Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Letting Go Of Mythology

Really peeps, I'm sooo trying to be an everyday atheist blogger...it's just that, well, the shit don't work like that (thanks bullshit depression). Anyhoo. I've been reading a very entertaining 5 part series, on the mighty Slate, about my beautiful Philippines. The author, I ass-u-me a round eye, is doing killer ass shit in the islands (and I'm fucking jealous).

Father of The Worm has a shanty roadside bar where they serve Rainbow burgers.
Hella years ago one of the many volcano's erupted (Mt. Pinatubo I believe), killed hella peeps and fucked up some shit. So this author has a great idea of scaling one of the remaining active volcano's (I dunno why) and the adventures come after.

This one is totally funny and tragic at the same time. In one of the red light districts he comes across (you'll never guess) Dennis "Freekin" Rodman's father. Of course our Atea skinned father left his rainbow colored hair son when he was like three and maintains that he didn't leave The Worm, he left his mother. But alas, this is the Philippines, so your next wife and your next 28 children are never, and I shake my head and wipe my tears, never...NEVER fucking far away (that is the tragic part).

Looks peaceful now. but...
So this dude goes on this adventure, the kinda adventure that Filipino Americans (at least the ones that care) like me, in MY Islands and it sounds totally sick. Here's that part I really wanted to talk about. My beautiful Philippines is the most awesome place in the world and dagnabit, I wanna help...but as the sayin' goes, "You halfta help yo'self." 

...howz about nowzzzzz.
There are these people in the Philippines called the Ateas, and for lack of better words, they are black: black skin and afros. Now, I'm not blaming these particular Filipino's, but it is this kinda philosophy that is holding the Islands back. Filipino peeps, we need to advance, not cling to old ass superstition. Oh, woe is me, woes is me. Perhaps, one day...beautiful Philippines.

Is it totally prejudice of me to automatically think of that scene from the original Airplane where the white dude shows the "native" how to play basketball and the very next scen the "natives" are doing double crossovers and lay ups-n-shit.
"The eruption, when it finally came, was a surprise to everyone. Or almost everyone: Many years earlier, an Aeta storyteller had given a stark warning about Pinatubo, but his message remained hidden until a few years ago. (The typescript, discovered on dusty microfilm at the University of the Philippines, was first published in the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, and cited in Clive Oppenheimer's book, Eruptions That Shook the World.) Recorded in 1915, it describes a fearsome, fire-breathing turtle that retreated up the mountain after fighting with another mythical creature. For three days, the turtle burrowed into the summit, shaking the earth and spraying pieces of rock, mud, and ash with a deafening roar. "Now you do not see smoke coming out of the Pinatubo mountain," the storyteller concludes, "and many believe that the terrible monster is already dead; but I think that he is just resting after his exertions, and that someday he will surely come out of his hiding place again."
* Slate

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