Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Evangelical Feminism...Now I've Heard It All

Don't Point Your Fingers At Me Like That.
Well, have we been hijacked again, or is there such a thingy as evangelical feminism. For Team Atheist, at first blush, it has to be a big WTF, and hell frackin' NO. But I've been wrong before, so what the frock.

Evangelical feminism got it 's oxymoronic self started in those Regan 80's that everyone keeps talking about. The Gip appointed females to lead government positions. In fact, if we take a closer looksie, I think we can see the 80's as a time when evangelical Christianity started to really get going. In the almost two years that I have had this blog I have written about how evangelicals have entire colleges, TV stations and radio. They have purposely infiltrated the prison system and every professional sports league with the intent of spreading their particular brand of belief (recent examples...Michele Bachmann went to an evangelical college and Tim Tebow). Well, we can thank those Regan 80's for all that.

Basically an evangelical feminist is a woman that is in a non-housewife role, out of the house and she is doing well and doing well for da da daaa, Gawd. After the Reagan 80's, the man G.W.Bush continued doing Gawds work and appointed Karen Hughes as an advisor and Condolleeza Rice as secretary of state (CNN BB). And now we are totally fortunate, sooooo fortunate to have Sarah "The Baracuda" Palin and Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann here in 2011. All these ladies, and many more, were raised in the evangelical tradition, went to evangelical colleges and live that good godly evangelical wife life. Awesome...I guess.

So can one be evangelical and feminist at the same time, or did they hijack another word. While I do think that it is so coolio when women are independent, have their own source of income (and freedom) regardless of belief or nonbelief, technically one cannot be feminist and evangelical at the same time (choose another word, I'm taking it back, yo) just because they work outside the home. Just like all these commenter's (I heart you Team Atheist) I feel that feminism is about equal rights and fair treatment for all women and evangelical automatically means being in second place (sorry all you xtian cuties doin' it out there).

I actually don't really care if some women of faith are evangelical or not, my concern is a secular public square. When I do start to care is when I feel that I'm being bombarded by someone else's faith. Does the Barracuda really need to mention Gawd all the time. Did she and Bachmann really rise to their positions because the Guy in the Sky is watching over them and answering their prayers, or should hard work and humanity get the credit. Besides that...stop stealing our words, yo.

Awesome buddies.

* Original article CNN Belief Blog

* Follow up article with awesome comments. I heart you Team Atheist, really.

* PFD book called Evangelical Feminism. I didn't read it.

* Like I said on FB yesterday, my crappy posts get all the attention. I have a feeling this one is gonna be real popular. Took me forever to write it and it's not very clear. You know what I say...chalk it up to experience and try harder tomorrow. Oh yea, and you can follow me on Twitter @thesexyatheist and on FB as my alias Kriss Cam. Lates.

Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Filipino Booty Inspector

 OoooKkkkaaaay. I'll just say it...The F.B.I, and in this case that means the Federal Bureau of Investigation and not Filipino Booty Inspector, hired, that is hired, Westboro Baptist Church to give seminars to young agents. When I first started reading the article I was, like, WTF and so not LOL, but after finishing the article, I now agree with their intent.

The anonymous bureau peep that set up the seminars, and who refuses to be named, said that he intended it to be a lesson in counter terrorism for the young agents. Afterall, years ago the F.B.I. did have the K.K.K. give talks to agents, so why not WBC. The intent was to put young agents in a situation where they totally do not agree with someone, which can deff. happen in the field, so they could train their patience.

Alas, all good things come to an end and when several agents complained about WBC they were shown the door. A one line note was sent to the agent that set up the seminars from a higher up and it simply said, "the FBI, it said, is not to invite Westboro to any of its training sessions again." Short, simple and sweet just like me.

Thanks for the memories, now don't let the door hit you on the way out. Lates.

* Blogger I really heart the free service and all, but...c'mon now. why can't I upload all those funny pics of anti WBC signs. God Hates Kittens...damm, that sh*t is funny. Whatever.


Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Do The Trog

Actually, let's do both...and then we'll see what happens. Wink wink.
 First a funny story. I was trying to get a new apartment and the super old Chinese landlord (who later lost my check) asked me in his heavy Chinese accent "Do you do trog." I knew what  he was talking about but I wasn't gonna say "yea dude, I totally do drugs. What I said was, "The Trogs (band from the 60's), yea, I like them a lot. Good bass player." He had no idea what I was talking about...and yes, I got the apartment.

Recently there has been hella talk about the stupid, costly (both monetary and in human lives), and stupid war on drugs. Former president Jimmy "Peanut" Carter, Oprah and ex UN president Kofi are all about the legalization of the trogs. Yet, stubbornly the US government is clinging to their destructive war.

This is a great article from da da daaa, Religion Dispatches about ending the stupid war on drugs. Why does a religious site have an article about drugs. In the article they talk about the spiritual experiences that taking certain drugs can produce. The magic mushrooms, psilocybin research has shown, can have lasting spiritual effects on the user. In certain cultures it is a rights of passage to eat the fungi and go find your animal. Only recently have governments and leaders been open to such results.

Raves, dancing at 4am w/1,000's of hotties...will I ever see you again. Le sigh.
Post Traumatic Stress disorder is at an all time high right now with many, many soldiers returning home with lasting scars from their experience. The newest research has shown that just taking MDMA, the active ingredient in ecstasy, for a very short time can have lasting effects on PTSD. Right now this is so important because of budget cuts, the reeling economy and the failure of the government to provide good and lasting care for all the brave peeps that have fought for our freedom. And besides that, AlterNet is awesome.

Get your geek and your high on in this Mother Jones article about...magic mushrooms. Charts, footnotes and research from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. What is not to like.

Finally, this is a great piece from the Mighty Al Jazeera. The Flying Men of Yungas Valley is soooo good. Here in the states we are led to believe that the war on drugs is good for other countries (S. America) and the local inhabitants. In this mini-doc we get a glimpse of local farmers harvesting their coca crops and chewing what looks to me like, delicious coca  leaves. They don't look like terrorists to me, they look like good peeps that work hard. Nuff said on that.

Personally I have done drugs for over half of my life. Currently, I'am not doing any drugs right now and the only one that I really want...I'm waiting for (couple more weeks, yo). Although I did try some weed the other day called Hindu Kush and it did make my brain relaxed and made my body feel good. Anyways....

The War on Drugs is totally stupid pants and that sh*t needs to stop, like, a couple of decades ago. Americas desire for drugs has not waned at all since this particular war had started. So why not give the peeps what they want and save some dollars (billions) and more importantly...save some lives.

Why not indeed.

Update On Abusive Faith Healing Parents.

I dare ya to put your hands on me. I dare ya.
Back in May I wrote about super stupid and abusive parents, Timothy and Rebecca Wyland. They are the Oregon couple that had to go to court because they thought God would heal their infant daughter, Alayna. who had a hemangioma that could have blinded her.  The court ordered some good 'ol scientific medical care and guess what...she recovered.

