Selasa, 10 April 2012

Unedited Raw First Draft Kriss

This was my Beatles moment. After this...ever thing changed.
OK, it's time to whip it not the  Fil-Am bamboo (that's a joke for my dick), my skeptics card, silly. Soooo there is a new study that concludes that the super stupid teen birth rate is down. In fact it is the lowest in many years. You can read the USA Today's hows and whys here, or you can trust this (slightly gloomy) atheist-skeptic.

It's a chicken egg thingy. Are the stupid teens of right now having less children, compared to previous generations, because there is better sex education or, as the article claims, teens are having less sex. Please. Fuckin' please. This is the part where the abstinence police claim victory and it is all the part where I slap people in the head and say, "WTF." Riiiigghhhhtttt, today's teens, in comparison to previous generations, are just not interested in teh sex and are doing it less therefore teh stupid head teen birth rate is lower (or what I said). I have one thing to say about that...common sense, statistics and please, fuckin' please.

This is the winner of this years Hunky Jesus contest. rock-n-roll Jesus.
This is from the other day but still, it's gotta be the baddest arse headline of the day...Praying for God To Hurt Someone Is Not Illegal, Judge Rules. A Dallas judge sayith so, well, that is unless someone actually gets hurt ( that would mean that prayer actually worked. so saith me). Imprecatory prayer, I believe-correct me if I'm wrong-is praying for other people and that includes the positive and negative.

Our guy Mikey of the mighty MRFF said that a military chaplain tried to go all voodoo, I mean put a curse, err, I mean prayed negatively in his direction (what's the difference, right) wanting the downfall of his family and the MRFF (if that is God's love, and it is, then I don't want any of that shit. sounds like hate). Psalm 109, yes that Psalm 109, calls for death of an opponent and bad things to happen to the wife and kids. Forget that that is super bad negative and hate-y and typical Christinism.

This is a cake and eat it also situation. Believers want Team Atheist to believe that there is an all powerful and all knowing God that listens and ACTS, that is responds, to/on prayer...except when it doesn't work. On one hand you halfta believe and pray to our specific and particular God (or go to hell) and this shit really really works, but on the other doesn't work and don't put us in jail because we were just kidding and didn't really pray for you demise, Mikey. Religion, Hippo-crit much. Yes.

The clothing police are out there...and they're gonna git ya. No messages on tee shirts allowed, not even positive ones, or ones with a different interpretations of that something something topic that is so emotionally charged and potentially violent. Oh Middle East why...not this time kind gentle and very good looking readers (how about tgavglr from now on. there I made a new word thingy)...Welcome to America...

I it prejudiced of me to say teh gay is always cute and adorable. Ok, then.
Ya know earlier when I was flippin' the pages of my copy of the mighty Dalton Daily News and I was reading about that cool high school kid that wanted to wear a shirt that says "Jesus is not a homophobe" on the day the school was acknowledging April's national Day of Silence, yo know, to show his support in the campaign against bullying of LGBT peeps-because it is the right thing to do, but he hadta turn the shirt inside out (and I dunno the reason but I can guess) and First amendment this and that. We all know the drill, right. Anyhoo...

This is what I like about Team Secular...we all have the same rights, or we don't. I don't like the message a super racist fanatic religious looney (no offense to my cool religious looney fiends) has on his sandwich board sign looking like a bizarre psycho (and really doing his message teh wrong because he looks so crazy), but dude has the freedom/right to do that...just like us.

I'll just say it... Bubba is a fat black guys name. What, we were all thinking it. Ooookkkaaayyy then. I see how guys are.
I dunno how I feel about LGBT peeps and their gay Jesus. I guess I'm cool with that. It just seems that I wouldn't want to be a part of a team that didn't want me part of the team (but if my LGBT peeps need and want a gay Jesus, then who am I...).  Besides clean cut and youthfully handsome tee shirt wearing homie is killin' it. I dunno. If the message that Jesus is accepting of everyone and love is cool and all that, then awesome. It really is. But the reality that Christianity can imitate  Mitt Romney's Etch A Sketch, that it is so vague, that it can be molded into any style one wants (1) into ANYONE'S interpretation and whim (really, look at all the ridiculous splinter cells of the Jesus cult)...doesn't that make it hella lame. Yes.

Bono is in Israel. I didn't read the article but it looked hella small. One day when I'm Bono popular (so popular that italics are used) I'll just Tweet (@thesexyatheist) that shit. Kiss is in Israel. Kriss is at the Death Grips show supporting their anticipated new album. Kriss is smoking weed behind the dumpster at the #cutegirlrestarant. Bono is Irish Catholic (correct me if I'm wrong)...maybe he's there to destroy it (ha ha).

I don't know what this is.
Master's Champion, Bubba Watson, want's you to know what they all want you to know, whether you want to know or not (but you've heard it before a million gazillion time before anyways...), it doesn't matter if you are arguing with your soon to be ex girlfriend, or if you are puking on the sidewalk (I've neeevvvveeeerrrrrr done that), having a cigarette break in the few moments of sun that you will get that day, the TV show you were watching, then this, the pareidolia, the Country Music Awards, at work, on the bus, not on the bus, some where anywhere, there could be a bus, or not, who cares, shit maybe you're riding your bike (because you live in flat Sacramento), even at church, they do this shit at church (ha ha)...they and Bubba (who names their kids Bubba, really) want you to know what they want you to know...

"Jesus loves you."

There is a big wheel race after all the blasphemy.
* Day in day out RNS is sooooo good. Religion Dispatches is a close second. Be one of those know it all atheist...check 'em out. Team Forevahhhhh

(1) This is the opposite of what I urge and believe that religion must do to survive into the upcoming decades, evolve.

* Hoz about no editing today. This is raw first draft Kriss...I feel so naked...n-shit.

Update: The article didn't say that, it was commentary on a different site, yo.

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