Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

Never Apologize For Comedy, Never

Rumor mill stuffs...Mo Do to replace my hero, Hitch, at Vanity Fair.
Ya know, I try and imitate my favorite journalist, Mo Do, by making funny names for all the key players. For example she called Chenney, Darth Chenney and the super awesome Black Prez, The One. I used to call Bill "I always have my panties in a bunch" Donohue, but some genius in the LGBT Blogosphere made a better one. So you know what that means...I'm gonna steal it.

"Jesus' angry older brother", Bill Donohue...guess, has his Catholic panties all bunched up in his super tight arse because Jon Stewart made a funny. Look man, never, never...I mean never, ever apologize for comedy. Just because you don't understand the joke that doesn't mean that others will feel the same way. If it hurts you, then don't watch or listen to the joke. For all you know there are many many people that that particular joke is totally funny, and if it is funny then it's bringing joy and pleasure to the peeps.

After 9/11 there were some good Islamic comedians trying to help the community heal. Some were offended and some were pleased. I totally used to hate Don Rickels and that was because I didn't understand his comedy when I was a kid. Now I look back at his material and think it's the funniest shit, evah. Of course Catholics like "Jesus' angry older brother" are not going to like the late great George Carlin, but that doesn't mean that the opportunity should be taken away (censor) from others. That is what is happening right now.

Angry Bill is so angry at Jon Stewart that he is contacting all, and I do mean all, of the sponsors to encourage them to dump the show (how does that go, "mmm, yea it's Angry Bill, I have been offended and now I want you to end your relationship with this sick ass show that benefits your company. Thank you."). Good luck with that Bill.

This is what gets me. We, Team Secular, often times fight for everyone's freedom. The freedom of speech and the freedom of choice. We may not agree with what you halfta say, but we can agree that you have the right to say it. Control is one of the many reasons I became an atheist. How dare Bill attempt to take away something that gives many pleasure, comedy.

Offended by the good ol' manger in the crotch joke. It's always me.

* Kellogs tells Angry Bill STFU.

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