makes sense). Second, I hope this makes sense. Third, I'm a feminist and fourth, if it doesn't makes sense, I'll blame the president; afterall, it seems that he is responsible for everything (at least that is what his critics say).

So anyways...I'm a feminist. I want women to have equal rights and to be treated equal and dagnabit why not pay women the same rate as men. It doesn't make sense to me. You do the same job, and I ass-u-me, you do the same job at that job (quality), and when promotion time comes up, yes, why not give equal amounts of promotions to women as men. No brainer, right.

The Walmart class action suit, sexism thingy is going to court and six women are alleging that Walmart systematically was sexist in not giving promotions. It is my very little understanding that the diff. between a regular lawsuit and a class action lawsuit is basically, singular v. hella peeps. Individually each woman could have taken Walmart to court (the specific Walmart that they worked at), but they decided to team up and sue Walmart-the entire Walmart, not just one store. Git it. Good.

Ok going for second coffee...Super funny thingy, this reminds me of when the creationist teacher sued over tenure (it was related to that horrible creationist movie that came out a couple years ago, of course I can't remember what it's called, tho). What the skeptics brought up was that that professor didn't get tenure, not because of his/her silly belief that the earth is 6,000-10,000 y/o, but because not everyone gets tenure; not everyone gets a promotion. More often than not, a college professor will not get tenure. Statistically, isn't the number small (I think so, half way thro with second coffee). I think so.

OK, back to sexist Walmart, and I don't deny that they were sexist, so hear me out. These six women are alleging that they were passed up for promotion because they are women (there are other factors, of course). So Walmart has tens of thousands of workers, right, but they only have "x" amount of promotions. In fact, upper management, management, and promotions in general are really finite. Naturally there will be hella workers and a very small amount of promotions, esp. upper management promotions. Am I making sense (sh*t).

The ladies have a tall task ahead of them. It seems that it would have been easier to sue individually. Because it is a class action suit, they have to prove that this is a nation wide, whole corporation thingy that happens all the time. I think the numbers are against them. Maybe they didn't get the promotions because there are hella applicants to a very small number of spots (most peeps didn't get a promotion-right). I'll be the first to admit that I need to bone up on this. I've only read one article, but this is the first thing that came to my mind-the numbers.

OK, I tried...more coffee.

* Class action, it's not a teeny bopper movie.

* For the record, I'm on the ladies side. The glass ceiling certainly does still exist. That is why there is still a need to be feminist.

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Christian Voodoo

Thank nonexistent God that prayer doesn't work, esp. imprecatory prayer. Imrecatory prayer is when you are a believer and you hate on some peeps so much that you ask, what "Our Hero" Christopher Hitchens calls the Celestial Dictator, to f*ck peeps up. In essence it is a Christian curse and just like the Gypsy curse, it is totally fakey fake.

Mikey Weinstein of Military Religious Freedom Foundation and Barry Lynn of Americans United for Separtaion of Church and State (two very worthy and awesome org's if you ask me) are the recipients of this very silly and yet hateful Christian voodoo. I thought that you were not supposed to ask God directly for such thingies, but apparently no one told this dude, Gordon Klingenschmitt. Gordy says...

"Let us pray. Almighty God, today we pray imprecatory prayers from Psalm 109 against the enemies of religious liberty, including Barry Lynn and Mikey Weinstein, who issued press releases this week attacking me personally. God, do not remain silent, for wicked men surround us and tell lies about us. We bless them, but they curse us. Therefore find them guilty, not me. Let their days be few, and replace them with Godly people. Plunder their fields, and seize their assets. Cut off their descendants, and remember their sins, in Jesus' name. Amen."

Wow, check out that huge biblical hate, ya know with their pointing of fingers, plundering, cursing, replace them'z, Cut off their descendants...then, amen. Wow. Double wow. If Team A calls prayer 'wishful thinking', then I guess we can call this 'wishful hating'. What happened to turning the other cheek and forgiveness. I guess Gordy missed that sermon.

* Dispatches is so awesome. Og article.

* Psalm 9 which among other things says, or asks, God kill this dude and leave his children fatherless and his wife a widow. Wow, nothing says Gods love like killing someone that disagrees with you.

What Happens In Afghanistan

Check out the douche-staches.

 "None of us in the platoon – the platoon leader, the platoon sergeant – no one gives a fuck about these people," Morlock said...(Rolling Stone)."

I'm absolutely crushed after reading the epic Rolling Stone article The Kill Team. This is how US troops are winning hearts and minds...by killing unarmed afghan civilians; apparently so. I won't go into it too much here, it is too horrible, but you should check out the article.

Some members of Bravo Company first talked about killing Afghan civilians, they planned it, then they did it. The "get out of jail free card" is planting a weapon, a Russian grenade or if you are lucky an AK47, next to the body that you just executed-and that is what it is, execution. Young teen boys, or old farmers, were killed, then something was planted on them for the follow up investigation.

These are our heroes? I don't want them coming back-these guys are psycho.

* Rolling Stone

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Word of the Day...Pseudepigrapha

"But those writings which are falsely inscribed with their name (ta pseudepigrapha), we as experienced persons reject... (wiki)."

"It may be one of the greatest ironies of the Christian scriptures that some of them insist on truth, while telling a lie. For no author is truth more important than for the "Paul" of Ephesians. He refers to the gospel as "the word of truth" (1:13); he indicates that the "truth is in Jesus"; he tells his readers to "speak the truth" to their neighbors (4:24-25); and he instructs his readers to "fasten the belt of truth around your waist" (6:14). And yet he himself lied about who he was. He was not really Paul (the super awesome Bart Ehrman the not awesome Huff Po)."

