Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Gods Survey

Y'all no that I heart me my numbers and statistics so when I heard that there was a new God mouth started watering. It's even better than that, which is awesome.

"When asked to evaluate God on some of the issues it is responsible for, voters give God its best rating on creating the universe, 71-5," the polling report said. "They also approve of its handling of the animal kingdom 56-11, and even its handling of natural disasters 50-13 (CNN BB)."

52% of those surveyed, and it was a small survey, said that the Great Surveillance Camera in the Sky is doing a good job, while only 9% said dude was doing a bad job. Obviously they didn't ask the super awesome atheist blogosphere. Who the hell are these people. 

It is like that stupid 9/11 cross thing at ground zero. Believers are happy that by coincidence that two pieces of metal formed a cross and that tells them that God has not abandoned them. Hello, but what about all those people that died and all the lives that have been crushed, where was God then (formulating an idea for a stupid cross. c'mon).

Obviously God, if that is your real name, is not doing a good job, or even a decent job. This morning I heard a story on NPR about sex slaves in Bosnia and (is it in) Somalia where aid cannot get to starving peeps because of a stupid civil war, and some people believe that God is doing a good job. People are starving, lives are ending in pain and misery, the rich get richer and the poor get fucked...and God is doing a good job. 

They didn't survey me.

* Survey

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