Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

Worst Advertising, Evah

I really like good, no...great advertising. Clever and catchy selling is a great and under-appreciated art. But when the advert' is dookie, then that is bad...real bad. The brainiacs at the Heartland Institute obviously do not know science (or statistics for that matter), and equally, they do not know good advertising.

Heartland Institute is a think tank and their objective is to "debunk(ed) the hysterical claims of radical environmentalists." Meaning...they do not believe that Global Warming is influenced by fossil fuel burning humans. Currently they are involved in something called Fakegate. They claim that someone stole documents from them and are using them to spread the lie called global warming (gee, I wonder who's telling the truth). As if climate denial was not enuff, they made this stupid billboard (above).

I've got one word for the think tankers at the Heartland Institute...Correlation does not imply causation. (The sound you just heard is Team Skeptic collectively sayin' "duh.")

The Unabomber still believers in Global Warming. First of all I didn't know that was his belief previously and secondly, I don't see why it even matters. Are we supposed to think that if you (correctly) believe in Global Warming, then you will more than likely...blow shit up. Riiiiiighhhtttt.

It's just like thinking that the full moon has something to do with crime, or that the ways the planets align will have some kinda affect on the way a person acts: correlation does not imply causation. So what if Ted believes in G-warming. Not only do the dots not connect, there are no dots, period.

Lemmie show you dots that connect. The more educated a person becomes the more likely they will have an analytic brain and if one has an analytic brain then they are more likely to become an atheist. The relationship is causal (is that a word, or did I just make shit up. anywho...).

I quickly went to their homesite and I didn't see anything about religion, but history tells me that Gawd told them that he controls the weather and that is why they do not believe in Global Warming, or causation implies correlation.

* Fakegate in their words.

* Source article

* Real Clear Politics on Fakegate

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