"Your prayers should complement, not compete with, proper medical care," Clackamas County Circuit Judge Jeffrey S. Jones said in his brief and sternly worded comments to Timothy and Rebecca Wyland (Huff Po)."

Unfortunately this will not be the last we hear from this church, Followers of Christ (Oregon), because another couple is also being tried in a similar case. The part that I don't get is...where are the reasonable believers in this. The atheist  blogosphere is alive when news like this comes out. It seems to, 'lil 'ol me, that the less extreme believers would denounce such backwards and harmful beliefs. Whatever.

The Wylands only got 90 days in jail, so they will soon be free to abuse the rest of their children. Le sigh.

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

The Presbyterian Church of Selective Biblical Passages

Here's a variation on that famous Woody Allen statement...(by me btw)...I wouldn't want to be a member of a club that didn't want me as a member. And that, ladies and germs, is what is ado in the Presbyterian Church. Almost like a homophobic mirror that reflects exactly what is going on here in the States, the Presbyterian Church is in a state of disarray, they are split and divided. What is it that they are divided on...the gays.

Yes those super powerful gays (and the entire GLBT community), ya know with their hurricane, tornado, earthquake and flooding powers, as well as very preppy and clean good looks, are destroying the Presbyterian Church,,,or are they.

Here in my backyard, the super sunny and perfect weather'd Sac Town, Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church was the first major congregation to split from the mainstream church over the ordaining of GLBT clergy. If fact, the split is happening all over the country and believers are picking sides. On one side some believers are saying that all God's children are created equal and on the other side they are saying gays begone, so sayith the Lord.

This is the part of being in a club that doesn't want me, you, us as members. Those vague passages that peeps use to discriminate against GLBT'rs are...well, vague at best-but that certainly doesn't stop them from using it to discriminate. God himself said get out of my club, you are not wanted, you are a sinner because you have a certain kind of sex and that is bad.

It is exactly like black peeps, now and back in the day, that practice Christianity. Back in the day slave owners and politicians used the bible to justify slavery. The bible made it OK. Sure it was Christianity that was influential in redemption and the freeing of the slaves, but if we are to give credit to Christianity for that, then we also have to give credit for putting slaves in that position in the first place. The same thingy is going on with GLBT and the Presbyterian Church. 

Which is it. Does God not want the GLBT in clergy position in the church or not. Depends on which side you ask. Are all gods creatures created equal, or are all Gods creatures created equal...except women, GLBT , other religions, infidels and animals. Well, howz about asking the third side, the atheist side.

"It is the biggest upheaval I have ever seen," said the Rev. Donald Baird of Fremont Presbyterian Church the largest in the area. "This is my worst nightmare. What does it mean when those openly violating Scripture are ordained (Sac Bee)?"

Yeaaaaa, what does it mean to openly violate scripture. Let's see. If you pick up sticks on Sunday, then God will kill you. If you get married and are not a virgin, God will kill you. What if peeps don't want to be ruled by you, then God will kill you (thanks Luke 19:27). What if you are hungry, well, then eat the flesh of your sons and daughters (see that, it's not only atheists that eat babies. Thanks Leviticus 26:29). The point that I'm trying to make is that when one cherry picks from the bible, when one selects certain passages to live by and then ignore others, then that my dear, kind, gentle and very goodlooking readers, that is dookie.

So the Presbyterian Church has selected certain passages to live by, vague passages that may or may not mean that homosexuality is an abomination, while totally ignoring others (I can hear some believer saying, F*ck that, I'll pick up sticks any f*ckin' time I want, yo. awesome.). So, if I wuz the gay would I want to belong to the club called the Presbyterian Cherry Pickers Church of Selective Biblical Passages...fuck that, yo.

* Check out the super awesome Skeptics Annotated Bible, if you dare. Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa.

* A little more clear headed today for those out there keeping score. Still, I don't have confidence in this post. I feel like I could have written it in a shorter amount of time and could have been less scatterbrained about it. I'm not sure I got my point across and...I'm not sure what my point is. Just like that great song from the 80's says, "Life is a big struggle, but never give in (randomly kick things and punch them in frustration, but don't give in)."

* Article on slavery and the bible. Huff Po Religion.

Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

When To Appeal To Authority

M & M's can be dangerous. It depends on which ones you choose.

I used to be a lay believer. That is someone who is not a professional person of faith; just a regular old peep that goes to church on Sunday and believes in the Great Surveillance Camera in the Sky. If you are clergy or are a biblical scholar, then I consider that a professional believer. Right now I call myself a lay atheist. I have no degrees in philosophy or sicence and I'm not on the professional debating tour. In fact, I believe that most peeps, whether you have belief or not, are lay peeps. So what is a lay person to do when contemplating all the great questions...appeal to authority.

Appealing to authority is actually considered a logical fallacy, which in many cases is a no no, no frackin' way. The reality is, is that one must appeal to authority to get information. Afterall, that is how we learn. If everyone was an authority on everything (impossible) then we would not need colleges, blogs, newspapers and, my favorite, the super awesome atheist blogsophere. I guess the trick is doing it at the right time(s).

Today's post at Debunking Christianity is a great example. Today John, who has three masters degrees in divinity, has let Dr. Hector Avalos (End of Biblical Studies) respond to a Dr. Flannagan (believer). That is a lot of degrees y'all. The folks at DC are responding to lawyer believers that run the Christian blog called M & M.

To me, a lay atheist, when I go to M & M (and yes I do go to Christian blogs. To know them is to debate them...and win) I'am overwhelmed by....err, how frackin' smart they are compared to me. Honestly, if there were super smart Christian peeps leading me (and deceiving me) when I was younger, then I probably would never have become and atheist-probably. I think it was last year when John (Debunking Christianity) was debating them in a series of online exchanges. It all went over my head (and yet still informative). Likewise, I could never argue or debate with William Lane Craig or Dinesh D'Souza (Ray Comfort, fo sho. I'd destroy that dude). They are just too smart (and even tho I know that the Christian Gawd is impossible, I know that their debating skills and rhetoric are just too much for me. Just being honest). So what is a lay atheist to do.

If you are not an authority on something, or an expert in a certain field, then you must, must, appeal to authority. That is just how it is. I don't care how smart you are, or how much college you have or how much life experience you have-no one is an expert at everything. At some time we all have to appeal to authority. I guess the trick is picking the right, or correct authority.

For example, there are atheist peeps that believe that a man who walked the erffs in first century Palestine, that would be Jesus, never existed. There are peeps that gravitate to Tim Callahan and Robert Price-two authorities in that area. But what about Acharya S. She says the same thingies, but her critics, and there are many of them, totally poo poo her (and ya know what, I don't know why). If you are a believer, then you might appeal to the authority of the Pope or William Lane Craig, but would ya consult Westboro Baptist Church or the disgraced pastor Eddie "my porn name is the same" Long. I would not.