We were lied to about prayers being answered, about the creation stories (notice that is plural) and about the construction, or compiling of the bible. The bible as a contradiction-less, inerrant word of an all powerful all loving God is only believed by the most hard core evangelical believers. More and more there are biblical scholars, in spite of job security concerns, that are fessing up to the truth. Hector Avalos in End of Biblical Studies says something to the extent that biblical scholars can't tell the truth, otherwise they would be out of a job. For example, in the field of biblical archaeology there have been no discoveries that confirm the prophecies of the bible, the places or the events (Exodus, the gate on Pauls road to Damascus, the Garden of Eden etc...). What we have is a lack of evidence, and the evidence we do have is, as Ehrman states in the article, "lies."

Why is this important. Prof. Ehrman says that the author of 1 Timothy used Paul's name to address the problem of women speaking out, "teaching men," and exercising authority. 1 Timothy 2:11-15 is so damming and damaging to women. Preachers has used this verse to quiet "strong willed women (read, women that are your equals)" into submissiveness. Because Eve had the misfortune, and certainly not her fault, of being created second-and from Adams rib for that matter (if that is the one particular creation story you choose to use or believe)-then all her ancestors for eternity must suffer second class status and inequality, after men. Adam was not "deceived", Eve was, or at least that is the perception of the anonymous author under the pen name of Paul wants you/us to believe. And if you believe that, then you naturally believe that women are naturally with sin, they are sinners by nature and that is all there is to that.

Pseudepigrapha was commonly used in ancient times (Ehrman), as was stories of dying and rising Gods/saviors, but this is not ancient times. Letters attributed to Paul (some not all), New Testament book of 2 Peter, etc...are all pseudepigrapha-y. Contradictions, both in the bible and in faith, is one of the many reasons peeps become atheist. Are we to believe in "the word of God", when the word was built on lies. Just look at the damage that the one verse has done to women under the charade of authorship. What about verses on GLBT, slavery, our dominion of the earth and its creatures...can we 'chalk up' all it's tragedies and hate to "that was common in ancient times"-I don't think so.

One more thingy...ladies don't trip on that you are with sin automatically because you are a woman and because 1 Timothy 2:11-15 says so. It also has an out.

"...it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety."

* Huff Po

* Pseudowhatchamacallit

* Timmy, or is it Paul

Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

God Hates Liz Taylor

OK, we should have expected this...Westboro Baptist Church (God Hates Fags) is a-gonna picket the funeral of Liz Taylor. Jean Dixon could have predicted that, or any ass-trologer-even tho they are fakey fake. I googled WBC to see if their site was back up, but I didn't see it. A couple of weeks ago during a live interview with WBC and Anonymous, the later 'went bye bye' to all their websites while on the air.

What I did find was Eastboro Baptist Church. Their motto is quite clever..."God hates everyone except us." Kinda catchy, don't-cha think(?). Check out their 'purpose' page to see what is really happening. I think it's a something something like Godhatesjapan. Check 'em both out.

RIP Liz.

Ooops, "It" Happened Again

It's like a tsunami, you can't stop it.
 Of all the places for it to happen, it had to happen on the sh*tter. I'm was totally going poo and simult. had an anxiety attack. On my old blog I used to tell more personal stories, not so much here. For sh*ts-n-giggles look up Kriss The Sexy Atheist on myspace and there you can read my poetry and chronicles of my anxiety and depression and the very occasional girl chasing.

One of the first anxiety attacks I had was on the way home from awesomeness. It was one of those really good 90 degree Sacramento evenings, I had just left the Friday Free Concert where I chilled with 2,000 of my closest beer drinking friends and I was going home to get my weed...so I could meet up with my friends...and jam, we were going to play music. Fo sho it doesn't get any better than that; except when Kriss falls apart. On the way home I just started crying and crying uncontrollably. I was a trooper, I didn't pull over, I just kept riding-as if not pulling over is some sort of depression trophy or something, it's not-and when I got home, I just stayed home. It was after that that I went to go get help and medicine-The Zac (and it totally helps, I really recommend it).
This is my nice place I go to in my head. Boracay, Philippines.

But I don't takes the meds anymore and it very rarely ever happens-not even once a year as of late, well, at least until yesterday. There are a lot of misconceptions of what anxiety and depression really is. I think most have to do with control, as if one can control their situation, feelings, or serotonin level in the brain.

I often here "you looked bummed out?" First of all, I wear my emotions on my sleeve, and for better or worse, I'm not fake-I'm genuine. Even tho I have to work with the public, I'm not going to act fake happy...I'd rather just work in the back and let my awesome coworker deal with the front. Peeps get bummed out when they lose their wallet. That is an accident that, if they were more careful, then they could have avoided losing their wallet and being bummed out. Anxiety and depression is low serotonin levels and there is nothing one can do to "avoid the accident"-hence, no control.

"I hope you snap out of it." Thanks, I really appreciate that, even tho I want to scream at the top of my powerful athletic lungs when I hear that. What is there to snap out of, the being "bummed out" that it isn't anyways. "Snapping out" implies some sort of control and I'm telling you guys...there is no control, there is no controlling it. It happens, then you pick up the pieces. Believe me, if there was a way to "snap out of it" don't-cha think that me, or anyone else that is depressed, would do it. That is another thing. "Snap out of it" implies control and when you can't do it, that makes it worse-because someone is demanding that you take control of what you can't control and when you can't do that (because it's impossible) then you feel worse because you ask yourself "what is wrong with me...why can't I snap out of it?".

