Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

File Under Progress: Secular

I'm not a scholar, I'm just a  run of the mill badass nor-cal dude that can rock till the break of dawn, that happens to be and atheist and skeptic. I doubt that anyone will learn anything here like at some of the philosophical big hitter atheist blogs, all I can do is share my humanity and my belief and desire that if we can make the public square secular, then world peace can happen. Well, ladies and grems, it looks like were are moving in the correct direction.

Earlier this year the man, AC "The Silver Fox" Grayling published the atheist bible, The Good Book. I haven't seen it, but I sure want it. If you missed AC and Dawkins killin' the theist team on Intense Debate II check out team brainiac win one for the good guys. Oh yea, and get that book.

Pitzer college is now offering a degree in secularism. This is made of awesome. At two colleges here in Sac-Town there is an atheist 101 course, but as far as I know, they do not offer an entire degree. Hopefully soon this kind of enlightenment will spread, remember we are up against entire Christian colleges and entire radio and TV stations. Good luck Pitzer.

Finally a new journal is coming out and the topic...secularism. It will be called Secularism and Nonrelligion.

“Articles will explore the ideology and philosophy of the secular, secularism, nonreligion and atheism,” the release continued.

Can't beat that. Have a great weekend kiddies.

* Journal link

* Atheist bible.

* Secular degree 

The Updated Updated Warren Jeffs Trial

Wow and I do mean wow. This trial just gets better and better and by better I mean *better*.

"I, the Lord God of heaven, ask the courts to cease the prosecution of my holy ways," Jeffs said. "There will be a judgment against all those who prosecute the church. ... I shall let all people know of your unjust ways. I will bring sickness and death. Let this cease."   

And you know what...it worked. The judge let him go and said he's not a child fucker dude...NOT! 

If you are God, then how come you couldn't design a better dress.

"A Texas judge warned Warren Jeffs against calling "for the jury's destruction" shortly after the polygamous sect leader said Friday during his sexual assault trial that those who prosecuted his church would face "sickness and death."

Wow, I can't wait for what will happen tomorrow. It can't get any crazier...can it.

* I don't know what is up with the font changing every paragraph. Oh I know...it's called bullshit.

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Gods Survey

Y'all no that I heart me my numbers and statistics so when I heard that there was a new God survey...my mouth started watering. It's even better than that, which is awesome.

"When asked to evaluate God on some of the issues it is responsible for, voters give God its best rating on creating the universe, 71-5," the polling report said. "They also approve of its handling of the animal kingdom 56-11, and even its handling of natural disasters 50-13 (CNN BB)."

52% of those surveyed, and it was a small survey, said that the Great Surveillance Camera in the Sky is doing a good job, while only 9% said dude was doing a bad job. Obviously they didn't ask the super awesome atheist blogosphere. Who the hell are these people. 

It is like that stupid 9/11 cross thing at ground zero. Believers are happy that by coincidence that two pieces of metal formed a cross and that tells them that God has not abandoned them. Hello, but what about all those people that died and all the lives that have been crushed, where was God then (formulating an idea for a stupid cross. c'mon).

Obviously God, if that is your real name, is not doing a good job, or even a decent job. This morning I heard a story on NPR about sex slaves in Bosnia and (is it in) Somalia where aid cannot get to starving peeps because of a stupid civil war, and some people believe that God is doing a good job. People are starving, lives are ending in pain and misery, the rich get richer and the poor get fucked...and God is doing a good job. 

They didn't survey me.

* Survey

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

Warren Jeffs Update

Hey look at my attractive Mormon ladies uniform.
OK, prepare to be grossed out I'm going to update on the Warren Jeffs trial. I wrote about this quite some time ago and actually, I thought it had been resolved. Not even close.

Warren Jeffs is accused of young girl fucking and young girl impregnating. He is the leader of a splinter cell of those crazy Mormons (LDS) which claim to have 10,000 members world wide and assets of a measly $110 million. Recently Jeffs fired his team of powerful attorney's.

"You have assembled one of the most impressive legal teams this court has ever seen and perhaps ever seen in the state of Texas," the judge said. She later added, "I urge you not to follow this course of action (link)."
Ya know, I've always liked something about this pic. 
So when it came time to address the court after lawyers presented DNA evidence linking him to "celestial marriage" and threatening to play a tape of him having sex with an underage bride...he was silent.

OK dude, good luck with that strategy.

* My book review of When Men Become Gods.

The Return Of Muscular Christianity

Holy batshit Bat Peeps, here we go again. In the early 90's there was this terrible Christian movement called Promise Keepers. What was there promise...to keep their women down, to be the head of the household and to keep their women barefoot and prego, err, do God's work. Well, it's looks like muscular Christianity is back (le sigh).

Recently at a NASCAR event, during the public prayer no less, a pastor thanked God for his smoking hot wife (probably to the cheers of beer soaked male attendants). A Rev. Ed Young challenged his congregation to have sex every night for a week. Al Mohler chided his youth congregation for the sin of delaying marriage. Seemingly, it's always the Baptist that are so into second classing their women like this.

