Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

The Stupid, Alaskan Airlines and Prayer Cards

Gordon Bawker the co-founder of Starbucks and delicious Redhook Ale, used to travel on Alaskan Airlines. AA, until recently, would drop a freekin' prayer card on your diner tray (I know, it's the 2,000's right). I can sort of forgive himfor putting small coffee shops outta business (not really) because he would remain silent, then when the plane took off, then he would recite the prayer out loud. I don't know you, but I don't want people sayin' out loud on this flying-sky-chair-tube thing, the thing that possible could crash and kill everyone, "the meek shall inherit the erffs (that or, "we're all gonna dieeeeeee.").

Do my Eskimo bro's and sis' really want their 'mugs' of planes. Were they even asked?
Here's the super stupid coming from the upper echelon, 1%'er's, the CEO and the president...

"...we've heard from many of you who believe religion is inappropriate on an airplane." Ugh, ya think. This is everything to me. This is the difference to an apologetic Kriss 2011 and angry atheist Nu Kriss, bitter, angry and in yo face, beeotches. Last year at this time, i might have let it pass without a thought. now, no frackin' way.

This should be a prayer card. It's inspiring.
Instead of "inappropriate behavior on a plane" I think dude should have said the correct and said, public place. People should be better than this, esp people in leadership positions. Really, did any Jews, Mooslims, or atheists eveah travel on Alaskan Airlines. It only takes common sense to see that that is inconsiderate at best. Here;s the other part of the quote the two brainiacs came up with in their memo...

"This difficult decision was not made lightly...Some of you enjoy the cards and associate with our service..."

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. This is what I was talking about earlier with the plus one. Really...really, there were customers/people that associated doing your job, the thing that everyone has to do, doing your job correctly and well (everyone is expected to do that and when you do, you don't get credit, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO THAT.) with those stupid prayer cards (name them, I doubt it). You go to work and do your job and it is a choice to give credit to God afterwards, not a requirement (See previous post).

I Googled "prayer cards."
 This is also Christian privilege. Some "higher up" decided long ago that s/he would promote their religion (after all, what's the harm, right) so they insisted and implemented giving out prayer cards to customers on a public flight, irregardless of belief or lack of. 

It's not that big of deal-eo tho. It's only been happening sicne the 70's and years ago, to save money, they only gave the cards out in first class. I guess only the 1% can be saved.

* There is an article about this on NPR, but I'm linking the mighty Seattle Times instead.

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