Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

The Return Of Muscular Christianity

Holy batshit Bat Peeps, here we go again. In the early 90's there was this terrible Christian movement called Promise Keepers. What was there promise...to keep their women down, to be the head of the household and to keep their women barefoot and prego, err, do God's work. Well, it's looks like muscular Christianity is back (le sigh).

Recently at a NASCAR event, during the public prayer no less, a pastor thanked God for his smoking hot wife (probably to the cheers of beer soaked male attendants). A Rev. Ed Young challenged his congregation to have sex every night for a week. Al Mohler chided his youth congregation for the sin of delaying marriage. Seemingly, it's always the Baptist that are so into second classing their women like this.

Ephesians 5: 21 Submit to one another in fear of the Messiah. 22 Wives should submit to their husbands as they do to the Lord; 23 because the husband is head of the wife, just as the Messiah, as head of the Messianic Community, is himself the one who keeps the body safe. 24 Just as the Messianic Community submits to the Messiah, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Hey ladies check out my guns...oh yea, and my dad is God.
Because Eve had the misfortune to be created second, and depending on which Genesis account we are talking about-from Adams rib, all her descendants are doomed to be subservient to men. Well, at least that is what the male dominated church wants you to believe. I once asked John Loftus of Debunking Christianity if the Gospel of Mary Magdalene was not included in the first bible because of a power play by the dudes of the day. He said he didn't know and referred me to Bart Erhman (I think I'm correct on this one).

In some circles it is claimed that Mary was the closest disciple of Jesus (and I mean real close, like naked close) and that the 12 dudes were totally jealous. That is why her gospel was not included when Constantine compiled the first bible in 325 A.D., and that is why to this day the men keep trying to testosterone the church.

This is why feminism, education and the liberalization of the church are so important (1). If the ladies are barefoot and prego, then they will not have the opportunity to go to college. If they do not go to college, then the chances of having their own economic power (read control of their own lives) diminishes greatly.

Personally, I wouldn't even want to chill will a subservient woman...even if she was smoking hot.

* Huff Po Evangelicals and Masculinity.

* Jesus for real men. (Real sexist men that is.)

* Muscular Christianity from the brainiac Austin Cline.

* What the bible says about women.

(1) I'm not an atheist that wants the total destruction of religion. I want it to evolve and move away from literal interpretations of the bible and away from sexism. If a little old lady goes to church every Sunday what the hell do I care, but if the church is like WBC and is keeping the GLBT community and women down, then I care.

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