Ephesians 5: 21 Submit to one another in fear of the Messiah. 22 Wives should submit to their husbands as they do to the Lord; 23 because the husband is head of the wife, just as the Messiah, as head of the Messianic Community, is himself the one who keeps the body safe. 24 Just as the Messianic Community submits to the Messiah, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Hey ladies check out my guns...oh yea, and my dad is God.
Because Eve had the misfortune to be created second, and depending on which Genesis account we are talking about-from Adams rib, all her descendants are doomed to be subservient to men. Well, at least that is what the male dominated church wants you to believe. I once asked John Loftus of Debunking Christianity if the Gospel of Mary Magdalene was not included in the first bible because of a power play by the dudes of the day. He said he didn't know and referred me to Bart Erhman (I think I'm correct on this one).

In some circles it is claimed that Mary was the closest disciple of Jesus (and I mean real close, like naked close) and that the 12 dudes were totally jealous. That is why her gospel was not included when Constantine compiled the first bible in 325 A.D., and that is why to this day the men keep trying to testosterone the church.

This is why feminism, education and the liberalization of the church are so important (1). If the ladies are barefoot and prego, then they will not have the opportunity to go to college. If they do not go to college, then the chances of having their own economic power (read control of their own lives) diminishes greatly.

Personally, I wouldn't even want to chill will a subservient woman...even if she was smoking hot.

* Huff Po Evangelicals and Masculinity.

* Jesus for real men. (Real sexist men that is.)

* Muscular Christianity from the brainiac Austin Cline.

* What the bible says about women.

(1) I'm not an atheist that wants the total destruction of religion. I want it to evolve and move away from literal interpretations of the bible and away from sexism. If a little old lady goes to church every Sunday what the hell do I care, but if the church is like WBC and is keeping the GLBT community and women down, then I care.

Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

So What Is He, Christian Or Not

Just two normal guys...that blow shit up.

OooooKaaayyyyy, now I don't know what to think. There is great debate on the airwaves and in the blogesphere as to whether the Norway Killer is a true Christian or not. In my weakened state I'm so easily influenced. If I read one article that is pro, I go for that, and visa versa. You guys tell me...

"Is Anders Breivika a Christian terrorist" is from Religion News Service which, as of late, is my go to place for religious news and commentary. Good article about cherry picking from the bible to justify your political agenda and what is a true Christian.

My other go to site for religious commentary is Religion Dispatches. Is Norway's Suspected Murderer Anders Breivka a Christian terrorist compares dude to the Oklahoma bomber Lil' Timmy McVeigh. Both dudes, I believe, did what they did because of political reasons. RD's articles are a little longer and packed with lot's of info.

And then there are these guys. Leave it up to the Atheist Blogesphere to be totally awesome with the point counter point stuffs. These guys are so smart I've changed my mind two days in a row. Steve's No True Christian is good good work and the day before The Mad Norwegian convinced me that dude is not a Christian terrorist.

So there is some of what I have read in the past couple of days. What do I think...I dunno. What I do know is that, yes, religion is a good influence on many peeps, but it is also the justification to do very very bad things. The believers with a Child Like Faith will say he was not a true Christian, and Team Atheist will say he did exactly what Christians have been doing for centuries.

Kind gentle and very goodlooking reader(s)...what do you think (and check out this awesome picture below. soooo funny). Lates.
Google Jesus and guns and be entertained.

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Oops, I Made A Mistake

What if we armed ourselves and did training maneuvers...that would be wrong also. 
OK, I have to admit that I was wrong (1) about the Norway killer dude. I called him a Christian terrorist but he is really a terrorist that just said he is a Christian. C'mon now atheists, we can't have it both ways (even tho sometimes I would like that). When believers say that Pol Pot was an atheist mass murder, we retort with "yes he was a mass murder, but his atheism did not motivate him to do that," and that is correct. P P was a mass murder that happened to be an atheist. Well the same thingy goes for the Norway killer dude. He is a mass murder that happens  to be Christian, and after reading a little, it seems that he is not a mass murderer because he is Christian.

CNN Belief Blog has a pretty good article on this as well as the super powerful and awesome Left Hemispheres. I think we made the same mistake with the Arizona Shooter. Team Atheist immediately jumped on the slightest suggestion that dude was a crazy believer...as it turned out, he was just crazy.

There are real threats out there like the group pictured above called Hutaree and Repent Amarillo and WBC. The real threat is evangelical colleges that teach evangelical science. when those peeps go out into the real world they become politicians like "Crazy Eyes" and they try to get their beliefs injected into valid disciplines like history and science.

The Norway killer dude is not a Christian terrorist, he is just a terrorist. And that  believers and nonbelievers is something we all must be wary of. Take care our yourselves, yo.


(1) Way back in the early 90's I made a mistake. But then it turned out I was correct after all. So I don't know if I've been wrong twice or once (that is a super long way for a lame attempt at a joke. le sigh).

Update 7:44 OK, this article says he is a Christian terrorist. I'm still not convinced tho. I'm avoiding reading the manifesto myself (I don't want to read all that shit). Whatever.