The majority of us, on either side, need to appeal to authority to learn. In fact, that is how one learns many times. But who...who do you choose? Personally, I stick to peeps that are mainstream-ish (and that is generally speaking). If you want to study physics, then you should stick to the mainstream and generally accepted scientists out there. There are exceptions. A dude, Hassim Haramein, that is offering a nu-physics.

He claims to be an outsider in the science community and has claimed to have discovered the theory for everything (that is micro and macro physics all in one. The general theory of relativity that explains everything. The thingy that real scientists have been looking for for years. OK?). But he also believes that UFO's have intentionally left crop circles on the erffs to leave a message for earthlings. OK again). So who's authority do you appeal to, traditional and credible science, or the outcast. In this case, I choose the traditional.

The same goes for everything atheist and skeptic. We are not all experts in textual criticism or understand ancient Aramaic. Do we believe the traditional biblical scholars that are towing the line to save their jobs, or do we, in this case, go for the Bart Erhmann's and the Hecotr Avalos' (the later in this case). Personally, as far as analyzing Christianity, Debunking Christianity  has done me right, so right. I have no reason to not believe John, or his guest posters.

Once again we have a choice. Who do we believe. who do we not believe. who's authority do we appeal to, or not. Now that one my friends...is up to you. Good luck.

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

My Weakened State Explained

Dammmmm, that sucks...for me.
Why is it that for seemingly no reason, I will break down in tears and sob (complete with hyperventilating and uncontrollable crying). When I see a certain type of truck pass by, or let my depressed and anxious brain run and run with uncontrollable thoughts; thoughts that when examined, do not make sense, then I cry again. Welcome to the depressed brain, my brain.

"When your biology changes, so can your decision-making and your desires. The drives you take for granted (“I’m a heterosexual/homosexual,” “I’m attracted to children/adults,” “I’m aggressive/not aggressive,” and so on) depend on the intricate details of your neural machinery. Although acting on such drives is popularly thought to be a free choice, the most cursory examination of the evidence demonstrates the limits of that assumption (link)."

Why is it that I want to cut my luxurious, long, black silky, waist length hair all of a sudden? Why is it that I want to leave town all of a sudden (when I have always proclaimed love for Sac-Town). Seemingly, I have no choice in the matter.

I have had episodes of depression several times since my Ju-Co years playing tennis. At that time I really didn't know what it was and foolishly, I thought I could walk it off and tuff it out. That is not the case. I'm not bummed out, like I lost my wallet (that would imply control. I certainly have no control right now). I'm clinically depressed. I have low serotonin levels and the only thing that can make that right is, Prozac, or The Zac as I call it.

Where are ya baby, I need ya so badly.
There is no denying that changes in brain chemistry, no matter how large or small, will change your behavior. It is like the mind and the brain. Without the brain, there is no mind. Why is it that seemingly small things, right now to me, are so huge and I can't let go of them? Why is it that things that are none of my business dominate my mind, err brain. This is not Kriss. I'm casual and carefree (at least from what I remember), but now I'm constantly frustrated and even...angry. Thanks brain chemistry.

"As recently as a century ago, a common approach was to get psychiatric patients to “toughen up,” through deprivation, pleading, or torture. Not surprisingly, this approach was medically fruitless. After all, while psychiatric disorders tend to be the product of more-subtle forms of brain pathology, they, too, are based in the biological details of the brain (link)."

Along with those thingies, suggested to me over and over, is exercise. "Kriss, are you exercising?" Ugh, have you even seen me. I need to exercise more. Please. That example as well as those above are trying to place the blame on environment and not biology. I've always been a walk it off kind of person, and if anyone could walk this off, it would be me. I can't be any tuffer than a 42 year old martial artist bad frackin' ass (really is there anyone tuffer than that. sheez). 

"No amount of threatening will chase away depression, but a little pill called fluoxetine often does the trick (link)."

And that is what I'm after. I'm going thru the process to get me some County medical aid, specifically flouxetine, otherwise known as Prozac. 

"The more we discover about the circuitry of the brain, the more we tip away from accusations of indulgence, lack of motivation, and poor discipline—and toward the details of biology. The shift from blame to science reflects our modern understanding that our perceptions and behaviors are steered by deeply embedded neural programs (link)."

I'm a proud skeptic and I'm open to the evidence. If it were as easy as doing certain things in my environment, dontcha think that I would have done it already (the answer is yes, a definite yes). When I first went on The Zac years ago, I really debated it. I certainly didn't want to make it worse and fo sho...I was scared of the unknown. As it turned out, The Zac is more awesome than opossums. I was afraid that it would make me a zombie or change who I was. I was wrong. The only thing it changed was...my brain chemistry, for the better.

My every waking moment is filled with fear and excessive worry. What the f*ck is that! That is not Kriss. I'm on the verge of cutting my hair and leaving town (for what I do not know, that is just where my mind, in it's weakened state, leads me). The only thing I have going for me right now is hope and my rational (what is left of it). I'm still a skeptic and an atheist, but fo sho, I'm not Kriss right now. I'm holding out and waiting for the call from county. Until then, I hope that I do not make any harsh lifestyle changes, changes that I may regret later when I get better. What I have is my understanding of biology and brain chemistry and I'm clinging to it. I'm clinging to it so hard.

Wish me luck.

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Louis CK Learns About The Catholic church.

Dam, I was raised Catholic. I just saw this on Infidel753, where strangely...I'm not on the blogroll (gonna halfta take of that). Louis CK is totally funny. If I had TV and had cable I would probably watch his show. Any-who...lates.


The Church Of Weed

The Lord of Weed...not really tho.
Howz about a little fun today, and (nonexistent) Lord I need it. Convicted felon, Robert Henry, was growing hella weed, got busted, but doesn't believe that he did anything wrong. He told the judge that he is the minister of a cannabis based church. Oooookkkkaaaayyyyy. If that is so, then I'm the hot brown Jesus (I smoked for your sins) of every denomination of said churches.

"The 51-year-old minister of a cannabis-based church, Henry was sentenced to between 61/2 and 13 years in state prison for operating a marijuana-growing operation from his jail cell in early 2010 (link)." 

Look man, I have smoked the weeds since I was 15 (I'm currently 41.5 and am not smoking weed. Part of the new Kriss) and I do believe that it should be legalized, decriminalized and the product should be taxed to help the fledgling economy and unemployment. What I don't believe in is making sh*t up. If dude was a Rasta, those sexist and homophobic weed smokers, then maybe I would cut dude some slack. He doesn't look like a Rasta to me. 

I believe in doing things the correct way. If you are going to grow the weeds, then do it with a license in a place where you won't get busted (the same goes for sex, cheaters and manipulates are total losers). Robert Henry did not do that. What he did was make up a religion to save himself from getting busted. 

