Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

I Give Up

I frackin' give up. I was gonna write about the controversy over Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann's former church and how they said, ya know, the Pope is the anti-Christ (Atlantic article that started it all), and how some peeps think "those Luthernan's have thought that for years, so what," while others said, "No free pass for you."

I was thinking about divide and conquer (because I mentioned it the other day and how Elevator Gate is dividing us-just stop being sexist teammates.sheez) and how, in this situation, it is happening in their camp. And yet, there are still factions that are calling for unity, even tho there are theological differences (1) and that their enemy is, get this, liberal secularism. See that folks, we should do that. Ya know, team up, show unity since we are on the same team and all. Then...

I had the awesome idea while reading an article about how former Gov. Schwarzeneger commuted the sentence of his friends son, former state assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, from 16-7 years. Esteban Nunez pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter in 2008 for killing Santo's son, Luis Santos. The court system worked but then the
Governator purposely stepped in to help his friend and even admitted it. When reporters asked the former Gov about it he said, "You are boring the hell out of me." OoooKaaayyy.

My idea had something to do with a previous post called "Would You Kill The Fat Man?" Y'all remember that one right? The classic Trolley philosophy experiment where you can save many lives but you have to take/kill one life. It is an exercise in what the philosophers call the sum total (of) happiness. Did the Sperminator's, err, the Governor's actions increase the sum total happiness? Then I lost the idea and train of thought. Dammmm, that was going to be a good one too (2).

Pre illegitimate child Arnold. I have very strong feelings about this.

In a moment of what Carl Jung calls synchronicity (which I do not believe in) I happened upon an article about what myself and The Greek Goddess were talking about yesterday. An 8 y/o Orthodox Jewish boy's remains, not the boy but his remains, were found in a dudes trash bin and refrigerator. Yucky and super gross. One of the thingies that makes this grisly murder so weirdo is that, it seems, that they both belong to a tight knit community. It seems that the killer came from within. It was not an outsider, a terrorist, a stranger...it was one of there own.

When I was reading the article I was thinking that this is not about religion, it is about humans. Did religion cause this, like so often I (and Team Atheist) have offered, or was this an individual weirdo like the Arizona Shooter. Then for the millionth time today...my brain happened.

I guess I'm doing a news roundup today, or...I just fuckin' give up.

(1) The Bachmann churchies (Lutheran) do not believe that the Pope is needed to attain salvation, just the bible. So when they say the Pope is the anti Christ, they do not mean with, like, horns and all, but that the Pope is putting himself in place of the bible, which to them is a sin. The Catholics believe that the Pope is a ladder of sorts that people need in order to reach God. With no Pope, there is no conduit to God. That is the difference. Oh yea, and liberal secularism (that is us folks) is the great evil.

(2) Whoa for a second there I forgot what #2 was gonna be. Almost lost it in that way that has been happening so much lately. Which would have been embarrassing to me, I'm in a full cafe right now. Luckly I wrote it down. The Sperminator wrote a letter to the Santos family to apologize. Mr. Santos said that a PR firm wrote it and that it's bs anywayssss. Sperm said in the letter that he and his wife, the wife he cheated on-you disgusting pig-will, guess what, pray for them. Oh no they didn't. Santos took the high road and did not comment on Sperms love child and affair. He said, "There are families involved." OK...I'm wandering and I forgot what my point was...something about philosophy. Oh well, fuck it.

* For those keeping score...Things are not good, but thanks for the support...................................................................................................

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