Really, I do appreciate all the well wishers, but...f*ck I don't know what to do. On one hand I can acknowledge that it is a nice gesture, while on the other hand...STFU I don't have any energy to make you feel better, all my energy is for me, to make me feel better. When I 'zombie-response' (blow them off) a well wisher, then next step is usually me making them feel better. So I 'slighted' you, you tried to do good, but you said something stupid, like "snap out of it". Now you want me to use my energy to explain to you why you can't/shouldn't say that, I hurt your feelings and now you want me to say something to make you feel better-I can't do any of those things right now.

I'm too busy crying in the bathroom while trying to take a sh*t. (I can't even finish this post...maybe I'll try again later, with some effort and links-n-stuffs.).

Oh...and one more thing. Don't tell me to take St. Johns Wart. CAM doesn't work. I have depression and anxiety, I'm not stupid. I'm still a skeptic and if you want to force your silly belief upon me, the way you want me to 'snap out of it', then STFU and get out. St. Johns Wart is crap, it doesn't work, if it did work, then would not everyone take it (medical conspiracy you say...that is totally silly and a reasonable adult should never believe in such crap). Damm, now I'm manic babbling-n-sh*t. Sun pls come out, I heart you. Kriss

OK, one more one more thingy...If there is an all powerful Gawd that designed humans, then it is a crappy design. To be emotionally fragile all the time, to have moods dependent on how much sun you get, to have your eyes well up with tears as your mind races with confusion for no external reason, this is his design. His design sucks.

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

The Coma Kid

Here's a good story, and (nonexistent)Lawd, I need this. Alan Wright, the coma kid and prayer app creator, woke up and is not coma'd right now. I know, I know. He's one of them and we are on Team A. So what. the kid was hit and run'd last week, the police are still looking for suspects, he was coma'd all week and as I said last week when I first wrote about dude, his family and friends were (probably) crushed. This is a life we are talking about, a young life...a young life with his whole future ahead of him. So he woke up.

So far he can only stick out his tongue to answer questions. I don't know if he is sticking his tongue out anyways, or if he is alert enuff to really answer questions. I'm skeptical, but who cares, the dude is better. Last week doctors said he had a 30-40% chance of recovering. This is a step in the right direction.

The father asked peeps to use his app and/or pray for his son. I'm sure believers will chalk this one up to prayer success, skeptics no, but once again, who cares. I'm just glad the kid has a chance. Last week I didn't really have hope. When accidents like this occur there are so many things that, well...you know. Muscle atrophy or brain damage would be my main concerns.

So the kid did something that he thought was cool, but Team Atheist and Team Skeptic deff. not. I don't know what kind of Christian he is, if he is an End of Times one, anti-feminist you are all going to hell one, or a liberal believer that has the same social goals as us and believes in a symbolic JC...I don't know and I don't care. I'm just glad that there is hope now.

I hope dude recovers and gets to live a full life. Who knows he might grow up to be a redneck, elitists, Christian jerk, or maybe a really nice guy. Who knows...maybe he'll become an atheist; at least now, he has a chance.
The doctor said this...

"Asked whether Allen Wright's awakening may have been aided by the many prayers on his behalf, the neurosurgeon said he wasn't sure if prayer helped in such cases."

"Sometimes I think it does. Sometimes I think it doesn't," he said. "I don't actively encourage it. But in my opinion, it never hurts to pray (Sac Bee)."

Why Do you Sit There So Long

I get up at 5:30am everyday. If I wanted to sleep in I couldn't. I just wake up at 5:30-ish everyday, totally awake. So I take my shower, then head to the cafe and start reading. I'm often asked, "What are you doing?" when I sit and chill here. Well, a lot of thingies...mostly just reading (then blogging). OK, what do I read? Here's a random sample of my reader, like, right now dude.

Rationally Speaking is a brainiac philosophy blog. Super heavy duty stuffs.

Dispatches From The Culture Wars is a great prog-lib blog and "E" always includes stuffs about religion, like today's The Anti Christ is Coming, Look Busy.

The Friendly Atheist was one of the first places I went to when I went all Out Atheist-n-stuff. It's a great one stop shop for everything atheist, news, funny stuff and the occasional delicious baby pic. This one is about Glenn Beck.

Day in day out "J" at Debunking Christianity totally kills it so hard. Total brain and he debunks Christianity from the inside out, fighting fire with fire-which of the many ways to debunk Christianity, I think it's the best way. "J" directly challenges Christian philosophers and their straw men. Warning, bring your 'A' game.

Have I ever mentioned @vjack at Atheist Revolution, that's a joke. Today's post is about what is common in the recent natural disasters...the peeps that believe God did it. Check it out.

Since the arrival of the New Atheist the conversation, at least part of it, has been about all the bad thingies that religion is responsible for. It is hard to imagine that it is still a taboo subject (too criticize religion), but that is not going to stop @mojoey at Deep Thoughts from chronicling clergy sexual abuse...everyday (and sadly there is a new case, every single day).

So that is what I do in the morning. Well, I also read, like 7-8-9-10 newspapers and magazines in the morning also. Why? Because religion is in the news everyday and it's not a positive thing. To me religion is the most important topic that the world has to deal with. Under the topic of religion is politics, wars, feminism, GLBT, abortion etc...

Religion should not get a free pass anymore. They want to criticize evolution and inject creationism into the science classroom, but then poo poo us when we call them on that, No More! @vjack calls it Christian Privilege, their free pass from criticism, and that is why the New Atheists are so important...'cause we're a-gonna call b*llsh*t on that.