Ya know, on a side note, it reminds me of biblical scholar, one of the dudes that worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls, John M. Allegro. His book alleges that when you decipher the New Testament you will clearly see that early Christianity was a mushroom, sex cult. I'd easier believe that, from a biblical scholar, than a made up church from a dirty stinky felon hippie.

Have a nice weekend everyone and thanks for all the support.

I smoked for your sins.

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

OK, It Looks Like It's Working

Wow and I do mean WOW. It appears that our efforts for world peace thru a secular society is making headway. The super awesome Pew Research Center has come out with another survey that states that evangelical influence is...waning (yippee). Congrats New Atheist and all who battle for a secular and fair public square.

“There was a time when there was a Ten Commandments in every classroom, there were prayers in public places,” he said. “So having gone from that position of considerable influence, even though we might actually have more influence than churches in ... other parts of the world, the sense is that it’s slipping from our hands (Thanks RNS, I really do heart you)."

To win the war, you must win the tiny battles. Sometimes it seems really petty every time an atheist or an atheist foundation wants to take prayer out of school, or take all the stupid religious relics out of the public square, but ya know what folks, that shit adds up. So much so, evangelical leaders are going poo poo in their biblicaly literal pants. Where their influence is on the decline here in the states, it is on the uprise in thirdworld countries. Fret not dear New Atheists, one battle at a time-that is how we win this one.

Of all the evangelical leaders surveyed, 92% said that secularism is the reason for the minimizing of their influence. What does that mean? Well, what I hope it means is that peeps are realizing that they should not take the bible literally (which is the main part of evangelical belief). Stories like the Exodus, the Great Flood and even the Resurrection can be interpreted as symbolic stories to learn from (just like any folklore), but when evangelical leaders are asking, no demanding, that peeps believe these stories to be historically true (the Road to Damascus, really) then I think that is where we got them.

Our efforts, together like a team should be, is getting the word out there and I believe that thinking adults are catching on. The bible is not a historical document,  it is a collection of stories, many of which were borrowed and stolen from previous cultures (dying and rising Gawds anyone, Pagans, Mediteranians etc...). A man that walked here on erffs was part of a trinity (a man, a ghost and part God) and he will literally come back to erffs to save a certain segment of the population that guessed correctly and practices the one correct belief out of a million gazillion beliefs. A thinking adult is supposed to believe that shit. Apparently the rest of the population is catching up to us...The Mighty Team Atheist.

Let's not celebrate yet, tho. To win one battle out of many is not to win the war. When I was playing competitive Jr College Tennis and I had a lead the coach always said "step on his neck." What that means is that when you get the lead, when you get the upper hand, then go in for the kill, get in there and finish this thing. The New Atheist are at that point right now. I never believed that in my lifetime that I would see a truly secular and fair society for everyone, perhaps it is time to change my mind.

Sure our efforts are reaping benefits...right now, but we have to keep the petal to the metal. Now is not a time to let up. We have Mitt "The Moron" Romney running fer president (sheez, what is more fake than Joseph Smith's fakey fake religion, nothing). Not only that, we still have the Barracuda and the new danger in town, Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann in the mix. The last two believe in end of times. They believe that an established Israel is a sing (sine?) of the end of the world. They believe that he is coming back in their lifetimes. I do not want their fingers on the button.

Let's celebrate this particular victory and pat ourselves on the back...for now, for today and tonight. But when tomorrow comes let's get back to work (esp. me, I've been slacking), let's put our reasonable, rational noses to the grindstone. and ultimately...let's step on some neck. I can't do this alone, and neither can you, but together, like a real team...we can do this.

Team Atheist forever.

* Religious News Service

* Pew Research. Check this one out. So awesome.

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

We "Suck" Again

Well folks, Team Atheist comes in last again. A recent poll came to the conclusion that  we are totally hated in the very religious political landscape, again.  Of course it is not really a reflection on us, it is about them.

A poll asking if peeps would vote for a Mormon, Mitt Romney, show the total prejudice that American voters have when choosing a president. As if belief, or nonbelief, even mattered, American voters vote for their religion. Remember when there was controversy over Kennedy, a Catholic, becoming president (yea, me neither, I was too young), well, the same thingy is happening for the moron, err, I mean Mormon Romney. Who the hell cares what one believes in private. I care about what their stance is on war, the budget, feminism, GLBT issues and everything and anything...except what religion they practice (1).

In this poll 49% of the peeps asked said that they would not vote for an atheist. Well, the numbers do not lie and what that means is that 49% of the peeps surveyed...are stupid.

Thank you and have a nice day (I know I will not).


(1) I do care what religion one practices when they vote to oppress certain peeps. In general, religion does not matter in a politician, that is as long as their religion does not influence their voting. For example, if a politician votes against GLBT issues because the bible told them, well, that is tooooootally stupid pants.

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Winner of the Miss Lame-o Contest

I'm not sure I got the right pic, or person, and I don't frackin' care.
In 2011 there are still beauty pageants, or as I call them-and I'm correct on this one-booty pageants. Any-who, Alyssa Campanella won this years T and A contest. The thingy that is cool about this totally throwback sexist event is that she is...da da daaa, a history geek. Not only that, when asked the question "Should evolution be taught in schools", she gave a good answer. Yippie.

Rewind to last year and the question, err, I forgot the question, but Carrie "Because the bible told me so" Prejean said that marriage should be only between a man and a woman. After that she was expelled from the title, but she did go on to a lucrative tour of Christian radio and TV wearing her Christianity on her sexist and uneducated sleeve (I'm in a bad mood, can ya tell). So, I guess this years winner is an upgrade...I guess.

<iframe width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/UkBmhM0R2A0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>iframe>

If you can stomach the stupidity then watch the vid. If not, then go to Blag Hag. Jen does a good synopsis of the vid and of course she is in her anti-sexist, feminist and atheist best. The Atheist Jew also has a write up. The only thing I really have to say right now is fuck fuck, bullshit, sexist bastards the bible is made up and there is no Gawd.

Thank you.

ps I don't care how much booty you have, or how much your titties are hanging out. If you re-lie on looks to make it thru the world then you are a piece of shit. I will take brains, the ones above the neckline and morals and ethics (really hating on scumbags as of lates) anytime and anyday of the week. If you are a sexist bastard who's only goal is getting laid...then you are a piece of shit.

Nuff said.

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Props to NBC

Howz about just bless America, err, I can even do with out the bless part.

Well, apparently when I was working 7 out of 7 days a week, when some peeps had the luxury of sitting back and drinking hella beers while watching the US Open Golf Championships, NBC made a valiant attempt to be...fair. Unbeknownst to me (as I was working a job that sucks rocks, is there even such a thing as happiness anymore. sheez) during the pledge of allegiance before the broadcast NBC omitted the words "under God" and "indivisible." Wow. I mean WOW. Could it be that a major network attempted to make the world a better place...make the world a secular place. Secularist, don't cheer just yet.

