Rabu, 30 November 2011

I'm Still In The Game: Battle For Secular Socitey

Ernesto Biondi, Satrunalia. 1909 Buenos Aries.
The War on Christmas has started...and I'm late to the game (sorry, depression and all, but don't count me out. I'm fuckin' IN, buddy). First the religious right got mad at The One, yes, the black president that I still believe in, President Obama, and now they are mad at the Rhode Island governor because dude didn't call the Christmas tree a Christmas tree and instead a holiday tree (which is the correct thing to do.). I'm down for the battle for secular society, even if you are not-I'll fight for everyone-I don't care about my weakened state. The shit is too important.

If you will recall, my kind gentle and very good looking readers (some more than others) the religious right recently got mad at The One because in his Thanksgiving Day address he, (nonexistent) heaven forbid, did not mention God-Gawd. Even tho America is (supposedly) a melting pot of many different cultures and beliefs, the religious right got their panties all in a buch because The One did the correct thingy and made his speech....for everyone (wasn't Gawd there anyways....why does he need the recognition. Kinda petty, right.).

Gov. Lincoln Cahffe (R.I.) said, “I would encourage all those engaged in this discussion — whatever their opinion on the matter — to use their energy and enthusiasm to make a positive difference in the lives of their fellow Rhode Islanders (Wa Po On Faith)." Yeaaaa, hello, really, let's focus on important things. I agree, that is a good idea.

First of all, Jesus wasn't born on December 25th, dude was born in the spring. Secondly, (I believe, and I could be wrong) the date of December 25th was decided by the Council of Nicaea in 325AD to attract pagan believers to this new holiday...Jesus-mas/Christmas (am I wrong on that, skeptics.whatevah...). The bringing of an evergreen tree into the house was a winter solstice thingy in many cultures and (perhaps) signified the coming of longer days (which meant spring and summer) and broke up the monotony of stayin' inside and gave you a reason to drink hella beer-which they called "ale" back in the day.

The thing about religion, in cases like this, is that it is all divide-y. Really, holiday tree v Christmas tree. What if those really good looking and liberal Jewish peeps started saying "let's call it the Menorah Tree, yea let's do that." there would be outrage. This is the Christian privilege that Atheist Revolution keeps talking about. 

This is the battle for secular society.

* Article Wa Po On Faith

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