Senin, 07 November 2011

The Devil Is In The Details

Do  you see it, how about
 I'll tell ya what Team Skeptic, I mean besides I heart ya-n-shit...I heart me some pareidolia just as much as the next skeptic but when peeps are just straight up making shit up, then I call BS.

Oh my garsh, the Devil has been spotted "high up in the Basilica of St. Francis of Assissi. If you look at the bottom left of the above part of the mural, you can see...the Devil...right? The artist, Giotto di Bondone may have been playing a joke, says one super old crusty super old art historian dude. In fact Giotto was not the only one joking around in his paintings back in the day. Previously it was thought that Andrea Mantegna in the 15th century, as well as others, joked around and put stuffs in their work.  Me currently,  like right now, my thought is...c'mon this is fake.

What is this the Da Vinci Code? There are secrets-n-stuff hidden in super old painting. Whatevah...If that is the case then, below, are the hands of God appearing mysteriously in clouds...right.
 Or how about this (awesome) elephant in the clouds, below. Am I to believe that in the first picture, at the top, that is the devil in the bottom left hand corner-with the hook nose-n-stuffs, and that it was intended to be there, like, purposely and all. Or is it just a coincidence and we (humans) are just making shit up (because we are pattern seeking animals and that is how we evolved and survived throughout time) and it is a coincidence that there is a face there in the painting or in the clouds, or a piece of Jesus toast, or whatevah.  And who is to say that it is the Devil anyways, why not God(?).
I think this discovery is fake. Oh wait...that's what pareidolia is...dugh.


* Skeptics Dictionary Pareidolia

*BBC News Article

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