That is what I do when I sit here.

Operation Lead Again

About an hour ago a bomb went off at a bus station in Jerusalem . It is too early to know who did such a horrible thing, but the usual suspects are expected. This past week the world has turned to Libya and the neighboring revolutions (yah!), and the potential scenario in Japan, but in the meantime there has been "rising tension" in  the Israel and Palestine.

This past week the action has been going back and forth and some peeps say the current situation is similar to what happened leading up to Operation Cast Lead. With all the happenings in the world, natural disasters, hella wars and the world economies, the eye has been taken off the ball in Israel.

A couple of months ago I presented the philosophical question Would You Kill the Fat Man. What I'm wondering now is, when do you stop killing. Who will be the first to "turn the other cheek"; or is it even possible at this point, possible for a government to do that. I guess that is why there are revolutions.

I'm really burnt out on all the killing and war. It doesn't matter what side of the Israel/Palestine debate you are on. When will the madness stop?

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Religion in the News Tuesday March 22, 2011

1966 Cover of Time Magazine.

Lot's to cover today so let's get right down to...Religion in the News (say and read that in your best Gawd voice.).  First up is the post that @mojoey blogged about a day or so ago. At Deep Thoughts "J" is accepting guest bloggers/posts that deal with positive religious news. Afterall, reporting on religion is heartbreaking. The crimes that they commit are worse because they are supposed to be trusted and (nonexistent) heaven forbid morally superior.

Religious orgs in Japan are stepping up to the plate and helping the peeps. Sure Japan is Buddhist, but little did I know, there are also Mormons, Christians and even Scientologists. My old lay organization, Soka Gakka, has turned it's facilities into a shelter for the displaced and is using their well organized lay organization to distribute food. Who cares that they are very cult like (me, I said that), they are helping peeps, as well as the other religions.

God isn't dead as the 1966 Time magazines cover story states, he's just "on life support." A study conducted in 9 nations suggest that religion is on the decline and that, guess who, Team-A is on the rise. Weirdo thingy is that they equate the changing numbers to that good 'ol hunter gatherer group support thingy. The study hypothesizes that when groups become bigger, they are more attractive to new members because they can support. I/you/us think it's because the more we educate ourselves and the public and question religion, the rational and evolved human brain takes over and concludes...their is nothing supernatural. Awesome anyways.

The Holi Festival in India looks awesome. It is a celebration of the coming of spring which is probably how all religions started. Check out the colorful and awesome photos.

I totally predicted this one coming (therefore I'm Gawd, right). Franklin Graham said of the recent Japan disasters that it could signal the coming of the end. Well, key word here is could. The loop hole for end of timers is that after their failed prediction of the end of the world, they can just say "We didn't mean the destruction of the world, we just meant the beginning of the end of the world. It's only starting." Watch, when May 21 passes, that is what they will say.

Holi Fest
A Rev. Dan Dahlberg, Superior Diocese Vicar, apparently stole hella money from his church. In fact $10,800. Dude was suspended and this reminds me of the very great George Carlin. Why does God always need money.

UK Cleric, Usana Hassan, in the 90's was all jihad-y-n-stuffs, but mellowed thru the decades. He is less extreme now and even supports evolution, but to the death threatening dismay of his homies. What specifically did he do...he questioned whether Adam was made of clay. He calls Islams interpretation of the origin of life a "children's madrassa-level understanding" of the origins of man." Wow, that is some sh*t talking, bro.

As I wrote yesterday, The Barracuda went on a trip to Israel. On the surface she needs to bolster her international policy credentials if she is to run for office (le sigh). But hold the train for a sec....she is also a card carrying member of the end of times lunacy that some xtians believe. In order for their particular Jesus to come back (and that is a different Jesus than JW's, Catholics etc...) the nation of Israel must be established in conjunction with natural disasters, errr, I mean signs of the Apocalypse.Good luck with that end of times thingy.

God doesn't want you to be fat, that is why he invented, errrr, no, I mean inspired humans here on earth to create...pole dancing for Jesus. Just watch the video.

Muslim beauty queen gets all death threat-ed because...she is Muslim.

Lastly, the Watergate hero and ex jailbird, Charles Colson wants to "replicate his spiritual DNA." There are no heirs to the huge and powerful Grahams, Falwells, Robertson's, Dobson's etc...and if Christianity is to survive and thrive in the future (esp. when Team A is growing) they need to do something. So why not charge $4,000 to attend seminars and learn how to be like dude...or something like that.

So not awesome, that is Religion in the News for, hopefully a sunny Tuesday (I need it so bad) March 22, 2011.

Senin, 21 Maret 2011

The Barracuda and Israel

Here's a quick hitter before I go to work. Sarah "The Barracuda" Palin, recently, is on a trip to Israel. Sarah of the uber xtian type in the land of the Chosen people (really of the Palestine's) and at first blush it seems like a WTF kind of thingy. Why would an American xtian politician go to such a place? It's all about the end of times.

In order for the fakey fake prophecy of the xtians to come true, the Jewish peeps must secure their homeland (as their prophecy says). There is something in the manmade bible that states in order for zombie Jesus to come back, so he can rescue the small amount of elitist believers, the ones that chose correctly to worship the correct Gawd out of so many Gawds, the land of the chosen peeps (Jews) must be established.

