Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

The Roundy Roundup For This Friday (That's today, Yo)

Wow...so many good articles today and I can't settle on what topic to write about so guess what all you kind gentle and very good looking readers...no not chicken butt (this time)...time for a new roundup-n-shit.

Washington Post On Faith is killin' today. If they could bust out like this all of the time, then they would be my favorite (sorry RNS). One of the cool thingies about WPOF is that they give us a platform to do our thing. Par example...

Hey look, I'm Sammy Hagar's brother. OK, I'm not.
Psychologist and dude with really great hair, Steveo Pinker goes over the religion poisons everything spiel. His article Has religion made the world less safe is really not anything new to peeps that have participated in the conversation since the arrival of the 4 Horse Guys. But still, it's good to go over things and solidify you/our argument(s).

Believers and nonbelievers are cats and dogs, Mars and Venus, but sometimes, that is sometimes...chocolate and peanut butter is pretty OK. Rev. Barry Lynn of that secular group that is always in the news because they do really awesome work calls out Pat Robertson and his claim that god told him who will become the next president. It's very interesting to me because there were three GOP'ers that claimed that God told them to run for president and they are no longer in the race. Did God make an oopsie.

I Googled Pat Robertson squeezing out a poo.
Matisyahu, the hasidic reggae rapper, did the no no and...da da daaaa, cut his hair (their God said, bro don't do that.). I've seen his show twice. the first time it was awesome reggae dancing, super funky and the second it was all "spiritual" goobely-goo. I would be interested in seeing him again. hopefully it will be better than the last time (boring...snore).

The tiny president with the super hottie wife (where's my super hottie wife, le sigh) Nicky Sarkozy gives props to the ladies by visiting the grave of Joan of Arc. If she were still alive today she would be 600 and I'll just say it...all the cool guys like powerful women (f*ck submissive women, who the hell wants that) sooooo, I'd probably f*ck her. Any who..

Lastly, the religion of my peeps (Filipinos, because Spain cam to the islands and forced that shit down our throats...we probably were like Native americans of North american before they came and Islam was all up in the islands before Catholicism was.) has been in the news a lot this week and if you are a yound boy...that is not good.

I used to heart these as a kid.
First a Catholic bishop in LA resigned because he fathered some kids when he was supposed to be celibate and now they are adults. the church is going to compensate them by paying for college and counseling. This situation brings up celibacy and priesthood, but i could frackin' care less about that. what I'm surprised about and wondering...he did it with and...woman. That's not M.O..

It is the 10 year anniversary of the exposing of the Boston boy fucking scandal. Recall this was the first one, the one that blew it open. The Archbishop, then and now, has...get this...sorrow.

Then lastly, lastly...Pope stupid hat (really, bro, get some better gear, yo) recently appointed 22 new cardinals. That is pretty high up the boy fucking ladder and they get to vote for the next pope. Unfortunately, the one bishop that was vocal and critical about how the Catholic church handled the boy fucking scandal...was not promoted.

I got all these articles from the super awesome Washington Post On Faith. Pretty good stuffs for a one stop shop. Awesome atheist, there are so many to go to, there is religion News Service, CNN Belief Blog (the weakest of the bunch), Huff Po Religion and Religion Dispatches (super essay good) and many more. Atheist, get into the conversation and participate. I'll just say it...we are smarter than them and we are on the correct side of history. This IS the golden Age of Atheism. Let's do this together, like a team.

Awesome sauce peeps. I dunno if I'll be able to post this weekend. I'm going to the City where I wuz born and my awesome lil' brother is gonna take me to a show (I'm really nervous cause the last time I went to a show it was horrible. Thanks depression). I also hope to see my super sweetheart, old Deadhead friend that has fantastic hair. I might be looking for a new job and a place to live while I'm there and ya know what, if I can watch some football and drink some beer, then...baddass for me. Me me me....

Stay warm and awesome all you super smart, very good looking and godless reader peeps. wish me luck....

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