I wanna be like, this, Mike. Thanks homie.
The instant backlash against the audacious network was fierce and, well...instant. Calls for a boycott of NBC and it's sponsors flooded social media outlets like the super awesome Twitter (follow me @thesexyatheist) and the great evil, Facebook. Announcer, Dan Hicks, had to bow down to the pressure of Christian privilege and explain the networks intention. So we take one step forward, and then two steps back.

For years the super awesome Michael Newdow has been going thru the court systems, all the way to the Supreme Court, to get those very same words taken out of the pledge of allegiance-but to no avail. OK brainiacs, correct me on this one but, it was not until 1954 that the words "under God" were inserted into the pledge. Just like when interpolation in that fraudulent bible happens, and is wrong, when it happens in the Pledge, that is wrong also.

More so than that, when one group of peeps complains because, in this case a network, tried to be fair to everyone, then that is dookie. It really is the definition of Christian privilege. The pledge does not only belong to Christians even tho they think it does because they hijacked it in the 50's. This is why the New Atheists and people like Michael Newdow are so important. Secularists like ourselves want a fair and just public square for everyone. The battle is about that.

Kudos to NBC for at least trying, and dookie to all the unfair peeps that complained about that.

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

The Power of Schmower

If you want to waste your money, don't buy this book, just send it to me. Thanks.

In my weakened state a total sweetheart let me borrow this book to read. I believe that she has nothing but good intentions and in her heart...she believes that this particular self help book will help me. I'm half way thru it and 1) it is helping, but not in the way she thought and 2) I can't believe all the crap that I am reading.

First let's look at the terminology: essence portals, inner energy, chi bridge, energy fields, the Unmanifested, psychic immune system, delusion of time and the Now. The last one is really good because the author, Eckhart Tolle, has coined a term that already exists.

The Now is the moment; ya know that thingy that lasts forever. If you can be in the Now, then you are living in the moment. There is nothing wrong with that. We should all live in the moment, and live in the moment for the sake of the future, but we should do so for the right reasons.

Look man, my weakened state is also called anxiety and depression with accentuated excessive worry. It can be approached chicken and egg style. Does environment come first, or does brain chemistry come first. Being the materialist skeptic that I am, I believe the latter. Does environment come into play, yes, of course it does-I've never denied that. But...

There are peeps, like Tolle, that believe if one can take care of one's environment, then everything falls into place (and I'm sure that there are instances where that is the case, but not for me, this time). So far during this particular episode of depression, I have had peeps tell me, "just go outside and be around people (that only makes it worse)", "dude you need to get laid (that in adolescent at best)", and the super stupid "just don't worry (well, when you have low serotonin levels, and randomly obsessive and excessive thoughts go into your head, then WTF. They are talking about the symptom, I'm talking about the root.). If it was as easy as taking care of the environmental factors, dontcha think I would have done it (and I have been doing it). Personally, I feel that even tho well meaning people are giving me advice, they are not listening to me, or they do not have enuff respect or belief in me to know that 1) I am doing all that I can and 2) that I already know the pop psychology that they are spewing at me. Thanks anyways y'all. Back to the book.

In the early 90's, before skeptic and atheist Kriss, when I was Chris, I ate up many many self help type books. I was an ardent practitioner of the (failed) men's movement, led by poet Robert Bly and fo sho I really really liked the books of John Gray (of the Mars and Venus series fame) (1). The thingy about that phase of my life is that it led me to the next phase and the next phase and eventually to...super awesome Team Atheist, Team Skeptic and #teambro phase(s). You have to learn how to crawl, then walk, and eventually...you learn how to run.

If this was the early 90's I would have eaten up this book, went to dudes lectures and, of course, paid hella money for all those thingies. I'm not in that phase right now. What dude is promoting is a watered down version of Buddhism, Taoism and Eastern philosophy in general. If Christopher "Our Hero" Hitchens can call born again Christianity(ies) the cafeteria of belief (because they pick and choose from many beliefs to make their own belief), then I can call this particular New Age Mysticism the cafeteria of the New Age. What dude is doing is picking parts of established beliefs systems like Buddhism and Hinduism, repackaging it, and then calling it his own. There was a part in the book where he says that (insert his coined phrase here) is not chi (an established, and yet false, belief) but something more. He wants you to learn his terminology and beliefs and then and only then, will you be able to live a happy and healthy life. I call b*llsh*t on that, even in my weakened state.

Does it help or can it help. I have no doubt in my mind that it can help someone (even me.). The thingy about it is, will it help for the reasons they say, or will it help for another reason. Let me explain. In the book and in New Age-y stuffs in general, positive thinking, mindful breathing and general positiveness is always the prescription for anything that ails you (and anytime a panacea is prescribed I hope you skeptic meter is going off-otherwise I'll revoke your skeptics card). In the book dude goes over mindful breathing. Mindful breathing is a cheap ripoff of the Chinese Martial art called chi gong.

Chi gong is the precursor of Tai Chi, Hsing Yi and then the highest level of esoteric Chinese martial arts Bag Gua. Basically it is just regular relaxed breathing. If you subscribe to the BS, then the mindful breathing, if done correctly, fills you reservoirs of chi and from there you will be more healthy, happy and, my intent of studying internal martial arts in the first place, you will be hella powerful. Yes and no.

Chi gung does work, but not for the reasons that they want you to believe. First of all, if you believe the philosophy then you are filling your reservoirs of chi (which I do not believe in) and from there everything happens. What is happening in the real world, the materialist world, is that you are relaxing and when you relax the evolved human brain is telling your evolved human body to release chemicals that, guess what, relax you. This has real world benefits like lower blood pressure, relaxation and overall well being. If you are a materialist, like me, then you acknowledge that there in nothing but chemical reactions in the brain. If that is not happening, then nothing is happening.

Does a tree fall in the forest, anytime anywhere. Well, not if there is not a human brain and a person attached to it to experience the tree falling. As Stephen Hawking said, take any component away from the brain, then the mind does not exist. What the New Ager's want us to believe is that there is, mind without the brain, that there is some sort of consciousness, a collective chi-y-ness between all people and the universe that is connected to, here it comes...Gawd. We are ourselves, people here on earffs, and we are this chi-y collective that is universally connected. The materialist worldview states that that...is dookie.

OK, in my weakened state I'm babbling. So here is the wrap up. The author of the book wants us to believe that his made up terminology, the terminology that is a watered down version of legit, and yet fake, philosophies like Buddhism and Hinduism, it the way. His way is the way to happiness, and as far as my weakened state is concerned, it is a way thru anxiety and depression, which is purely brain chemistry (he does say that in the book). His particular mindfulness is the way, even tho it is stolen from Eastern philosophy and unoriginal. If you subscribe to his way would you get better, maybe, but not for the reasons he says.

