Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

The Law Of Man v The Law Of The Invisible Sk Dad

This is everything and by everything I mean, religious liberty, church/state separation, over population, healthcare. Did I miss anything...OK, election ear, us v. them, manmade laws v. celestial ones, feminism, secularism, and my favorite cherry picking from the bible. So what on Gawd's green erffs is so dang important...contraception. 

The big dealeo is that the awesome Black Prez wants employers to provide contraception in their insurance packages. Black Prez did not say or demand that "you halfta use the glove everytime you get down with that kind, slow and generous love." No, he just said if you provide insurance, and if the individual so chooses to even use the stuff, then the cost of the "rubber-lover" should be included in the individuals plan. From my superior, super smart, prog-lib, atheist, feminist, skeptic point of view it is exact like the abortion debate: one side wants to control and the other, better looking and charming side, just wants the freedom to be able to choose (no one said you halfta get an abortion, we only say let the ladies choose for themselves).

The Black Prez from Idiocracy. Awesome.
Then there are dudes like The Common Gigolo and Butt Juice (blog spreadingsantorum.com, really) that are pulling out the "this is religious discrimination" card, "this is big government being shoved down our throats," and of course the GOP's calling card, "it's Obama's fault." Pray tell...why?

The imaginary sky father said, thru that bible that he didn't write, to be "fruitful" and have more children than you can support; while at the same time enslaving your pretty lady with constantly prego mode (that way you won't be able to get an education and have the independence that one's own money brings). In Newt's and Butt Juice's Catholic religion, abortion is killing a human and using the love glove is going against the word of Gawd, which is also a sin. Their claim is that big bad government is controlling them thru Obama's mandate. This is the "war on the Catholic church" that The Gigolo keeps telling us about. Not.

I wonder if American Giggalo stands the test of time. Mmmm.
I would agree with them if the government was controlling and inhibiting their religious freedom, but that is just not the case. Just like with abortion, this is about choice. Just because the president wants employers that offer insurance to pay for contraception doesn't mean they have to use it. Once again the only side that is controlling is that of religion.

Oakland bishop, Salvatore Cordileone, "I'am outraged that our religious liberties are violated by this mandate." 

Me, "I'am outraged that religion is attempting to control choice."

I'm sure Team Many Wives cried fowl when the government said things like "you can't have hella wives and/or rape, err, marry super young girls (that may or may not be related to you)," or when slavery was abolished (1). Over population is bringing the environment to a tipping point so why would God's mandate of "be fruitful" supersede man's common sense law of use contraception you freak.

"...a study by the Guttmacher Institute, which addresses sexual and reproductive health issues, shows that most sexually active Catholic women have used a form of contraception-even though it contradicts church teaching (link)."

Oh yea...did anyone on the side of religion remember to ask the ladies what it is that they want (probably not). Women have be controlled by the church, well, forever and now they have expanded to Team Dude (the mandate effects guys also). Say it isn't so. 

"It isn't so."

(1) Don't forget that slavery, you know owning a human being like one would own a farm animal, was sanctioned by the bible. The endorsement of God was used as justification back in the day. Is that inhibiting religious freedom or an example that the laws of people are superior to the laws of an invisible God.

* Dam, I don't think I made sense just now. not confident about this one. 

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