Jumat, 04 November 2011

More Catholic Losers and Fuck You

Non existent Gawd Dammmmmm, I'm fuckin' pissed right now. Kind gentle and very good looking readers, I'm a fuckin' hippie and the last 5-6 months I have had so many thoughts of violence, punching peeps in faces and destroying shit with my rock hard body and fists and feet I can't process it all. I'm fuckin' devestated by my negativity...on one hand I wanna say it's not me and on the other hand I wanna say...Welcome to Nu Kriss Super Dark Winter 2011/12....bitches. Any who...

Earlier I was gonna write this epic essay on this thing so epic that I couldn't process or comprehend it (thanks depression). Now I'm a gonna attempt to write about something I know pretty well, the boy fuckers, yes, the Catholic church.

Besides being boy fuckers and boy fucker cover up'ers, they are also homophobs. Yes that is right folks, the Great and all Mighty Surveillance Camera in the Sky, that sicko voyeur that watches you when you sleep, he knows what you are thinking and what you are gonna do before you do it, and even if ya wanted to...you can not escape him...even in death, yes that sicko, this fucker also cares about who you sleep with and how (I'm in a bad mood, can ya tell) and he is telling his followers to hate on my/our GLBT friends

Some total loser by the name of Daniel Avila, wrote in the nations oldest Catholic newspaper-The boston Pilot-that...and I'm paraphrasing right now, that The Gay is equated to The Devil, you know...Satan, and if you are in a loving relationship with someone that is of the same sex, no matter how loving, then you will burn in heeeeeeelllllllll (and yes, that is pissed me paraphrasing). Or in stupidheads words....

"...scientific evidence of how same sex attraction most likely may be created provides a credible basis for a spiritual explanation that indicts the devil."

Needless to say the paper pulled the article and has distanced themselves from their boy-and make no mistake about it, the homophobe that wrote that is their boy. And that is the whole ado about this particular stinky cheese in symbolic Denmark-land (that is a sayin', right).

They pulled the bad 'ol "that was not authorized for publication" move and issued apologies. Here's the Catholic gobbly goop double speak-n-stuffs...

"The teaching of sacred Scripture and of the Catechism of the Catholic Church make it clear that all persons are created in the image and likeness of God and have inviolable dignity. Likewise, the church proclaims the sanctity of marriage as the permanent, faithful, fruitful union of one man and one woman."

He continued: "The church opposes, as I do too, all unjust discrimination and the violence against persons that unjust discrimination inspires. I deeply apologize for the hurt and confusion that this column has caused (The Mighty Catholic.News.com)."

Wow, that first part is soooooo Christian double speak. It is "clear" that all peeps are created in the image of God (except for GLBT, women folk, any other religion and animals), and yet marriage is only for a man and a woman. WTF. This statement alone is everything that is wrong with religion. If they did wrong, and fo sho they did do wrong, and admitted it-I can go for that. At least it would be better than saying "we are all equal, but not you guys, we are all on the same team, but not you guys, that guy doesn't represent us, except that he has before in many capacities, and he still does, even tho he issued an apology and tried to distance himself from us and us him." Really...really.

It must be so easy being a bleiver, esp. of the Catholic variety. You can say and write anything you want, and if you get called out on it...then you just distance yourself and say "I didn't say that (really, they are the originators of the Jedi mind trick.WTF). Look, fuckin' LOOK at the statement above "...all persons are created in the image...of God...the church proclaims...marriage...one man one woman."

It's gonna be along cold winter peeps. Fuck!

* Reuters: Catholic paper retracts column equating the gay and the devil. Super lame.

* The horses mouth...PilotCatholicNews.

* I've shown enuff patience. Fuck art, fuck the horse you rode in on, fuck the road, fuck everything....and fuck you. Piece of shit.

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