Senin, 25 Juli 2011

The Myth of Forever 27

Oh goody, Team Skeptic has a new thingy to be skeptical about...Forever 27. This one is new to me. A couple of years back I got into the myth that celebrities die in three's and admittedly had a morbid fascination with that. Everytime a celeb died we would anxiously scan the newspapers for our trifecta. Of course it, death that is, doesn't work like that.

The Forever 27 club is dedicated to chronicling the deaths of rockstars at age 27. There is Morrison, Hendrix and now Amy Winehouse. Interestingly enuff, they are looking for a number cruncher to do some statistical  analysis to prove their theory. Howz about we debunk it instead.

"There is a social psychology phenomenon known as causal attribution. This is when a person (or society) attributes outcomes to particular causes. When there is a tragic death, such as that of a famous young person, we tend to look for a reason why it happened. We try to make sense of it. And when we can't make sense of it, we find a way for it to make sense. And when a number of famous musicians have died young, we try to find a common thread, in order to make sense of it all. So the "27 Curse" began (Huff Po)."

It is just like that myth that there is more crime when there is a full moon. Statistics have shown that there is no relation between the monthly lunar cycle and crime and yet peeps still believe that. Why. When something bad happens and there is a full moon out then people do that causal attribution thingy. They notice both so there must be a relationship, right. Wrong. 

If you just think about it skeptically, for even a second, I think you can come up with a million reasons why rockstars don't die at age 27. First of all, what about all the rockstars that are older than 27. Aren't there more of them than the ones that died. What are the chances that a rockstar that is addicted to drugs dies at 27. By age 27 that particular person probably has been doing drugs for quite some time, therefore increasing the probability of OD-ing. Lastly, they fly hella a lot more than the average person. I used to joke that when I become a rockstar I'm not going anywhere near a helicopter, that's how rockstars die. Famous people fly a lot more than us regular folks and when they do crash and die, it is all over the news. 

If it was something more interesting like rockstars that die that had Siamese cats, then I would be interested in that. Forever 27, not so much. 

* Forever 27

* Huff Po

* Famous peeps that died in aviation crashes.

The Australian Baby Giveaway

Dam, look how delicious these cuties are. 
I was a gonna write about how myself and the Norway killer are very similar (and yet different) but I think I'll save a piece of myself for myself (I'm too honest many times). Soooooo, howz about a post on babies and that Catholic church everyone of Team Atheist keeps talking about.

Let's file this one under "what the frack were you boy fuckers thinking." Apparently for four decades Catholic run hospitals forced, that is forced not asked or persuaded, unwed mothers to give up their babies for adoption. I'll pause while that sinks in.

"The inquiry had heard harrowing stories of a babies being taken without their mothers' signing adoption papers, of mothers not knowing what they were signing and of a mother having her face covered by a pillow so that she would never see or touch her baby as it was taken, Siewert said. One traumatized mother had suppressed for years the memory of ever having given birth (SF Gate).

Beer and babies...the winning combo meal.
A spokesperson for the hospital said that the practice was "regrettably common" from the 1950's all the way up to the 70's. If the prego women did not want to give up their babies then they would be threatened with imprisonment or drugged or convinced. It is estimated that up to 150,000 babies were purposely separated from their mothers during those decades.

In true Catholic fashion...they apologized (Mmm, OK, we're cool. NOT). Some peeps are trying to establish a nation program that could reunite the families, offer counseling and perhaps, compensation. My question is...Why doesn't the church pay for that stuff, the government didn't do it, the Catholic run hospitals did it. 150, 000 is a hella lot of separated families-those are lives, human lives. I also wonder if they only gave the children to Catholic households.

It is when I hear stories like this it edges me closer to becoming a full fledged angry militant atheist. The accomodationalist position is totally lame in cases like this. What sin did the unwed mothers commit? If this is Gawds plan, then Gawds plan sucks rocks.

* Article

Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

God's Test and Norway

Oslo in better times.

I just finished reading Prof. Bart Ehrman's "God's Problem" and I think it is very topical considering the haps in Oslo, Norway. The book opens with the Holocaust and that thingy Team Atheist keeps saying...if there is an all powerful, all knowing and all loving God, then why is there suffering in the world? If there is this God that Team Believer keeps talking about, then why did that horrible, horrible massacre happen in Norway yesterday.

NOT good times in Oslo.
Prof. Ehrman's book is about how the bible views suffering and he breaks it down into chapters. Of course I forgot the book and my notes at home so I'm going to go off the top of my head (and I feel rather confident right now).

According to Ehrman's interpretation of the bible peeps suffer because they have sinned, other people make them suffer and the good 'ol we don't know why people suffer (but God will take care of everything in the afterlife). Well what did those kids at that summer camp do, did they sin. I don't think so.