Even tho I'm in a weakened state I still have my skeptics brain (for now). I still have all the knowledge that I have acquired in my 42 plus years of life, whether it is all the CAM I studied (esp). in the 90's and all the scientific method-y stuffs I have studied since then. I know what I know. I know a liar when I see a liar and I know when I'm being deceived. There is a reason why many people poo poo New Age books and New Age mysticism...it is dookie.

(1) From that time I also started reading feminist books like Backlash, The Feminine Mystique and one of my favs, The Beauty Myth. I'm still a feminist, but I am no longer into self help or pop psychology.

* I cannot emphasize enuff that the sweetheart that let me borrow this book is, well, a sweetheart. I have known her for a long time, I have watched her grow up into a good person, I know her family and I sincerely believe that she is a good person. She let me borrow this book because she is a good person and she sees that I am in pain and she wants to help me. My thoughts and critiques of this book are no reflection on her whatsoever. Thanks "J" I really appreciate it.


* Oh yea, the way that the book is helping is that it is making me focus. If I do not focus right now them my brain will just run and run. Crazy thoughts will come into my head and wheter I am right or wrong, in thought, well...nevermind.......

Baddass Feminist Atheist, C'est Moi

This was on Uzz's Left Hemisphere's Blog.
Whoever said that there are no female atheist has not ever looked at my blog reader. Representing and representing hard this godless Sunday morning are (some of) the ladies that make the super awesome atheist blogosphere go round.

Very quickly Lady Atheist is becoming an every day-er to me. To make my everyday reading list you have to have certain qualities, the most important...you have to be good at blogging. Today on Lady Atheist "The Bibles Contradictions..."

Ted "Male Prostitute Lover" Haggard in the docc Jesus Camp.
I have mentioned Rosa before when she first came on to the atheist blogger scene and I mentioned how she became instantly popular (and how I was, sort of, jealous...awh, I was jealous, I'll just admit it.). I dropped her a note a couple of weeks back encouraging her to write more and guess what...she is on a tear. Watch out theist. I also mentioned, before, that she is a brainiac...much more than little 'ol me. Is There Anything More Bizarre Than Religion?

Hello Scuba Nurse. I mean Hellllooooo, I'm Kriss.
"Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History." Everyone, if you don't already know her...Scuba Nurse. Unfortunately this one is about SAD, but that is what I'm going thru right now. And...well. Just give her support. Awesome.

Jen, aka The Blag Hag, has armies of followers at her command...ready to kill. Well, not really, at least I don't think so. Blag Hag is a lot of fun and games and everything concerning atheist activist...and sometimes, beer. This time she is serious pants and reports on a 70 y/o stoned to death for being...the gay. Great work Jen.

Who said that there are no female atheist. The same peeps that said there are no female atheist minorities. Well don't say that sh*t anymore. A Black Woman Thinks, in this post, links up with the awesome Greta Christina, and they go all blogroll-y with their atheist of color list. Check it out.

And finally...the new kid on the atheist block, Blond Nonbeliever. She is just getting back from a road trip where she met The Friendly Atheist and saw Tim Minchen in concert (I'm fracking jealous, yo). When i first started there were many that put me on their blogrolls, gave me encouragement and most importantly directed peeps to my blog. It's payback time. Check her out, ya know you want to.

This is just a random sample on this particular Sunday morning of the blogs that I subscribe to. It just happened too be filled with awesome female atheist bloggers. Think about this peeps, what if it was like this everyday...what if it is like this everyday.

Thanks ladies. Awesome sauce.


Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

The Power of Dookie Pants

Self help books, really.
As I have mentioned many times in the past couple of weeks/months I am in a weakened state (depression and anxiety highlighted with excessive worry and really crappy random thoughts) and because I live in a loving and caring environment (thank you peeps) , people are coming out of the woodwork to offer help; sometimes it is good like "let's have a beer and just talk, and sometimes it is bad advice like "dude, you just need to get laid." Recently, a super hottie let me borrow a self help book because she cares (and I really really do think that is so nice). I'm going thru anxiety and depression...I'm not stupid.

Being Asian and growing up with Eastern philosophy and also reading hella self help and pop psychology books in my 20's, 1) I think it is audacious that peeps think they know more than I know when it comes to Eastern philosophy and 2) even tho I'm going thru anxiety and depression, I'm still a skeptic and an atheist and, as of right now, I still have rational thought on my side. Letting go, letting the chips fall where they may and living in the moment are available to everyone. Believers always hijack things like that, and morals and ethics, and they really and truly believe that they are the sole possessor's of those qualities. Of course that is not true.

I've only read a couple of chapters of this book, but because of my experience, I'm pretty sure I know what the content is. More on that later. So howz about now, let's cut with Oscams razor and sharpen the skeptics toolbox.

First of all dude, Eckhart Tolle-if that is your real name-tells us that his is the way and it is unique. Well, don't tell that to Marianne Williamson, Thin Thick Than and Pema Chodran, John Gray, Rhonda Byrne, and Deepak Chopra to name a few off the top of my head. All these peeps subscribe to Eastern philosophy, which I actually believe that some of it is cool, but when you get into the universal (un)consciousness stuffs and the universe has a plan for you (to be happy), then that is when my skeptic meter, even in my weakened state, goes off.

One of the first thingies that dude says in the book it that "you are a beggar." What he means by that is that you, me and everyone, has an emptiness in our lives and it can only be filled by his way; which also means buying his books and attending his seminars and all that costs money. And that folks is how they get you. Sure right now I'm going thru stuffs and anyone else that is seeking to improve their situations is going thru stuffs-that is why we got this book in the first place-but when someone is going thrus tuffs and saying that they have a hole in their lives, and that our way is the way to fill that hole, well, that is the snake in the snake oil. If it sounds exactly like belief, or Christianity, that is because it is.

The copy on the book says "spiritual enlightenment". OooooKaaaayyyy. What ever that sh*t is. At the recent talk from the super awesome Greta Christiana, she talks about the hijacking of the word 'spiritual.' Really, the self help crowd, the crowd that earns hundreds of millions a year, wants us to believe that they have the keys to spirituality and that their way is the only way. In an attempt to distance themselves from religion, the new ager's have created their own spirituality and in the process, they have created their own religion. Spirituality, really onset spirituality, belongs to everyone. There is no one that has the market on that and each person may have their own way to said spirituality. Don't let anyone make you think differently.

So anyways...I just started the book and ya know what...I may just be reading some nite and have a nervous breakdown (which happens daily) and then I'll see the light (and that means, I'll interpret the nervous breakdown as being something more than a chemical process in my brain-low serotonin levels-and attribute it to...Gawd) and then miraculously I will be cured (not). I'm still gonna read it tho...

