Kamis, 19 April 2012

The Great Nun Conspiracy of 2012

Dear Gawd, thanks for waving your magic cloudy hand and making all the news this week prove my point that if religion is to survive in the upcoming decades, then it must shed all the stupid stuff like the sexism, the anti-awesome LGBT'rs and shit like that.


No...cereal-y...religion is proving my point for me and for that I give much thanks. This time, oh boy, this time it is such a doosie. I really could have written this up any more perfect for my secret atheist agenda. Here's the nut shell...the largest affiliation of nuns here in the states had to be "reined" in by the Vatican because, get this, because they are not towing the line when it comes to traditional Catholic values.

So saith the Vatican, these people that have dedicated their lives to the poor and suffering (nuns) are not outspoken enuff on abortion, contraception and LGBT stuffs. These nuns are so outta line that the Vatican hadta appoint a bishop to oversee this returning to traditional Catholicism thingy, really.

The nuns group, Leadership Confrence of Women Religious, now is being baby sat by Seattle Archbishop Peter Sartain...yes, that Perer Sartain. And remmber this is because LCWR is going sorta liberal and helping people...all people. In the meantime the Vatican is welcoming into their fold (while giving them hella power) a right wing religious group who's intent is to bring back the fire and brimstone Catholicism, you know traditional (Society of St. Pious X).

So WTF. The mighty Vatican is suppressing the lady nuns and empowering an ancient *society* of dudes with ancient rituals-n-stuff. Is Dan Brown dead yet, because if he is...he's rolling in his grave (or not).

Kate isn't all that. I work next to a college. Just sayin'.
* Article with facts-n-stuff

* If you don't know who Dan Brown is, then UR straight up stupid.

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