Was it a case of someone else making others suffer. Sure. The gunman Anders Behring Breivik, 32, certainly made many people suffer. As Prof. E states in his book there will be some kind of divine justice when people make other people suffer. God has that plan that people are always talking about and in a sort of karmic retribution kind-a way, the Big G has it all under control. In the mean time...people suffer tremendously like in Oslo.
White power, not just American.
The third reason for suffering, the bad 'ol we just don't know, we can't know we are just dumb humans is the lamest of the lamest answers for suffering because it doesn't explain anything. It takes faith to accept that answer and as a card holding member of Team Skeptic I just can't accept that. God tested Job (1) to see if dude had faith and was obedient, but if God is all powerful then why does he need our obedience. Why would he kill the kids in Oslo, or why would he command Job to kill his son? It seems petty to me. We do not know why there is suffering but have faith and God will take care of everything, but in the afterlife...no thanks.

Our perspective is that humans created God in our image, not the other way around. Humans are petty therefore God is also. Those kids in Oslo didn't sin and try telling their parents that God is testing them because he needs...attention. Try telling those parents that we do not know why bad things happen to good people (suffering) but in the afterlife everything will be cool so don't trip and just have faith. I certainly wouldn't want to be the one to tell them that.

I couldn't find it but there is a weirdo anti Muslim video called Knights Templar that the gunman is in. Knights Templar is associated with the Crusades and get this, also white supremacy. There is also a 1,500 page manifesto online somewhere that dude wrote. In it he says things like "cultural Marxists" and "doomsday would be imminent" referring to Norway politics. I think these are the reasons why dude massacred those kids, not a plan or test from a heavenly father that may or may not exist. These are things based here on earth, things that we can touch and acknowledge and know. And that is why this horrible massacre happened...that and dude is crazy.

(1) God told Job to kill his only son because he wanted to test him to see if he was devout and sincere. God killed Jobs whole family (I think, like, 7 kids) but he passed the test and proved his faith to God. Job didn't do anything wrong and totally questioned God "why." So dude passed the test and then God gave him a new family (I think this time 10 kids). So God killed those innocent 7 kids, punished and tortured an innocent Job, but then gave him a new family later. Try telling that to the parents in Norway. "Yea, everything is cool, your kid(s) is dead but if you show faith in God then you will get some more kids later down the line." Good luck with that.

Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Terrible Terrible Tragedy

This is just plain heartbreaking and very, very stupid. Stupid is not the correct word. At least 85 people have been killed on an island retreat in Oslo, Norway. A gunman dressed as a police officer with a shotgun, automatic rifle and a pistol gathered kids attending a summer camp...and opened fire. Reports say that teens scattered in bushes or dove into the water to evade fire. Authorities are still searching the waters for more victims.

I didn't catch the name of the horrible person to do this but he is associated with the neo Nazi movement in Norway and his website claims that he is a Christian fundamentalist. I have never researched the connection between Christian extremism and neo Nazi culture, but I do know that there is a connection. Police authorities in Norway previously thought that Nazi extremist in their country were, I don't know how to say it, under control.

Folks, it doesn't matter what side of the debate you are on, whether you are theist or nontheist, this is tragic. Those kids, just teenagers, did not deserve to be gunned down at their summer camp. So frackin' bad. Like I said, I do not know much about the Nazi/Christian connection...but it looks like we are all going to find out about them now.

* There was also a bombing in Norway in Friday.

* Article

* In now way am I saying that this is a product of mainstream Christianity. I think it's more of a Nazi thing and distorted interpretations of Christianity.

* For those keeping score...I got meds on Friday and I just took my third pill. It is my hope that aprox. one month from now I will be back to normal; no more horrible random evil thoughts, no more crying on the spot for no reason (like I did yesterday at the Friday Nite Concert Series), and no more thinking that sleep is the best time of the day. Wish me luck.

* H/T to @vjack at Atheist Revolution where I first discovered the story. My computer has been broken for about three weeks and I'm not up to date on the news-n-stuffs. Thanks "V".

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Religion in the News July 22, 2011

Let us pray, err, let's get this thing started...

Gawd is so powerful-n-stuff and so caring and loving-n-stuff and totally cares about things like who you have sex with and how, whether you pick up sticks on Sunday, how you vote and the best one...what you eat. Hindu diners sue a super good Indian restaurant (aren't they all good. I think so) because they had meat in their samosas.

Isn't there a good Jewish joke that goes something like "we don't eat non Kosher...except when it's in Chinese food." The suing Hindu peeps should adopt that...and Gawd should pay less attention to peoples diets and do something about all the starving children in the world, that is of course, unless you don't exist.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has been called by God to run for president...but he didn't call him...but he did. I'm confused (and I have been for months). Any who...Michelle "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann has also been called which makes me even more confused. Did God call on two peeps to run for president? After all both can't win. Is this one of those mysterious tests? And let's not forget...Sarah "The Barracuda" Palin is waiting for her call. I hope God has a good long distance phone plan.

"Hey while you're down 'there', what, I was gonna say tie my shoe."

Nice article in Huff Post Religion about that hottie Mary Magdalene. Still it doesn't solve that question that we all want answered...did she and Jesus, ya know, hook up? The powers that be back in the day purposely did not include her gospel into the final cut of the 28 books of the bible because 1) they were sexist and jealous idiots (Mary got that special teaching from Jesus. wink wink) and 2) because of their actions Christianity came to be a sexist and misogynist religion. Well that's what I think.

