Kamis, 12 April 2012

...he's totally teh gay...

This is sooo awesome. It came out the other day. A study claims that (one of the many reasons) homophobia is probably caused by suppressed homosexuality. Really. We needed a study to acknowledge this (not).

The poster boy for "I faked teh gay hating, but I'm really teh gay." Teddy "meth+male prostitute is Tuesday nite" Haggard
It is just like that looney Christian right winger (that makes the normal right wingers look bad) that, with vengeance and passion  on his repressed face says, "homosexuality is an abomination...really, just look at all this material I have. Aaaaallllll this material." Just like that porn video weirdo, that has hella porn that he viewed over and over again with bulging eyes-n-stuff, when he says "This is a sin so sayith the Lord. It is full of temptation...I know first hand," just like when this stuffs happens...these homophobes are going all kettle black.

This is "Brokeback Mountain Jesus" at the 2012 Hunky Jesus Contest.
Really...your *hetero* homie that *acts* fake gay all the time, putting his peeps down in a condescending imitating way, your homie that you watch UFC with (but for different reasons), the bro in the group that has the cleanest bathroom (with soap and toilet parer-n-stuff) and even the cleanest house, yes, that bro....

he's totally gay (", not that there is anything wrong with that." Seinfeld). And...there is always an "and."

Robert Spritzer, yes THAT Robert Spritzer, has retracted his conclusion from the often times quoted (by religious homophobes) paper that stated homosexuality can be cured with therapy. Admittedly he said that most of the critics of his paper are teh correct in that one cannot therapy away teh gay (don't get it confused with praying away teh gay. both stupid, but two different things). They are right and his stupid and not scientific conclusion that eh gay can be therapy-ied away...is teh wrong.

So we have two studies that conclude the same thing...It's OK to be LGBT and it's stupidhead to act fake gay when you are really teh gay.

So sayith teh Kriss

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