Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

America's Valentines To The World...More Military Bases

Straight up propaganda I tell you. No not Valentines Day, which I may or may not address later, but this fluff piece in my very own local rag (Sacramento Bee). I do not believe in conspiracy theories, but I do believe in the truth. As one war winds down, mighty American exceptionalism looks for the next country to bully. Hello Ugandan rebel, Joseph Kony (and his 200 soldiers), leader of the Lord's Resistance Army, you are our new raison d'etre. After all America's Christian army needs a new focus.

"Americans are favored by God, wherever that are in the world," said Bassiri Moke, a local chief. "We ask God to save us and the Americans came. We hope we won't have to die like before (Sac Bee)."

While posing no direct threat to America or Americans (this place is way way out in the sticks of Africa) our mighty Christian army is setting up base, again (the Koreans, Filipino's and Japanese are all sighing right now "Don't forget us."). The article claims that the troops are there because of "this influence of human rights campaigners who, with evangelical Christians, lobbied Congress to pass a law requiring renewed US efforts against the LRA." Ughhhhhh

I wonder, the article doesn't say, but are these the same American evangelicals that influenced the Kill All The Homo's bills from this year and last year in Uganda. Just wondering.

Just like in my beautiful Philippines the U.S. Army's official stance is that we are providing training and logistics to locals so they can police themselves bla bla bla.... (gee where have we heard that before, besides large parts of The Middle East, S.E. Asia, South America-did I leave any part of the world out).

The current GOP presidential candidates constantly claim the President Obama doesn't believe in America, but they wrongly label it American exceptionalism; or rather that the Black Prez does not believe that America has an ordained spot at the top of the world because "he" said so (that's what American exceptionalism is). Well, I don't believe that. But I do see these words in this article. I see the money quote from 'a local chief'. I see evangelical Christians are involved. I see another America armed force base pop up in the middle of nowhere. Lastly, I see the beginnings of another long drawn out occupation that will surely waste 1,000's and 1,000's of lives.

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