Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Hey Atheists, Let's Party

 Wow...the National Atheist Party...that has a cool ring to it. When I first started this crazy no pay, lot's of hours, did I say no pay...atheist blogging (2y/rs ago) I used to talk a lot about "a place at the political table," and secular society stuffs. And honestly, as of late I've made this place less about information and more about me me me (so there). Any who, we still don't have that place at that table I used to talk about all of the time. Or do we...

Troy "I must be a really cool dude" Boyle is the co founder of The National Atheist Party ( NAP). He got the idea when he was watching Richard "Papa Bear" Dawkins. Papa Bear questioned why, why on gods green earth (he didn't say that, I did), why is there NOT an organized political atheist party. Boyle stepped up to the plate.
What does NAP stand for. Ya know just that no government sponsored religion, or non religion, that secularists keep talking about. You see, kind gentle and very good looking readers, there is a war going on. Dominionism is real (even tho they claim it is not) and dagnabit federal money IS going to religious institutions and one must have religion to run for office (even tho the rules say otherwise). There are believers out there that want to rewrite history to say that the Founding Fathers absolutely do want the bible taught in public schools and that there is no law above Gods law (that's you constitution).

So awesome sauce to this Boyle dude for getting the ball rolling. Just like anything new, the numbers are small right now, but that is OK. Our numbers were small before The Four Horsemen and the New Atheist popped onto the scene and look at us now (is it true that this year has been dubbed The Year of the Atheist). It takes one to stand for the rest to follow and that is what we should do peeps.

You can start by liking them on Facebook.

* Article RNS.

* Next we need to develop Andy's idea of a gang sign.

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