Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

Leaving The Church Of Caturday Saints

What is that great sayin' we have...if ya want to convert someone, then let them read their "holy book." That's a sayin', right. Well, it looks like that is what the cool Mormon kids are doing (thanks Internetz). Depending on who you ask, there may or may not be a mass Exodus (I couldn't resist) of the young-ins from that old crusty Mormonism. It's true, I read it on the Internet.

So what could these cool kids possibly be reading that turns them away from the one true religion that they were raised in...history. Specifically the history of their religion. So I guess even tho one is raised in the Mormon religion they were unaware that their founder Joseph Smith, err, had hella wives and even going super perv and marrying a...14y/o (weirdo man, how can ya be attracted or stimulated by that. gross). On the Mighty Atheist Blogosphere we always examine how reading any one of the many many Christian bibles can turn one into an atheist, but whatabout those clean cut, bicycle riding Mormons. Sure, why not.

The authorities on Team Joseph Smith claim that there is a lot of "misinformation" out there and that those young-ins I mentioned earlier, are being deceived (thanks Interbutz). Yes, no, maybe...probably not. I think and hope that one only hasta look at the main beliefs of said religion to be able to reject it. Where does the faith come into play.

For Team Joseph Smith, which is also Team Potential President of the United States, one hasta believe and have faith in...this guy found these tablets, only he could decipher them, no one could see them, oh but wait, they freekin' broke, but oh well you just halfta believe me. OoooKkkaaaayyyyyy.

Team Jesus hasta believe that a 1/3 god, man, ghost was essentially sent by his self to...err, to die, and to die for everyone's sins-even if they have not been born yet-but don't trip it's all cool because 1/3 guy is a-coming back, twice, and the second time he comes back he's gonna take the very few people that practiced the correct version of "his" religion, when there are hella impostors out there, to heaven, while his dad-who is at the same time "him"-kills all the remaining people and da erffs. Who doesn't believe THAT.

I feel like I should give more time to Team Joseph Smith. He wanted to be a disgusting swinger, but his 1st first wife said, "fuck you, weirdo," so he divorced her. She also wanted to see these *miraculous* tablets, but dude wouldn't let her see them. What really, you're not gonna let your awesome lady that put's up with you shit see that really cool stuff you found (no respect for the ladies i tell ya). He also used to translated the tablets to her, but with a curtain separating them (she was forbidden from seeing these tablets, I tell ya). I believe that her insisting to see these tablets from god with her refusal to go all polygamy, lead to divorce. Just sayin'.

Sooooo, droves of Mormon youth are leaving the fold. Gee, I can't imagine why.

What this picture again...where did that come from.

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