A hella old hand written picture bible has been digitized and returned. Once belonging to Queen Zewdtu of Ethiopia from 1916-1930 the super old bible was digitized by professor Steve Delamarter who specializes in digitizing Ethiopian religious manuscripts. What you didn't know that someone could specialize in that...neither did I. Who wooda thunk?

At a recent event Tim Pawlenty was asked who he admires...guess what, err, guess who...“I’ve got a lot of political heroes too,” he said. “I love Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, Abraham Lincoln, Jesus Christ.” He said that he and his wife Mary “are people of faith and believers (On Faith Wa Po)."

What is awesome about that is that the staff of On Faith said that they have never heard of a politician say that Jesus is their favorite politician. These are people whoz job is to cover religion and politics, so for them to say that they have never heard of something, well...that is something (link).

Republican Jesus would totally hook up with ...Chuck Norris. Right.
The media mogul Rupert Murdoch and his tabloid phone hacking scandal is a trend story in the blogosphere. It seems like a separate thingy but, religious peeps are calling on prominent Christian authors to boycott a publishing house that is under the Murdoch media umbrella. The atheist favorite Rick "I'm a danger to secular society" Warren and Rob "There is no hell" Bell have been asked to not publish their best selling books with publishing house Zondervan. Zondervan also publishes bibles, I forget which one-I think Standard Revised Bible, hell I dunno-and because Murdoch has done something wrong, immoral, unethical, then peeps should support his publishing house. To tell you the truth, I don't get it.

I heart the LA Times, there is always good stuffs in it, like atheist content and this...The channel TLC is going to have a Muslim reality show. So awesome. Hows that going to go. The daughter or sister goes out on a date and then the oldest brother kills the guy. Actually, that sounds kinda awesome.

Well that concludes another brutal, tear filled week of anger and frustration, a week of (almost) giving up and admitting that I have no more fight or hope...and, and, of course there is always an "and"...and that also concludes Religion in the News for July 22, 2011.
"Stay away from my sister, yo."

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

The Church of Vanilla

This photo has noting to do with anything. I just like it.
Wow, I just can't surf the theological web lately without coming across a story about Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann. I want to read and see stories about finding Jesus or (You ain't no) Virgin Mary in bread products. The most recent trend story is how Bachmann did a Palin and switched churches.

Word around the water cooler is that Bachmann's husband is...the gay and other sutffs.
There was a lot of whoop-la in the last election cycle over The One leaving controversial Trinity United Church of Christ just because the pastor said, "Goddamn America (sheez, sensitive much people)." Even back in the day, Dwight D. Eisenhower left his super weirdo Jehovah's Witness religion for the more acceptable Presbyterian variety (1). Both dudes did the switcheroo to woo mainstream and middle of the way voters that may have thought their particular religion(s) were extreme-ish.
Julia, I'm glad you are an atheist and all, but dye your hair. Red is so Old Kriss.
Well, the ladies will not be outdone. A little while back Sarah "The Barracuda" Palin went from Pentecostal (2) to the very vanilla "bible believing Christian in a bible believing church (ugh, specific much)." Aaaaand, the new Sarah Palin, Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann, recently did the switcheroo herself. Crazy Eyes went from the Catholic Pope is the anti Christ Lutheran church to some mainstream vanilla church called Eagle Brook. The reason why all of the above made the move away from their churches is to court those very important votes that they covet.
She looks different in this photo.
Fo sho people, even politicians, have the right to switch churches anytime they want for any reason. What gets this particular New Atheist is that religion is still a requirement to run for the most important office (read in a God like voice) THE WOOOOORRRRRLLLLLDDDD. It is the definition of religious privilege. (Nonexistent) Heaven forbid an atheist tries to run for President of the United States, that would totally be controversial (and that in itself would be a controversy). The unwritten rule is that one must have faith, preferably Christian, to run for office. As far as I know, only Australia has an atheist in the top leadership position.

So the two Evangelical Feminists switched churches so they could run for office, big frackin' deal. They have changed their stripes, and yet they remain the same. It doesn't matter what church Crazy Eyes belongs to she still believes that creationism should be taught in the science classroom and also that one can "pray away the gay (3)." She may have left behind her Lutheran-the Pope is the anti Christ-church, but she is still an end of times-timer. They may be successful in attracting mainstream voters by switching to less controversial churches...and that fellow Team Atheist members, that is the frackin' problem.

(1) Dwight's J.W. church was not into saluting the flag or serving in the military and he thought that might make some voters angry. Ya think.

(2) Pentecostal are the ones (I know its hard to keep track of them all, there are so many) that believe in the healing of the hands, or is it laying of the hands, faith healing stuffs and are the snake handlers.

(3) A couple of thingies here. First there is talk that Bachmann's husband (he doesn't have his own identity) is the gay. It's a joke of course, but it is a funny joke. Second his clinic specializes in praying away the gay, even tho they deny that and they call it Christian conseling. Whatever.

