Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

All Hail The King, Or Not

I'll start off with a joke (and after yesterday, I need it)...What is Bishops Eddie Long's porn name...Eddie Long (rimshot).

"This scroll gives me the power to fuck boys with no recourse-n-shit."
Contrary to simple minded belief, most atheists don't hate religion, in fact we find religion very fascinating, like mythology and folklore, that is one of the reasons why we study it so much. Then again, I guess it depends on what religion we are talking about. If we are talking about do good religion that is unselfish, a religion where some kinda higher power, sumthin' more than humanity, something for mere humans to aspire to for the sake of good and goodness, then I can go for that (I don't believe in that, but it's better than the alternative). If we are talking about the Prosperity Gospel (God wants you to be rich) and the *alleged* boy fucker and abuser of power and trust, the Bishop Eddie Long, then fuck that shit.

I was a gonna take today off, that is until I saw the "promotion" of the Bishop. The Bishop Eddie Long, lawsuits and allegations, divorce and all, has bee promoted to...King. Yes, it's true, the King Eddie Long. I watched the video as long as I could but quite frankly, it was so full of bullshit that my simple atheist/skeptic brain went into overdrive and exploded.

"I out rake you Mr President...I'm the King. Wait hold on..Oh that was Elvis, he said I'm the King, baby."
I've always wonder how one become a pastor, a bishop and now King. Really, these clergy types also have Phd's in front of their names. Did they go to an accredited college and get a Phd. in theology or biblical studies...NO. Someone I know has a Phd. in front of their name (and last time I saw dude, he did not). I suspect that the "degree" was bought, plain and simple. It would be the coolest thing to have a Phd. in science, that would mean that you contributed to the whole of knowledge. You struggled for many years to make a discovery, to uncover something that was unknown at one time and you added to what is known. Phd. in religion...I dunno. To become royalty in religion...deff. not. Any who...

What I did see of the video was that a *scholar* got a 300 y/o scroll and because he presented it to Bishop Long...that makes him King. OoooKkkaaayyyyy. First of all a 300 y/o scroll is not that old considering that Christianity is supposedly 2,000 years old. The presenter make the fallacious pseudoscience claim that "most Jews wouldn't even get this close to an ancient scroll." Ok so what. That doesn't mean squat. He said that usually this (the scroll presentation) is reserved for cities. Dude really made it seem like the promotion of the boy fucker, err, Bishop Eddie Long was ordained by God. WTF. Besides that, it is super super weirdo for four grown men to carry and lift the boy fucker, err, I mean the Bishop, into the air on a thrown with the stupid scroll and a ridiculous hat (what's up with clergy and their super lame hats. yuck).

OK...I'm wandering (my brain power right now is not very powerful). This dude, the King is a multi-millionaire. He has luxury cars, private jets and loads of straight up cash. Look at his suits, they are probably more than a years salary for me. He *settled* with the men that he abused both physically and trust wise, which tells us that he didn't want to go to court for boy fucking. And his wife pretty recently filed for divorce. OK, I do believe in redemption of some sort and forgiveness. I'm not talking about the boy fucker right now...I'm talking about the congregation.

But why would you. You are supposed to be a man of peace. After all, are you not innocent.
Look at how packed his church is. Soooo full of well dressed believers that subscribe to the belief that God wants you to be rich. Have they already forgiven him (because to forgive him is to be closer to God and the closer one is, the more one makes, right). What about the abused men. I have not seen any reports about the well being of the men and in fact the only things that I have read about them is from members of the congregation that claim the men are "gold diggers." Gold diggers, really. I thought they were just people who trusted an authority figure and they were manipulated into having sex from someone they totally trusted...then thrown to the curb.

I wanna say that this is NOT Gods love, but one only hasta study religion for a little bit to admit...This IS Gods love.

Long live the King.

* Article Watch the video and be totally creeped out...I mean totally.

* Prosperity gospel

* tooootally crappy and anxious day yesterday. It has been mostly good as of late, but once in a while one crapola day sneaks in there. doing better today...so far.

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