This situation reminds me of stories of peeps on their death bed (and I am on my death bed. A new Kriss will emerge from this and the old Kriss will be dead-symbolically). Often times we atheists and skeptics hear  the horrible horrible story of, while on their death bed, some idiot says something like "Well, do you accept Christ now (if that shit ever happened to me I would use the last of my strength to kill that idiot)." This situation is no different. While the intent is good (for me to get better) the method is so wrong. Depression and anxiety is due to low serotonin levels in the brain. To say that I have to subscribe to a philosophy where there is no evidence of it's claims insults the skeptic in me. It insults the thinking person in me.

The author of this book said that there was a day when he 'popped' out of his funk and he realized that everything that he thought was wrong and that he, now, could see clearly. The super awesome scientist, Francis Collins, at one time knelled before a frozen waterfall and at that moment...he knew God. Bull  fuckin' shit. Those were choices that those people made. There was nothing divine in that. They made the choice to believe that those were divine events (then the evolved human brain took over and worked it's miraculous work). I'm not going down like that. I may be going down, but I'm sticking to my materialist worldview.

I'm in the process of getting medication and I'm fully confident in medical science. I've had enuff college to know which comes first, the chicken or the egg, or low serotonin levels and depression v. environment. Until then I'll keep doing things that help like, not being in situation that will make me break down (I miss hanging out in the cafe in the mornings), not too much drink and smoke (dammmmmm, fo sho I miss that), don't be in crowds, don't be around peeps that I want to punch (whether I am right or wrong) and ...chicken butt (I forgot the last one). Staying focused. that was it. Part of staying focused is reading...even if it is a book that I don't agree with.

Awesome peeps. Thank you.

* The person that gave me the book, and the tapes to listen to, is a total sweetheart. I believe that she has nothing but good intentions and for that I'am thankful. I'm not so far gone that I cannot appreciate someone that wants to help me. Really, it is so sweet and it does mean so much to me. In fact, my whole environment has been absolutely tremendous while I'm in my weakened state, it's just that I do not have the 'something something' to acknowledge that I appreciate it. I cannot take care of myself right now, and fo sho, I can't listen to or take care of anyone else's stuffs. I'm blabbing...Ok. then

Religion In The News Friday June 17, 2011

This was in a religion news roundup I read yesterday, err, looked at, not read.
Ya know when I go away for my three day hippie weekends (and, really, last weekend is the last one) I fear not being able to blog (because I'm out in the woods), missing out on some good news, and oh so vainly...the numbers will go down. After all, I'm still building this thing. I hope to be as big as Friendly Atheist, Skepchick, Debunking Christianity, Atheist Revolution, all put together but in a much more sexy and handsome package (oh, interbutz friends, if ya can see my golden skin right now, you would...you know...). to my surprise, this past week I have only grown. Thanks interbutz homies. Sowz howz about a Friday Religion News Roundup. 

In Long Beach a 780 year old relic (not the Pope folks sorry) had been stolen from a church. A bone from St. Anthony-who I believe is the patron st. of lost stuffs.

"The relic is only brought out during special occasions, the last being in 2002 on the 100th anniversary of the church. Because the relic is inside the reliquary, it's unclear if the burglar was aware of what it was (LA Times)."

I guess there is a Gawd...NOT.

US Catholic Bishops revise their guidelines on doing young boys...and guess what, it looks like the old guidelines. Sheez, who are these people, the US government.

The super sexist Southern Baptist, the one's that just had their gigantic annual meeting, are up in arms over the newest edition of the NIV. Why, because it has gender neutral language. One spokesperson said that they do not have the luxury of not speaking up on this one. Riiiight, because Gawd wants you to be sexist. If I recall correctly when the new NIV came out a couple of months back it changed things like "women cannot teach men" to something like people cannot teach other peeps-something like that.

Oh yea...David "One Catch" Tyree has recently come out with a video against gay marriage. In it he says that the world will go all 'anarchy' if those powerful gays are allowed to marry. I wrote about it here and CNN Belief has an article on it. this isn't like the definition of stupid, it is the definition of stupid.

Lastly, Sarah Palin writes a letter from Gawd. It's really quite touching, except all the Gawdy parts, but doesn't it prove that people created Gawd and not the other way around. Earlier I wrote about how believers always hijack stuffs that belong to everyone, like love, morals, ethics etc...This time the Barracuda is hijacking stepping up to the plate and accepting the challenges of raising a child with autism. On one hand good for her, she should do that. One the other hand, wouldn't we all do that anyways, regardless of belief or nonbelief...yes.

I was gonna quit, but I can't resist. Michele Bachmann is crazy. OK, now I'll stop.

Thanks for all the support and all the kind words, esp. in my weakened state. I know it may not look like it, but I really do appreciate it. Have a great and godless weekend everyone. Awesomeness.

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011


Dude made one catch and now he gets a platform. Sheez.
I have written about the dangers of celebrity endorsements before. For example, when "T & A" bombshell Jenny McCarthy told millions of parents that her child was special (she said something really stupid like "my kid is a startchild", or something like that) and that vaccines caused dude's autism, then hella parents didn't vaccinate their children-as of now the Jenny McCarthy Body count is 728, that's peeps that died.

Yesterday, David "I've really only made one play worth mentioning" Tyree decided to walk in the footsteps of the uninformed and uneducated, like Jen did, and totally put his foot in his mouth and show his stupidity.

"Asked in a recent interview with an anti-gay group called the National Organization for Marriage about a same-sex marriage bill that recently passed the New York state assembly and awaits approval from state senators, Tyree said that "this will be the beginning of our country's sliding towards, you know, it's a strong word, but 'anarchy.' The moment we have it, if you trace back even to other cultures, other countries, that will be the moment where our society and itself, loses its grip with what's right. Marriage is one of those things that is the backbone of society (Yahoos Sports)."

Let me check my skeptics/I'm a normal person/I'm rational card...Let's see no, no, no and no. It's conclusive, dude is wrong on all accounts. Am I crazy (yes) for thinking that...da da daaaaa, the bible is involved. Yes, the book of hate. The book that says it is us or it is them. The book that divides people and not unite them, yes, that book...It must be involved.

I didn't watch the whole video and if you do, then you have a whole lot more patience than I. After the first, like, million mentions of God...I just stopped watching. This is what we are up against folks. There are otherwise normal people out there, just like you and I, but they believe that a book written in the bronze age, by illiterates, copied over and over again-with mistakes in the 100,000's of thousands- compiled in the first place for political reasons, and that has been revised so many frakin' times, a book that says the earth is 6 to 10, 000 years old, women are second class to men, snakes talk and GLBT is bad...is the word of God.

So, I haven't asked this question in a while...Is everything getting better, or is it getting worse (for me personally, it's way worse. shitty in fact). Howz about the voice of reason to balance it out. Michael "Frackin'" Strahan.

Wow. Wasn't that nice. So, something good happens, and then some things bad. Are the Michael Strahans of the world being heard more than the David Tyree's and the Jenny McCarthy's...and the Oprah's, the Deepak's, the Uri Geller's, the Pastor Eddie Long's, the Benny Hinn's etc....