* For those keeping score. I have an appt. today and they may or may not be able to get me the meds that I need. Once again, thanks to all for the support. It may not seem like it (because I'm tortured by all the suffering. It hurts, it really hurts so much every day, every moment that I'm awake peeps), but I appreciate the kind gestures.

* Article RNS

Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Team Atheist Forever

It's not your grand pappies Crusade anymore. 
I will now attempt to make sense. Wish me luck...

In an attempt to rebrand itself and perhaps seem hip-r to the younger crowd, Campus Crusade for Christ is changing their name to Cru. Wow, isn't that hip. They decided that the word "crusade" was yucky (my word) and that it has negative connotations. But...

"We were not trying to eliminate the word Christ from our name. We were looking for a name that would most effectively serve our mission and help us take the gospel to the world. Our mission has not changed. Cru enables us to have discussions about Christ with people who might initially be turned off by a more overtly Christian name. We believe that our interaction and our communication with the world will be what ultimately honors and glorifies Christ (Faith and Reason)."

And what better way to honor and glorify 'him' than hiding your intentions and then suddenly busting out with "Now, repent sinner...or go to Hellllll." Just kidding. You can follow Cru on Twitter @crunews (or you can just go on a Twitter break and not even look at it for a hella long time) and you can see their epic movie, aptly named The Jesus Film (I dare you to watch it you heathens. Their meticulous and scientific statistics claim that every 8 seconds "somewhere in the world, another person indicates a decision to follow Christ after watching the "JESUS" film (link)."

No little boy, I'm not Catholic. I'm Jewish...look at this.
Any who...I thought two things. 1) We should take a page outta their book with their growth and rebranding and the question that I'm happy to ask a lot lately 2) is this sh* working. Ya know the battle for secular society?

I've said before that 'they' have entire college campuses, TV and radio stations (not just shows on those stations, but the whole station), their books sell in the millions every year and some of their churches attract up to 10,000 on one weekend for one church. That's pretty awesome peeps and don't forget this...we are the minority. I've just saying that one day I hope our numbers are so great that we can have college campuses of our own, or TV station or network. That would be awesome.

Campus Crus...., err, Cru has claimed to have 37,900 "saved souls" since they have started bothering college kids on campus since 1951. They are on 1,029 campuses across the states. That's pretty good (and slightly deceiving, more later) and I can't help but think that would be cool if The Secular Student Alliance had those kinds of numbers. Just sayin'...

And what about the rebranding thingy. There have been many attmpts on our part to make the perception of atheists...softer. There was Richard "Papa Bear" Dawkins and his idea to call ourselves Brights, which is pretty good, but it didn't catch on. We can also be Humanist, rationalist, secular humanist, nu humanists etc...but ya know what, I like New Atheist the best (1). I'm proud to call myself a New Atheist and associate myself with the nu atheism and the golden age of atheism. I think what we need to do is embrace it positivity and make it a positive term. We can do the good 'ol turn around and when peeps say "new atheists" while looking down their nose, we can say, "Hell ya I'm a New Atheist." Just a thought...

Has baddass been taken?

The other thingy was...Is this working; that battle for secular society that we keep talking about. Is Christian privilege waning and for that matter, Christianity in general. I might contradict myself right now (and as I've said many times in many weeks lately...I'm not making sense, even to myself), and it says so in the article, but when you crunch the numbers, Crus has only saved 7 souls per campus per year. OK, if we look at it like that, then that is not that much.

Number wise, and we see this in survey after survey, the numbers of believers are going down here in the Western nations and it is only rising in third world countries (read poverty and no education). All denominations have dwindling numbers, the remaining clergy is aging and the youth are leaving the faith of their parents in droves. That is why CCfC changed their name to Cru-to attract the younger generation and leave behind notions of their parents negative and un-hip faith. Sure some churches have epic concert like services that attract thousands, but those churches are few.

One commenter made a funny and a good point. Dude said that the name went from Crusade to Cru. What is next, just a "C" and then after that it gets smaller and smaller until there is nothing. It just disappears.  Well, we can only hope.

(1) Fo Sho I like being referred  to as a New Atheist and I do call myself that. but what I would love would be if everyone started saying Team Atheist. I think it brings a sense of belonging, belonging to something that is bigger than the individual. I can't help but think of all the geeks out there that did not play team sports and spent their time studying (that that is why you became a skeptic and then an atheist). Well, come and be on my team, our team. This is your chance to be on a team. Isn't that attractive? I think so. Team Atheist Forever.

* Dam, I didn't make sense. This is bullshit................

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Pirates, I.D.'s and Ramen Oh My

I bet this dude drinks beer all the time. That is why he is the Most Awesome Dude in the World.

I was going to take a blog break (without telling anyone), but this story is made of awesome (1). I briefly mentioned this dude a couple of days ago and thought that was that, but, really, it just gets better.

Nico Alm waited three years for the"OK" to wear a pasta strainer on his head for his official ID. Somehow it was a protest about wearing the hijab in Austria, but I don't really understand that part. What I do know is that the super awesome Alm is a Pastafaria and he belongs to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti  Monster.