This is why so many of the American Christian right, the Mike Huckabee's and the Mitt Romney's, the Newt's are so enamored with the creation and the stability of a Jewish state and homeland. If their prophecy is to become true (whether it is self fullfilling or not) the Jewish homeland must be a fact. Ever wonder why there is so much support for the Jewish homeland and not the oppressed Palestinians-this is why.

Let's go over this. A Jewish homeland is part of the Xtian prophecy. After that happens, then JC can come back to Earth, then he can take the small amount of believers that chose to practice that one correct faith (out of so many-Catholics, UR out), and then his dad can destroy the earth and everyone and everything on it.

It is so dangerous that many politicians believe in the End of Times. Several have said why bother with environmentalism, when Gawd will take care of everything. Why care about the oppressed Palestinians and that brand of middle east apartheid, when prophecy over rules common sense and decency. The United States sends hella dollars to Israel to bolster their defense. This is why.

I hope I have time to back this up later with those pesky facts that skeptics keep talking about. The God Who Wasn't there goes over this a little bit and I'm sure there are many more resources. The world will end one day because we live next to the sun. But the world will end a lot sooner is the religious right gets their way. that in a nutshell is why the battle for secular society is so important.

I heart you guys, now let's do this. More later.

* Barracuda

America's Crusade in Iraq, 8 years Strong

Has it really been 8 years since Coalition Forces liberated the Iraqi people. Countless lives, on both sides, and the dollar spent. World economies are collapsed or collapsing and the current cost of war(s) is in the trillions. The business of killing takes precedent over the business of feeding and loving. What has happened to the world.

We were lied to. "They" said that we were going to liberate the Iraqi peeps not in months, but weeks. The truth is things are worse now. 100, 000's of dead Iraqi's, poweroutages, and a new corrupt government-that kills and tortures it's own people-where is the positive change. Billions have funneled into the country for hospitals and clean water, but neither exist, at least consistently.

With their fathers and sons dead widows are prevalent. Women cannot receive an education, at least most, suicide is often the reasonable choice and if you do choose to live, guess what you have to do to make money. It makes me sick. Millions have left their homes to escape the war, but for what, for squalor, to eat dirt, to be ostracized to be humiliated; and the worst part, most can never return to the place they used to call home.

All of the above is known and has been known, but how about something new, at least to me.

"The US military dropped thousands of bombs across Iraq laced with depleted uranium, the radioactive waste produced from manufacturing nuclear fuel."

So if you are lucky enough to survive a bombing, lucky enough to scratch a meager existence to survive like an animal, 10, 20, 30 years down the line you will die of cancer from radiation poisoning. This is a just war? President Bush prayed and received his answer from all all powerful God...to do this. There is no God and there is no justice.

The best way to support the troops is to bring them home safely. The best way to help Iraq and all other countries in the Middle East is to stop killing their people. Even if we bring home every soldier now, the PTSD and the domestic violence that we will have to deal with is something that this country will be crippled by for years to come. 100,000's of our living wounded and a collapsed economy...I'm afraid to say it but...the terrorist have won. 

* Al Jazeera

My Thoughts On Atheist Week

This is the beginning of Atheist Week. This is not about starting or finishing fights with religious peeps, it's about being proud to be an atheist, it's about wearing it on your sleeve, and if you so choose, how about coming out if you haven't already.

Maybe you can do something nice, something that you would not usually do and when peeps ask, show and tell them that one can be good without Gawd. If you are not already sporting the Richard Dawkins Out Atheist Badge on your twitter or FB, then do it now, at least for this week. Hell, start a blog on Wordpress or Blogger (that's what I use). Then get on @mojoeys Atheist Bloggroll. What about that Twitter everyone is talking about. Start your atheist twitter persona. There are so many of us tweeting everyday, and...and you can follow my list of female-atheist-bloggers, or better yet, join it.
Times are a changing and we a re riding the wave of the New Atheist into a positive and secular future. We are on the correct side of history and 20, 30, 40, 50 years from now when there are documentaries about this time, you will be able to proudly say "I was part of that."Just like in the 70's with women's rights, or civil rights, or GLBT rights the old timers now are so proud when they talk about the pioneering days, they have tears in their eyes. We are in the pioneering days, we are demanding a place at the political table, we are demanding that we sit in front of the bus...don'tcha want to be a part of that.

Also, is is a good week to get our gang sign going. Check it out.

* Friendly Atheist

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

The Onion, My Short Review

Ya know I was reading Andy's New Newsy News (laughing of course, and realized...laughing is cool). I can get bogged down by the daily grind of reading hella newspapers to find atheist/religious news stories that I can personalize and turn into my own. There is nothing like the feeling I get when I mine others real journalistic work, take two or three of them, connect the dots-even if they don't connect-and force them to the conclusion that there is no God. I need to get a phone so the Pulitzer Prize Committee can call me for their most epic blogger award. The last one went to PZ, you know, because he wins all the other polls and contests. After reading Andy's work, I thought about my old go to, the Onion. Haven't been there in a while so I decide to check it out.

Here's a good article on the Pope (I don't know which one we are on now, but that doesn't matter, cause it never ever mattered). In it the Pope, if that is his real name, admitted that he has been laying down the Jesus talk kinda think lately. His statement about cutting down on the Jesus this, jesus that crap was pretty amazing, not because it is true, but because he was wearing slacks and a dress shirt. He's also trying to tone down the extravagant dress ensembles. Not many people know this, Put Pope (pick a number) used to have a secret fashion contest with Gaddaffi to see who could dress over the top at the most events. As of now, no one has admitted defeat.

