Senin, 06 Juni 2011

A Blog Post About A Book That Is About A Blog

Well, it looks like it is time to start saving my nickels and pennies (as if...) so sometime in the near summer reading future, I can get me this one. “Devil’s Ink: Blog from the Basement Office,” Elon University professor of religious studies Jeffrey C. Pugh is a book about a blog from, he's hardly ever mentioned anyomore-poor guy, Satan. Yes, in this new book the devil himself modernizes and to stay relevant joins Team Blog(ger).

Pugh takes a page from C.S. "I admit that I'm an amateur apologist, just wish my fans would realize that" Lewis' "The Screwtape Letters." Literally. In TSL, Lewis' character writes a series of letters. What Pugh does, through his Mephistopheles character, is write a series of blog posts.

“You may wonder why I am starting a blog. The fact is, my colleagues, we must be flexible and innovative or we risk losing influence, and if there is one thing that I fear, it is losing influence.”

The Devil calls himself "Grace" in the book and addresses topics like desire, terrorism, GITMO, the Book of Job and one of my favorite topics the politicizing of the church. And ya know what, when there is modernizing to do, what can be more modernizing than starting a blog. Really, all the cool kids have one.

“I debated whether to start a Facebook page, but there are so many who are doing the heavy lifting for us there it would be merely redundant,” Pugh’s protagonist writes. “I am also thinking of a Twitter account, but am still trying to figure out what the point is.”(What's the point of Twitter...atheist hotties all over the world. Dugh)

The book critiques church culture and sin as “an exploration of the ways that evil embeds itself structurally in human life." The Facebook's and the Twitter's are those details that peeps keep talking about, ya know, where evil lives. Pop culture, somehow-I haven't read the book yet, is more evil-y than Las Vegas.In fact there is a passage where the Devil chooses Disney World over Las Vegas.

“I love Disney World. No, seriously, it is one of my most enjoyable places on the planet,” he writes. “It has given them so, so much: illusions, fantasy, Britney Spears. One small thing I have always enjoyed about it is the nuance and deception on display. Take Vegas, for instance. There we don’t have to concern ourselves with working hard. ... But Disney World is even better because we can still fleece the rubes, but this time we use their most precious possession to do it, their children.”

Ah yes, the delicious children. Dam, I'm hungry...hungry to read this book. Oh yea, there is a blog about the book of the Devil's blogs, here called Devil's Ink. There are a bunch of real reviews-n-stuff there so check it out. I've been really behind in reading and the summer reading season is upon us (even tho summer is not) and this one is deff. on the list. With all the talk of there being no hell (thanks Rob Bell) we can't forget Satan now...can we.


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