For those that do not know and are just plain stupid The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster arose outta that stupid Kansas State School Board thingy a couple a few years back where they tried to inject religion in the form of Creationism into the science classroom. So this dude, Bobby Henderson, wrote a letter to the school board saying, like, yea I agree with you, we should teach all creation stories not just that scientific, peer reviewed, rational, big bang, abiogenesis, evolution thru natural selection thingy. So he proposed that they also teach the mythology of his holy noodle-ness, The Flying Spaghetti Monster. If it seems silly, that is the point. Teach the controversy (2).

Satire and pushing the envelope of what religion is has always been fair game (fair to Team Atheist that is). Russell had his Teapot, in the 60's they had that awesome acid church and in recent times stuffs like the Church of Body Modification have come into play and is forcing peeps to rethink what religion and what church is. Does it makes sense that one of the beliefs of a Pastafarian is that a decrease in the number of pirates directly contributes to global warming (when other factors like community support and united belief(s) are in play). Does it makes sense that a one third god/man/ghost that lived 2,000 years ago is going to reanimate, save a certain select portion of the population and his dad will kill all remaining peeps on the erffs...because they love us. No, that sh*t doesn't make sense, it doesn't have to, it's religion. 

If you can turn the critical eye on the super awesome Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, then why not on your own religion...and it is a religion, or is it. Austria authorities are grappling with that very question. If dudes can walk around in robes chanting stuffs and banging tambourines, if peeps believe that snakes talk and a bronze age book told them that those gays, those powerful hurricane, tsunami producing gays are immoral, if peeps are making millions because they believe that the universe will heal you and make you happy, if some people believe that the world rests on two gigantic turtles (guess who?), then why can't the people who brought us Talk Like A Pirate Day and Skepticon believe that every Friday is a holiday.

If it doesn't makes sense, that is because it doesn't.


Pastafarian 101. The eyes evolved from meatballs.

"For functionalists, it is irrelevant whether Pastafarians sincerelybelieve in their noodly deity. This shared body of symbols and practices has spawned an esprit de corps, uniting philosophical atheists and agnostics into a moral community, meaning that Pastafarianism may well be on its way to becoming a religion—in both the substantive and the functional sense (RD)."

"After providing a doctor’s note ensuring that he was mentally fit to drive, his request was granted, but Austrian authorities were careful to point out that he was not granted a religious exception: The pasta strainer did not cover his face, thus making the photo acceptable. Alm’s next step will be to petition the Austrian government to recognize Pastafarianism as a valid religion (RD)."

(1) I just hope that I have the capacity to do this and makes sense. The other day I decided to go out for a pack of cigarettes (that means leave and never come back) as far as this blog is concerned, or at least take a break, but this story is too awesome. Troy, I'm frackin' trying man. Thank you and thanks to everyone. I'm trying y'all.

(2) The only thing controversial about "teach the controversy" is that 'they' really mean teach Christianity along side science as equally valid and likely. On the surface they say teach all sides, but they really only mean their side.  Are they going to teach all the Native American creation myths (which, there are hella), all the creation myths from all the cultures of the world...no. First of all it would not be practical, second myths/folklore are not science and third...it's just plain stupid.

* The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

* Religion Dispatches. This is the article that inspired me to un-hibernate. Unfortunately I feel like I failed and I didn't get my point across. I don't even know what my point was. le sigh.

* For those keeping score...I have an appt. tomorrow and maybe they can get me the meds that I need...maybe.

Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

I Give Up

I frackin' give up. I was gonna write about the controversy over Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann's former church and how they said, ya know, the Pope is the anti-Christ (Atlantic article that started it all), and how some peeps think "those Luthernan's have thought that for years, so what," while others said, "No free pass for you."

I was thinking about divide and conquer (because I mentioned it the other day and how Elevator Gate is dividing us-just stop being sexist teammates.sheez) and how, in this situation, it is happening in their camp. And yet, there are still factions that are calling for unity, even tho there are theological differences (1) and that their enemy is, get this, liberal secularism. See that folks, we should do that. Ya know, team up, show unity since we are on the same team and all. Then...

I had the awesome idea while reading an article about how former Gov. Schwarzeneger commuted the sentence of his friends son, former state assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, from 16-7 years. Esteban Nunez pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter in 2008 for killing Santo's son, Luis Santos. The court system worked but then the
Governator purposely stepped in to help his friend and even admitted it. When reporters asked the former Gov about it he said, "You are boring the hell out of me." OoooKaaayyy.

My idea had something to do with a previous post called "Would You Kill The Fat Man?" Y'all remember that one right? The classic Trolley philosophy experiment where you can save many lives but you have to take/kill one life. It is an exercise in what the philosophers call the sum total (of) happiness. Did the Sperminator's, err, the Governor's actions increase the sum total happiness? Then I lost the idea and train of thought. Dammmm, that was going to be a good one too (2).

Pre illegitimate child Arnold. I have very strong feelings about this.

In a moment of what Carl Jung calls synchronicity (which I do not believe in) I happened upon an article about what myself and The Greek Goddess were talking about yesterday. An 8 y/o Orthodox Jewish boy's remains, not the boy but his remains, were found in a dudes trash bin and refrigerator. Yucky and super gross. One of the thingies that makes this grisly murder so weirdo is that, it seems, that they both belong to a tight knit community. It seems that the killer came from within. It was not an outsider, a terrorist, a stranger...it was one of there own.