Super horrifically some hard to look at obese, less than human, children have been called to use their unique and only skills to combat and contain and massive 188 wheeler turn over on the highway, blocking traffic for miles with tankers full of spilled sugar goo. We have heard of introducing competitive species of insects to battle insects to save crops; and also the birds that have to come in to eat the insects, then the unspayed or neutered cats that need to come in and take over that situation. Father of one of the disgusting children, with no future, said, "Everything happens for a reason, it must be a sign". Instantly I told him that we live in a cold universe that has no concern for our lives and things don't' happen for a reason and it is only after the fact that we could add meaning to said events. To my surprise he got mad and started to yell at me and proceeded to have a major heartattack. I didn't try and save his life because he is an ugly dog face.

Scientology is losing ground to a new made up sciencefiction religion.I haven't read the article yet, but I do find it a tall task to beat L.Ron. Hubbard, the Xenu thing, all the money it takes to pay your way to the next level or learning status (so you can feel that much superior to the poorer peeps in your made up religion. Still, I wish the fictionist luck. We can never have too many fake, man made, beliefs that earn money for a select few, while the poor pray and give their lifesaving to support their extravagant lifestyles.

So there you have it. asmall update on the countries best fake news, the Onion

Reproductive Health Bill Philippines

Typical propaganda. Don't believe it.

The Reproductive Health Bill (RHB) has been on the books for 16 /17 years and now, finally, it seems that it may pass. What the RHB is, among other things, is the option for women to choose what to do with their bodies. It is not, as the Filipino Catholic Church, or any church for that matter, solely about abortion. I don't have the statistics on Planned Parenthood Philippines, but I imagine that abortion is a very small percentage of what Family Planning Centers and the RHB offer.

My beautiful Philippines is the ghetto of S.E.Asia. While Singapore, Thailand, Japan etc...have experienced tremendous growth in the global economy, the Philippine Islands (PI) are battling two rebel forces, over population, gov. corruption and the Catholic Bishops Conference. Just as in other parts of the world, it is the poor that consist the bulk of believers. Lack of education, superstition and no econ. opportunities is common among the islands believers.. Catholicism is widely practiced in the islands and what comes with that is "doing God's work,"biblical interpretations that command abortion is wrong, contraceptives are wrong, and everything happens for a reason  kind of stuffs.

From a protest held by the Filipino Freethinkers.
Like I have said many times, religion is all about control (that is one of the many reasons to become an atheist). No one on the choice side is saying that women must have an abortion, they are only saying that the choice must be there. Up to 500,000 women in the islands have abortions whether is is legal or not (and off the top of my head, I don't know if it is or is not). At one maternity ward in Manila there are 70 births a day. It is believed that in the very near future (2025) the Philippines will not have enuff resources to feed their own peeps. Over population is the elephant in the room in every room in every country. Why would an all powerful God want humans to shoot ourselves in the foot like that. Doing God's work and the belief that everything happens for a reason (things just happen, no reason) are stretching resources that are already thin. something is gonna break.

There is support for the RHB, even among Catholics. If abortion is biblically wrong because it kills a human life, then god is the biggest murderer because there are far more miscarriages than abortions. While the bible may be a good book to learn life lesson symbolically, it it not a rational book that addresses problems here on earth, in the here and now. 16 years is a long time and it is my hope that the Philippines passes this bill and moves forward in a positive and secular way...for the sake of the people.

C'mon now Philippines.

* Filipino Freethinkers

* Reproductive Health Bill Philippines

* Al Jazeera 101 East. Very good 1/2 hour program with three diff. voices on the RHB. Fair and balanced, and the journalist is totally hot-just saying.

Grounds For Debate, Coffee & Philosophy

I've been a cafe cruiser since I was 16 in the 80's. There was this great shop in Santa Rosa, I forgot what it's called-The True Life or Sweet Life Cafe, something-and we would go there after school and hang out. It was also part thrift store and everything in it was for sale. If you sat at a table, it was for sale, the chairs, for sale. The cups and saucers, my first cappuccino's, they were for sale. The owner also player music on this sick (if I recall correctly) Rhodes electric and the waitress was b*tchy. Good times, yo.

It's no wonder that when I grew up, I became those early teen memories. It is also my first experience with philosophy. Sitting at antique tables, waxing philosophical about what life is (as if we knew) and getting wired on good coffee. Well, now there is a book for that. Really. Remember books.

Scott F. Parker and Michael W. Austin will soon come out with Coffee: Philosophy For Everyone. It is a collection of essays geared for the lay person to encourage them to 1.) check out coffee shops and drink coffee, and 2.) get yer' philosophy on. It is a collection of essays from many writers and disciplines about everything coffee and the relationship with coffee.

Of course the topic of does God exist is in the book. I think when you open a coffee shop, it has to be blessed by a bunch of wired college students arguing over metaphysical naturalism v. the cosmological argument*.The nature of being (what is it like to experience coffee), the ethics of coffee (Starbucks and third world farmers) or the importance of the coffee shop itself (the place to slow down gives you the opportunity to attempt to think) are some of the essay topics in the book. It is intended to be an intro to philosophy and not all the authors are philosophers. Parker and Austin wanted to get a wide variety of thoughts and feelings concerning coffee and philosophy...and it seems that they achieved that.

As Christopher "Our Hero" Hitchens says, "Available at fine books stores everywhere." Awesome.

 Coffee: Grounds for Debate

* Met-Nat versus Cosmo Or atheist v. theist.

