Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

Hopefully...The Sunshine Edition

Sumthin' good sumthin' bad...really bad. Stupid Head Prop 8 was deemed unconstitutional yesterday which makes me wonder "How the fuck did it get passed in the first place." I must-a blinked or something...or I just straight up 4-got. Don't celebrate too much, tho...of course it will now be appealed to da Supreme, or not. Hold it now, that is not the bad part.

The bad part is that that stupid Uganda gay death sentence bill is back. It was squashed last year, but just like that Jesus that those Christians that influenced the bill in the first place keep talking about...it has been resurrected. Maybe there are some Jews in Uganda that can kill it, and kill it for good this time. G-luck LGBT Ugandan homies.

Abortionplex. Yes that is "abortion" and, I guess, "complex" put together. Well, all least that is what an antiabortion congressperson thinks. And in continuing my usual high standard of journalism, I forgot dudes name, let's just call him congress person dookie head. So dookie head was *alerted* of the 8 billion dollar abortionplex, that brags an abortion every three seconds, up to a million a month, facials and flutes of champagne and foot massages while you...you know kill a human. So he put it on his Facebook page to *alert* all his republican peeps. One thingy, tho...his source was The Onion (read it, it is so funny). Oh and his facebook page has been mysteriously deleted.

Last nite while prog-lib's like me slept soundly knowing that all the GOP candidates are super lame, the Underwear Man got Rick Rolled...three times.

If you do not know the story of Missouri teenager, Alyssa Bustamante, prepare to be very shocked and sickened. You know what, it's too gross. All we halfta know is that when she was 15 she killed a 9 y/o just to see what it feels like. The super disturbing part is from here diary which was read in court.
     "I don't know how to feel atm. It was ahmazing. As soon as you get over the "ohmygawd I can't do this" feeling, it's pretty enjoyable. I'm kinda nervous and shaky though right now. Kay...I gotta go to church now...lol."

Here's another something good and something really crappy bad. The Boy Fuckers held a special service of "repentance"in Rome seeking "atonement" (self forgiveness) for all that boy fucking. Then, here's an article about the Vatican Abuse Summit where it was emphasized that Bishops must and will be held accountable for...all that boy fucking. That's good, right. Then retired New York Cardinal Dookie Head (Egan) took back his apology to abuse victims from 2002 saying "I don't think that we did anything wrong." OK then...

Lastly, I'd like to have a word with God-if that is your real name. Dear god if you exist, and it seems to me that you do not-especially a specific God of a specific denomination, a deist-y being thingy is more probable, but I still do not believe in that-God, please let the sun come out today. Please.

Thank you,


* Follow me on that Twitter the cool kids keep talking about. @thesexyatheist

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