When I was reading the article I was thinking that this is not about religion, it is about humans. Did religion cause this, like so often I (and Team Atheist) have offered, or was this an individual weirdo like the Arizona Shooter. Then for the millionth time today...my brain happened.

I guess I'm doing a news roundup today, or...I just fuckin' give up.

(1) The Bachmann churchies (Lutheran) do not believe that the Pope is needed to attain salvation, just the bible. So when they say the Pope is the anti Christ, they do not mean with, like, horns and all, but that the Pope is putting himself in place of the bible, which to them is a sin. The Catholics believe that the Pope is a ladder of sorts that people need in order to reach God. With no Pope, there is no conduit to God. That is the difference. Oh yea, and liberal secularism (that is us folks) is the great evil.

(2) Whoa for a second there I forgot what #2 was gonna be. Almost lost it in that way that has been happening so much lately. Which would have been embarrassing to me, I'm in a full cafe right now. Luckly I wrote it down. The Sperminator wrote a letter to the Santos family to apologize. Mr. Santos said that a PR firm wrote it and that it's bs anywayssss. Sperm said in the letter that he and his wife, the wife he cheated on-you disgusting pig-will, guess what, pray for them. Oh no they didn't. Santos took the high road and did not comment on Sperms love child and affair. He said, "There are families involved." OK...I'm wandering and I forgot what my point was...something about philosophy. Oh well, fuck it.

* For those keeping score...Things are not good, but thanks for the support...................................................................................................

Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Religion in the News Thursday July 14, 2011

Is this the most awesome dude in the world? Yes.

OooooKaaaaayyyyy. Let's just start it off with an awesome atheist bang. The dude above is the most awesome dude in the world. Niko Alm of Austria has been battling authorities for three years to be able to wear the headdress of his religion in his ID photo. After all, there is freedom of expression, religion and free speech...right. Well I'm happy to announce that the Pastafarian, Alm, won the right to wear a colander on his head because he belongs to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. My man, congrats to that. You know you want to check it out, here.

Howz about all that good atheist pub lately (it's working folks). That new movie that everyone, err, at least the entire atheist blogosphere and some of the traditional media, is talking about is generating lot's of interest (very bad sentence on my part, funny tho). Here's some review-y stuffs on The Ledge. Unfortunately I haven't seen it in any listings here in Suckramento (which goes against you Sac Town and being that I'm on the verge of breaking up with you, that is not good), but I'm holding out....maybe it comes out this weekend. Hopefully.

In USA Today's blog called On Politics (and my awesome sister writes this blog. UR awesome Cat. I promise I will get better) Mitt "That One Mormon" Romney went up one point on the douche meter (that is positive) and said that he will not sign this ridiculous anti gay pledge that is circulating. Of course Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann and Rick "I don't have a nickname for him yet" Santorum said that they will sign it. The pledge says crazy stuffs like today's African American kids have a better chance of
having two parents under slavery than today. WTF does that even mean?

I need a vacation...from my mind (8:31am and it is starting. I feel like crying and I feel defeated...really feel like punching someone in the face right now. le sigh). Any who if I had an extra $4,629 I would...buy a new computer cause my sh*t is broken right now (and maybe another gun, maybe), and I certainly would not go on this adventure vacation to Israel with former prez candidate Mike Huckabee. Really, for just under 5,000 dollars you can travel the holy land with the Huckster. But why?

It is never too early to start the Christmas talk (and the subsequent Christmas debunking like, didja know that Christmas was banned here in the states at one time. It's true, I read it on the interbutz). Start saving up your pennies and nickels because there is a new doll in town. Salvation Sally is the evangelical two faced doll, really...really creepy that is. The doll has two faces, one that is sad faced pre Jesus and the other is happy because, well, just read the weird creepy article.
"I'm starving to death and these missionaries gave me this doll with two faces. I'm scared."

I'm getting tired, this is the last one...and it is a doosie. Texas Gov, Rick Perry is being sued by the super awesome Freedom From Religion Foundation over an "evangelical prayer rally." Really, think about all the times believers insist on praying on the public square and peeps like FFRF have to sue them, waste time and resources just to get politician believers to do the right thing (and often times the believers propose more prayer as an answer in the form of "Let's invite all religions to come and open the meeting with a prayer." Of course the only believers invited are Christian. WTF).

The founding fathers did not intend for this to be an exclusively Christian nation where the bible is taught in public schools (unless you ask Chuck Norris. Click this link and be very scared). The secular public square is fair to everyone. A faith based public square is elitist and exclusive (members only). Anyways....didn't Jesus say that prayer was a private matter and that when you do it...go to your room (the answer is yes).

Gov. Rick Perry, my name is Kriss, now go to your room. And that is Religion in the News. I'm out , I'm frustrated (f*ck it started early today), and I would kick something, but my foot is fractured. Thanks for all the support everyone.

Team Atheist Forever.