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Why He's Not A Christian

The very young looking Dr Richard Carrier has updated his super super awesome "Why I am not a Christian." The story is here. Dude was in the very good docc. The God who Wasn't There, as well as Sam Harris. TGWWT is atheist 101 stuffs. Just like we all should be acquainted with the biggies like Dawkins and Hitchens, I think Carrier is right up there. That is the beauty of debunking Christianity, there are so many ways to do it. Whether it is evolution, philosophy or ancient history (that's his specialty), there are many roads to the god free and secular destination. 

There are so many great points in the essay, and they are so epic, I won't go into them here and now (I couldn't do it justice anyway). But...One of the reasons he mentions is the silent God. you can pray and pray, but he won't be there. Now now, excuses like "we can't understand the mind of God," or "You were not devout enuff," or "Prayer doesn't work like that," don't count. Those are just excuses and after the fact. If prayer worked then it would be prophetic. If prayer worked then we would be able to see the evidence of it working in our daily lives all the time. Instead we get silence and reasons that explain away why it didn't work. Is that how an all powerful God works?

There has never been a double blind scientific test to prove that prayer does work...that was successful.  If we were to crunch the numbers of answered prayers v. unanswered prayers it would be a tiny, super small number compared to a hella big number ("Your prayers were answered, but not in the way you intended or wanted." There is no way an adult thinking person can believe that, so no that doesn't count, and it doesn't make sense). There were hella peeps praying for Japan right after the earthquake, but then the situation got worse. Is that a cruel Gods trick to get us to be more devout, because that is another excuse/reason believers give when prayers don't work. If God was so powerful, then why does he need our attention.

It's cold and rainy outside (Sacramento) and the essay is pretty long stuffs, so today would be a good day to check it out. If not, read it in increments, a little at a time. If you have not read it, check it out. It's that good.


* Essay

Apple Fail, Try's To Pray Away The Gay

It gets so frustrating that the secular crowd fights the same battles over and over again. There is evolution v. creationism, the fight for a religion free public square (secular) and of course, Gawds favorite concern-who you sleep with and how you sleep with them (that's powerful?). The other day I wrote about the sad story of the prayer app kid in a coma, and today, the iPhone is in the news again...and that is not a good thing.

Touting a four star rating (meaning that it contains no objectionable material) the Apple iPhone now has an app called Exodus Releases. What E.R. does is, I guess, it helps you through those tuff times, those times of questioning and searching, those times when you should "address the issue of homosexuality with grace and truth"; also known as the time when you should, as the classic saying goes, pray away the gay. Yup. Homosexuality is all virus-y, certainly not genetic (ie born that way), and if you let the Gord into your life (which sounds really gay to me), then the evilness of loving a same sex peep or having an incredibly well furnished and clean house, that can be brainwashed, err, I mean prayed away.

"Exodus Students is a community of people who are choosing to honor God with their sexuality and looking for real answers to their questions. Not just the quick answers you get from church or culture (just stop it / just do it), but answers that get to the heart of things." Or as the cool kids say, "You don't know what you want and feel, but we will tell you what to want and feel."

"Real Stories brings together stories from real-life people who have struggled with homosexuality themselves or have been affected by a loved-one’s homosexual attractions. Discover how God’s grace has redeemed the lives of countless individuals." "...have been affected...", WTF. What are GLBT peeps...a disease? This is where critical thinking skills come into play. I see it like near death experiences. The key word there is near. No one has ever come back from death, only from near death. So is it that Christ cures homosexuality or is it those peeps were never homosexual to begin with, or they are totally denying their true selves (thru "35 years" of, lets call it what it is, brainwashing.).

I can go on and on about this, but I'll let the reasonable peeps at Truth Wins Out (and their petition to recall the app) do that for me/us/you and I.

Oh and one more thingy. I think that it is ironic that Exodus International choose to believe that homosexuality is genetically nonexistent, when it is the Exodus that is nonexistent-really. Dude walked thu the desert for 40 years, w/100,000's of peeps, w/no supplies-you know, like, food and water-and they left no trace of themselves for future scientists to find, and scientists have been looking for decades, even scientists who's purpose is to prove the bible (even they cannot find evidence), and no one, no one has found evidence to suggest that the Exodus has happened...but they believe...awh f*ck it, you get the point.

So awesome, lates.

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

Hat Tip Atheist Revolution, Funny Stuffs

Just saw this on @vjacks Atheist Revolution and I thought it was funny. Previously I wrote about the atheist/christian troll Tamtampamela and how, I think, she was attempting to be funny, sarcastic, whatever, but it was just offensive. It's a fine line in comedy between offensive and "that sh*t wuz funny". I have nothing but respect for comedians because (insert that cliche saying here).

Gilbert got fired from Aflack for trying to make a funny (I didn't catch the comments) and Joan Rivers stood up for him. I recently saw her docc. (verrrrryyyy funny) and she says something like we should never have to defend comedy. Comedy is a coping mechanism; some peeps use it some don't. I totally agree, but even I have my limits.

This one, this one is funny. Check it out.

* Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work

To Troll Or Not To Troll

WTF. Nothing is right and sane...at least nothing that I can make sense out of. The fakey fake youtube troll going by Tamtampamela, has outraged many peeps by saying that Japan deserves what happened to them because they are godless, or rather they do not worship the correct God. Don't trip it's a hoax.

I just heard about her this morning because there was a twitter trend, something like God hates Japan or something to that extent. Anyways, I think she's one of us, an atheist, and what she has been doing, for a year, is making sarcastic over the top videos on youtube to the god hates fags variety, god hates this god hates that. You get the picture. So basically, she is a troll.

