Rabu, 09 November 2011

Chicken Pox Party

Wow, that is so attractive.
 I haven't heard the term "chicken pox party' in a long time. It seems that that was the thing to do when I was a kid, even tho I never went to one or knew anyone that went to one (I'm just sayin' that the term was more commonly used). If you don't know what that is it is when one unfortunate kid in the neighborhood gets chicken pox, then all the, well meaning, parents take their kids over there to contract the illness (I guess by hugging the poor pocked person). This is due to the belief that you want to get chicken pox as a child because if you get it when you become older, then you will die (I don't know if that is true or not). I have no stats on this but...the chicken pox party died out because of super awesome science, specifically vaccines.

But as all you kind gentle and very good looking readers know, the celebrity, magic potion, CAM, stupidity endorsers have started and sustained the anti-vax movement. Their world is like Superman's Bizarro world-the opposite is true. To them vaccines do not prevent preventable diseases, no quite the contrary, vaccines cause illness (go fuckin' figure). Needless to say, because of celebrity endorsers like Jenny McCarthy, many well meaning parents skip the vaccinations to, ironically, save their children. What has happened since that movement has proliferated is a lowering of the very important herd mentality and a return of many preventable diseases.

Recently there have been many articles about parents that met people on the Facebook and got them to send loli-pops that were licked by infected kids, or saliva. I guess the hope is that, thru the mail, their children could get chicken pocks at the preferable correct and young age, and then they wouldn't have to trip on it for the rest of their lives.

Once again, I guess it's a good idea, just like, I guess a chicken pox party is a good idea, except the, ya know...you are not supposed to send viruses thru the mail (anthrax anyone) and licking a loli-pop is not a very efficient way to transfer the illness. In fact, now that I think of it, the good idea is not so good anymore...actually, it's quite the dumbness.

I have a better idea. Howz about, and this is for all you well meaning parents out there, you use common sense and ask yourself...who knows more about science and medicine 1) Jenny McCarthey or, gee, I dunno, 2) DOCTORS. All the best intentions are for bullshit if you are making stupid decisions like that. Not only are you putting your child at risk (by not getting vaccinated), but you are endangering the rest of us with your dirty unvaccinated children.

There is a reason why the chicken pox party went the way of the dinosaurs, no not ice age...because there are better ways...like that science and medicine that skeptics keep talking about.
* I had chicken pox when I was, like, ten or so and it was during Christmas time, which is also near my birthday. I was quarantined and it sucked.

* Mom as a bioterrorist.

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