Rabu, 18 April 2012

Andy The Norway Shooter

Andy, The Norway shooter, is crazy pants bonkers. Fo sho I did that thing that skeptics are not supposed to do (come to a conclusion aaaannnnnnddddd THEN  find evidence to back that up.I forgot what thats called, Team Skeptic hint hint, wink wink), but after seeing this vid from the mighty Al Jazeera...I dunno.

I wanted to peg this dude as a Christian extremist, "he did all that because white God Man told him so", but the association is seemingly loose, or not trust worthy because he is teh crazy, so...I dunno. Stevo and the gang at Left Hemispheres did a good point/counter point when this came out, and at the time I was convinced that Andy was on mission from God (now I think he was on mission....in his brain).

Now..I just think dude is teh crazy.

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