Dammmmm girl. Wish you played on my team. |
Except London Mayor called bullshit on that and not on mmmmyyyyy watch, them. The homophobic ad was turned down and will not run on the double decker buses.
"It is clearly offensive to suggest that being gay is an illness that someone recovers from," Super cool and reasonable Mayor Boris Johnson said.
This is a good week for teh secret gay agenda. The loser that wrote that one paper that claimed that homosexuality can be cured retracted his NOT scientific paper. This is quit a blow to homophobes because that is what they quote from all the time. Praying away the gay and reparative therapy had another point in the win column this week, but of course this Nor-Cal stoner can't remember what it was at this moment. Now this.
Wow could it be that thru decades of activism that the LGBT community is winning more and more battles, that society is catching up to Team Reasonable. Are things getting better or worse. This week is certainly better for Team LGBT and Team Reason.
* Yea, I read the Pink News on occasion. you should too.
* The always good, no great, Religion News Service. Soooo good.
* Richard Papa Bear Dawkins.
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