Jumat, 25 November 2011

...but then again, this is why we do this.

 ...but then again, it's not only about me, it's about the world. Remember last year when American evangelical Christians went all American evangelical Christian in Africa and influenced a proposed law that would allow for the death penalty for the crime (or is it sin) of being the gay. I remember. Thank (nonexistent) God that it did not pass; but there is still hella gay haters in Africa, this time, specifically in Cameroon.

It is alleged that the two men, that look like women, were having that oral sex of the gay variety in a parked car. The men deny it, but that doesn't matter, they were sentenced to five years in prison. Their lawyer said that they were jailed because they look like women. Gays in Africa are often abused because it is a society "which punishes these three men solely on the basis of their perceived sexual orientation." Amnesty International urged the government/courts release the men.

Morocco, Nigeria and Uganda have also been influence by the American evangelicals and each has some kinda legislation that inhibits the freedoms of LGBT in Africa. Last year that gay journalist was kidnapped and killed because he was openly the gay. In South Africa the constitution guarantees equal rights, but LGBT there fear beatings, kidnapping and death regardless.

This is why extremist religion needs to be stopped. Look at Egypt right now, they have fear that in the upcoming elections the Muslim Brotherhood (and that Sharia law peeps keep talking about) will dominate and secularism will go wayside. Not to be outdone, American evangelical Christianity is spreading in third world countries and influencing their leaders at a time where the population lacks education and basic resources. Of course what comes with that is bad 'ol fashioned Christian prejudice called, homophobia.

"Many fundamentalist Christians and traditional African leaders oppose homosexuality as "un-African." But Cameroon is emerging as among of the most punitive regimes, having jailed men in the past for homosexuality. The most recent case was in March, when a gay man was jailed for three years, while six other arrested men are in custody awaiting trial (LA Times)."

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