C'mon now atheist blogosphere, we know how we hate our trolls, esp...DM. Dennis Markuze is the thorn in an atheist bloggers side and for that matter, on twitter. If you have not been DM'd, consider yourself lucky. He will spam your blog with epic long stuffs like, I will kill you, repent or die, there is only one God kind of stuff. Perhaps Tamtampamela was a response to that-I do not know. What I do know is that two wrongs do not make spamming the sh*t out of twitter and blogs right.

Well, it's all for naught, now. TTP took her channel off the air. Sure, she did outrage many (the most peeps) with this last God hates Japan video, but that is not why she quit. she actually got tired of angry peeps sending pizza to her pad. You know when peeps get mad at you, then they find your public info., like phone number and address, then...and then, you get hella pizza sent to your place.

See ya Pam. I think logically and intellectually I can understand why you did it, but emotionally...not a very good idea. Enjoy the rest of your cold pizza.

* Must see!!! Godhatesjapan

* A Troll Comes Clean. The very good Atlantic Monthly.

* Three awesome skeptics all on the topic of DM. Must see for atheist bloggers.

* Note: If TTP was doing the videos to show the absurdity of Christians that really do say those things after natural disasters, I can understand that. I just don't think it's right. A troll is a troll is a troll. We don't like it when we get trolled...Awesomeness.

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

White Is Right, Or Not

There is free speech and there is stupid-racist-speech. It appears that UCLA student, Alexandra Wallace participates in the later. The student from my backyard, Fair Oaks, posted a Youtube video that went viral-attracting millions of viewers.

The racist known as Grand Poobah Wallace posted her video after the super tragic tsunami in Japan and in it she ranted about how those beady eyed Asians (I said that, not her, but I wouldn't be surprised) talked loudly on their cells phones. What were those Asians doing, calling Japan to see if their peeps were OK. Those selfish Asians were talking loudly and Grand Wizard Wallace was not having any of it. She was already tired and frustrated by the "hoards" of Asians that populate UCLA and (nonexistent) heaven forbid, how dare they be "loud" when they were attempting to check up on their family after this epic historic tragedy.

Many have called her cell phone to rant back, she has been death threat-ed and the school is contemplating possible expulsion. Her father said that she promised/threatened to create a blog so she can 'go racist' s'more (sheez). She also has the honorable goal of being cast to be in the audience of MTV's Jersey Shore (what a loser).

In times like this we need unity and compassion, not racism. Yesterday I wrote about the xtian prayer app dude that was struck by a hit and run driver and is currently in a coma. I called for compassion, even tho, perhaps, we do not agree on issues. The article did not quote her father as saying that his daughter did any wrong, which is an epic parent fail.

C'mon now, picking on Asian students, the peeps that are quiet and do not bother anyone. What the hell is that. If there was ever a time to be loud, calling home to check on your loved ones is that time. Surely a normal and kind human can forgive for that. Obviously Alexandra Wallace is not normal or kind.

...besides that, we all know that Asians sleep in the library.

* Welcome the the KKK

* Free speech not always appropriate speech

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

"A Note To God," It's Sad But True

He walking down the street and talking on the phone to his homie, probably saying the usual teen stuffs like, "Was' up, yo, " "Hell ya," "I know dude, didja see those muffin tops." His bro on the phone heard a crash and then traffic thundering by, but not dude. His cousin, who was walking to meet him, found a bleeding, unconscious bro-cus in the median and called the police. Allen Wright, 18, has been in the hospital and in a coma ever since. Neurosurgeons said that he has a 30/40 percent chance of regaining consciousness because of the injuries from the hit and run (freekin' coward). Allen also created the iphone app called "A Note To God."

The prayer program, A Note To God, was invented by Allen as he was chillin' and feeling "lonely"-typical teen stuffs. "If you want to send a message , and you don't have anyone to talk to, you could send a little prayer (I think that is kind of sweet, except the prayer thingy)." Over 200,00 prayers have been sent out into ...I actually don't know where they go...out into cybersapce whatever that is. His father has said, " We believe in the power of prayer. Allen needs his idea of "A Note To God" to work for him (Sac Bee)."

I'm feeling really weak lately. I'm so up and down, at one moment I'm strong regular Kriss and the next moment I'm sensitive or zombie like, or both. A couple of weeks ago I may have written something  forceful and commented on the irony or the karma (which, or course, I do not believe in); not now, not today.

I'm thinking about the family and dudes friends. Everyone must be crushed. They went to church every week and just like right now with the tsunami in Japan, I think it's too early to make jokes, or even be negative. I don't care that the prayers went to nowhere (a database), or that others peeps prayers could be read (when prayer are supposed to be between you and God). A young person with his whole life in front of him is now in a coma. We can survive without food or water for periods of time, but lack of oxygen to the brain can result in permanent...well, you know. This week has seen so much death ( thousands of bodies roll up on Japanese beaches), protesters fighting for democracy and freedom have been slain in Bahrain, and now this. I'm sick of it. It is too hard to handle, thus my weakness.

I don't know what kind of believers the Wrights are. Whether they are the "fag haters", or the anti abortion, purity, family values douches, or if they are the liberal and socially conscious believers-people who, except for belief in a supernatural God-I agree with. What I do know is that a young life by the name of Allen is in a coma, everyone around him is probably crushed ( I know I would be ) and that their peeps are asking for prayers (what we call wishful thinking and statistically improbable).

Allen, all I can say is, good luck and I hope the best for you. I'm sure that the doctors here in reality are trying their best...and, good luck Christian homie.

* Sac Bee

* Article A Note To God

* The nice things MEDEL said about dude.