Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

Real Knowledge Plus God Equals...

This is the fucker that took me down. If you were any older, son, I'd kick your ass. In fact...go get your dad, boy.
The only good thing to come outta having that violent puking that happens when you eat something that is not quite right is that your six pack feels so tight the next day. Other than that, like the horrible watering of the mouth right before you puke, the puking while people are walking by, the dude rolling up on you asking over and over "are you all right, are you all right (shut the fuck up dude. I appreciate it and all, but can't you see I'm puking. It's really selfish of you to want me to stop puking just so I  can answer you. Just sayin.'), the realization that nothing is coming out, because everything already left your stomach, the sweating right after and, well, you guys know...right. Any who....

Atheist don't plus one.
I'm going to go all stream of hazy consciousness on this one today, feeling kinda weak right now. Ritt Momney's good twin brother, the one that wants to win the contest to be the one to lose in the up coming election against super awesome Black Prez, is down with the foreveah judge, God, and his after the fact laws. Forget that his God and Prophet are different than the American Christian God, as an atheist, when I read stuffs like this...all I see is God.

"Don't claim equality as that gift from God and then go around and say, "Well, we don't have to pay attention to what god wants us to do.We don't have to pay attention to God's moral laws. If your rights come from God, then you have an obligation to live responsibly in conforming in God's laws, and our Founding Fathers said so, right." Mitt Romney and his fantastic underwear.

Maybe they are just doing "alternative Chinese medicine."
I call this the plus one. The believers plus one. It's an add on...after the fact. It's an unneeded attachment that doesn't help anything. After all God hasta be in injected in there somewhere. Take any explanation for anything, look at all the (real) work that goes into it , then inject the "explanation" of God at the end (1). Look atheist, forget that things like reciprocal altruism, sharing, kindness, helping peeps, Team Spirit, relationships etc...all happened naturally (evolution of group behavior thru natural selection) back in the day when our ancestors went form individual lame-oz to hunter gather'ers and then agriculture peeps. Forget that shit, "God did it."

Equality is not a gift from that invisible God that believers insist we believe in. What is equality anyway, a revolution from oppression of one to to the demanding of *equality*, then eventually the acceptance and practice of said equality. I don't see God there. I see an "idea" that thru human effort, came to fruition. Of course you can always add God, inject God into this or anything, at the end.

Humans for all our faults-n-stuff are still very amazing. For example, we have the capacity for love, great super loving love. We can choose to plus one God into that equation after the fact, but we don't need to. Because hella time has passed and we have that evolved human brain, humans have developed ethics, morals, rulez to live by and rulez to NOT live by. We know what is right and what is wrong, and by golly, we do not need to plus one a great surveillance camera in the sky, a judge and jury, a ghost or a warden, an oppressor, into the equation where humans already have the answer.

(1). How are babies born (insert all the knowledge about reproduction, all the medical stuffs here), then plus one God at the end. How do the tides work, why is the sky blue, why do families look alike, how come the Denver Broncos made it to the playoffs, any question with an answer that involves real knowledge that is based in the physical and material world we live in, a world that adheres to the concepts and principles of physics and chemistry, then place God at the end of the answer as if that is equal in explaining the mechanisms of how things work. That is the plus one.

* Oopsie, I made a mistake. I'm really really "hazing" if i'm making this one. It was not Underwear that made that quote, it was jizz, dookie and whatever else oozing outta my butt. My bad everyone.

* Quote

* Article

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