I don't think so...but we'll keep trying. Awesome buddies.

The "Morality, Clothing and Clothing Accessories" Police in Iran

Is this one banned also?
OK, now they have gone too far and  they went too far hella long time ago, but even more so now. Recently, in the bastion of freedom, the stronghold of free society, Iran has banned...necklaces for men. While peeps in truly free societies (at least free for now) shake their heads and go "WTF", the peeps in Iran must tighten their headscarves and pull up their pants-the morality police are on patrol.

"Thousands of special forces have been deployed in Tehran's streets, participating in the regime's "moral security plan" in which loose-fitting headscarves, tight overcoats and shortened trousers that expose skin will not be tolerated for women, while men are warned against glamorous hairstyles and wearing a necklace (Guardian UK)."

Yea...we really have to watch out for those glamorous hairstyles. After all, if you have a choice between a certain hairstyle and kidnapping someone and torturing them for days and hours, then what would you choose. There are security concerns and there are security concerns. Recently a football player was kicked off of a plane and fined for having baggy pants (apparently terrorists employ the baggy pants bomb lately) .

The only concern I have about hairstyles is the mullet. If you are sporting a mullet, then I think, visually, the world would be a better place without you. Other than that...no worries mate. Sheez.

Some things require a license...like this.
* Article Guardian UK.

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

Thank You Epic Articles On Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann

Isn't Google wonderful (the answer is, yes).

 Wow, I do not know where to start on this one. OK, here we go. First of all there are epic articles  in Salon and the Daily Beast about presidential hopeful, Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann. I have written about Crazy eyes before, but not like this. These articles are great examples of what I want this blog to be (and ya man, the kind of writer that I would like to be). There are so many juicy factoids it is confusing my already confused mind. There is the bathroom controversy, her evangelical status and the kids-don't forget the kids. Check it out, yo.

First of all the voters should know about the bathroom incident. If this sh*t doesn't come up over and over again in interview after interview...then politics is corrupt and the media is in the pocket of politicians (let's hope that that is not the case).

In 2005, Crazy Eyes was giving a talk somewhere and afterwards two peeps wanted to ask her questions because they saw her in the bathroom. Reports say that after engaging Crazy Eyes for no longer than one minute she, Crazy Eyes, started screaming "Help! Help! I'm being held against my will!" She even said the "kidnapped" word...which is kidnapped. The two peeps in the bathroom were, like, WTF and when it went to court later the judge said nothing like that went down and Crazy Eyes is...crazy (1).

What did they want to talk about, same sex marriage. Ya see, Crazy eyes is an evangelical Christian and same sex marriage is a no no way to them. So, for 40-50 seconds and being asked questions by (maybe) two lesbians in the bathroom, to an evangelical Christian like Crazy eyes, that is being kidnapped. Sheez.

I've got to learn how to make my own captions. Seems like so much fun.
Did I mention that she is an evangelical Christian. Those are the ones that believe that the bible is a historical document: like Genesis, The Great Flood and The Exodus. They also believe that he will return in our lifetimes, because it was promised in the bible that he would return in their lifetimes (dude is 2000 years late). So that means that she is down for believing that the good 'ol U S of A should be a theocracy and even that the founding fathers intended that. She is a follower of the Christian faux historian, David Barton, who recently said that the founding fathers rejected Darwinism, even tho Darwins theory of evolution thru natural selection had not even come out yet (I can't make that sh*t up man, here's the link).

"Michele Bachmann says certain things that sound crazy to the general public," says author Frank Schaeffer, "But to anybody raised in the environment of the evangelical right wing, what she says makes perfect sense (Thanks Daily Beast)."

(The Daily Beast one more time) "A key moment in her political evolution, as for many of her generation, was the film series How Should We Then Live by the theologian Francis Schaeffer, who is widely credited for mobilizing evangelicals against abortion, an issue most had previously ignored. A Presbyterian minister, Schaeffer argued that our entire perception of reality depends on our worldview, and that only those with the right one can understand the true nature of things. Christianity, he argued, is "a whole system of truth, and this system is the only system that will stand up to all the questions that are presented to us as we face the reality of existence." Theories or assertions from outside this system—evolution, for example—can be dismissed as the product of mistaken premises."

Theocracy anyone. No thanks for me.

In the lamestream media there have been several callings out of Bachmann's misspeaks and historical flubs. If you thought Sarah Palin was uneducated...well, you're correct. Any-who, recently Crazy Eyes said that Paul Revere was riding on that dam stinking horse all night to...warn the British. OooooKkkaaaaayyyy. Because she is a disciple of faux historian, David Barton, she believes that the founding fathers intended this country to be a specifically Christian nation, under rule of Gawd. And wasn't it Crazy Eyes, a couple of months back (check me on this one you guys) that said in front of an auditorium of law school students that there is no separation of church in state in the constitution. Yes, I believe that she said that. Another misspeak is about her million gazillion foster children.

If you are unfortunate enuff to see some of Crazy Eyes media coverage, then undoubtedly you have heard her talk about how she (pretty much) single handedly raised 23 foster children. Forget that her counselor husband has a very lucrative career counseling and praying away the gay for all those unfortunate gays out there (they really believe that you can pray away the gay and that it is a choice. sheez), and that when you have foster children the government gives you money....no, no, she raised 23 foster children. Or did she.

"Bachmann often says she has "raised" 23 foster children. That may be a bit of a stretch. According to the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Bachmann's license, which she had for 7 1/2 years, allowed her to care for up to three children at a time. According to Kris Harvieux, a former senior social worker in the foster-care system in Bachmann's county, some placements were almost certainly short term. "Some of them you have for a week. Some of them you have for three years, some you have for six months," says Harvieux, who also served as a foster parent herself. "She makes it sound like she got them at birth and raised them to adulthood, but that's not true (you sexy Beast you)."

Ok, sheez, in my weakened state I have grown weary of the BS. This is so important peeps. Remember when we had the fear of Sarah "The Barracuda" Palin getting into a position of power...well this is exactly like that. The thingy about it is is that the lamestream media (the peeps that I really heart, with all my heart) is touting her as an intellectual Sarah Palin. Oh Nowwzzzzzzz.

One part of me says ya, go ahead and run. You will be exposed, the cream rises to the top, the voters will choose the best peep, the best candidate will win and that everything will be OK. Another part of me thinks...I believe that people are also so stupid as to elect someone batsh*t crazy, just like Crazy Eyes, to the most important office in the world.

We've gots some work to do folks.

(1) One of the peeps in the bathroom was a retired nun, 5.2, and she wanted to ask her a question. She said...

"What an amazing imagination...Her ideology is so powerful that she can construct a reality just on a moment's notice."

That means that she is so homophobic that to be in the presence of GLBT'rs she is instantly under attack; by their mere presence. It would be like being in the same room as a black person and yelling rape over and over. WTF. This person is running for the most important position in the world. This is a job for Team Atheist.