Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Jails For Jesus Part Deux

You can talk prisoners without mentioning the Filipino prisoners doing Michael Jackson.
I don't lie cheat or steal. I believe that it is so important for Team Atheist to be ethical and moral, first of all because it is the correct thing to do and secondly to prove them wrong (you can be good without God). And yet...I can't help be feel a little bit of schadenfreude-y when I learned of the not exaggerated demise of one Chuck Colson.

If you will recall, kind gentle and very goodlooking readers, I wrote about Chucky and his billion dollar (tax payer billion dollar) enterprise of prison evangelicalism, like, last year-ish. I know y'all read it, but if you will recall in the post Jails For Jesus...

...because of the Bush regime there were drastic cuts in the rehabilitation stuffs that happens in prisons. For example education, access to books-n-interbutz-n-stuff type services were cut to nil and then evangelical Christian organizations stepped in to offer the lost services to the prisoners...but...

...but ya hadta listen to their spiel about Da Savior. Even a Muslim dude was forced to hear the "good word" just to get, like, a book or something. Of course I don't recall everything I wrote a year ago, or yesterday, but you can check out the post here. The main thingy is that Chuck was instrumental in the billion dollar Christian brainwashing industry that filled the void when the economy went to shit and prison rehabilitation services went the way of the doe doe.

So Chuck died at age 80. Listen angry atheist, would we have gotten hella angry if they celebrated when my hero, Hitch, recently passed away...yes. I'm sure sure Chuck had family and friends that loved him and will miss's just that I don't think that peeps in prison that sincerely want to be rehabilitated will miss his God talk in exchange for books-n-stuffs.

Oh yea...Watergate.

* O-bit Huff Po

* Jails for Jesus

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