Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

Ancient Thinking, Funny Hats, Awesome Black Prez

 I'm totally convinced that the guys with funny hats (Bishops) secretly (but not so secretly) wanna be women. I mean really, why are they so concerned with controlling women and THEIR reproductive thing-a-ma-jigs. Last week was huge in that war for women's reproductive rights. First the awesome Black Prez said all employers that provide insurance must include the cost of contraception, then the guys in funny hats called bullshit, then guess what. There is still access to free birth control.
I admit I'm not on top of this one as I should be, but didn't we win this one. Really, the bottom line is that women have access to free birth control, thus having control over whether they get prego or not, which increases their chances of going to college and having financial independence. Again, I admit that I do not know all the details, but it looks to me that we won this round no matter what the wording is on the mandate.

The mighty Slate has good article about those crazy Christians and b-control. Although really stupid head by today's standards, the ancients at least saw the relevance of population/birth control and, at least, tried. Here's some goodies...

Bro, can't ya see Bathsheba is trying to...bathe. Get out pervert.
"Hippocrates, the father of medicine, described crude contraceptives as early as the fifth century B.C., writing, “If a woman does not wish to become pregnant, give to her in a drink of water moistened copper ore in the amount of a vicia bean, and she will not become pregnant for a year.” That’s actually one of the less repulsive recipes of the time. Another was a supposedly abortion-inducing suppository that included five dismembered Spanish fly beetles, cuttlefish eggs, and sweet wine. A century later, Aristotle prescribed cedar oil and olive oil as spermicides to prevent overpopulation. Modern scientists doubt the efficacy of these methods, but no one has tried testing them. If all else failed—as it surely did quite often—there was infanticide. The Ancient Greeks got around their moral qualms by practicing exposure (i.e., they left newborns to die in the wilderness), allowing a slight chance that the Gods could rescue the infant (link)."

Unfortunately, the most effective one was leaving the poor kid out in the wilderness. Ancient commands like "be fruitful" were probably needed back in the day, simply because the infant death rate was so high (so of course the more babies a woman squirts out the more likely your genes go on to survive in the next generation). Today is a totally different story, now there is an abundance of babies and kids out there, the unfortunate baby death in comparison is rare, and...there is always an and...and nowadays peeps can have sex just for the sake of having sex.

The ancients must be turning in their graves...or masturbating.

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