Jumat, 18 November 2011

OK, Howz About A Proper Post

Fuckin' "A" man, I suck at this take a brain and blog break. I guess the battle for secular society (while having a few laughs along the way) is more important than me 'recharging.' Any who...

Jesus is back. Yessirie, right on that one. The Prince of Peace is not only back...but he fired an assault rife at the presidents bedroom. Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, a 21 y/o Idaho man says, "It's not just a coincidence that I look like Jesus...I am the modern day Jesus Christ that you all have been waiting for."

Well, that's a relief. I was beginning to run outta patience, ya know, being that dude is two thousand years too late (afterall he did promise "in their lifetime" meaning the apostles). So now that Jesus is back, took a shot at the White House and got arrested what does dude want. He wants to be on Oprah. Check out the vid.

OK, this very brave and lovely lady deserves more attention...and I'm just the guy to give it to her (wink wink). In my previous super short and crapy post that I really and truly gave no effort to, I didn't mention any facts, like, her name is Aliaa Mahdy, 20 y/0, Egyptian feminist, she is protesting Islamic and military rule that oppresses the women folk and I'll say it again, she is very brave.

Go to her site and watch the numbers roll and roll. The last time I went there, she had over 2 million hits and at a rate of one per second. That is a lot of hits. Just goes to show you that sex sells and sex promotes. What is my motto...Go for the six pack, stay for the content. We did not make the reality  that sex sells, we just acknowledge it and use it to promote feminism and a secular society.

Just the other day in the mighty atheist blogosphere there was that article being passed around that suggested that Islamic women cover their eyes. Why, because their freekin' eyes are too tempting and sexual. WTF. Of course nothing is said about a man that has unpure thoughts when viewing those sexy eyes...and that is the problem.

I was gonna take a blog break, but these two stories were just too awesome to pass up.

* SF Gate Article

* I'm Jesus, withy creepy 20 minute vid. USA Today

* Her Blogspot. I might add. she has one post and that generated millions of hits. I have close to 900 posts and I'm rolling at, like, 90,000. I think it's time for some naked Kriss photos.

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