Selasa, 22 November 2011

Roundup Time

The man, AC "The Hair" Grayling.
Hello atheist blogosphere, it's me Kriss...I'm still here. Any who...

If you have never checked out any of the Intelligence Squared debates and consider yo'sef a member of Team Atheist, then you have not lived. The most recent debate is "Would the world be a better place without religion." Really good line up on both sides. Rabbi Wolpe is an eloquent defender of his Judaism and like him or not, Dinesh D'Souza will tell you "What's So Great About Christianity." On our team we have AC "The Hair" Grayling and he probably hates being introduced like this the great grandson of Charles Darwin, Matthew Chapman. I will not spoil it fer ya, I'll just say that there are winners and losers in this one.

The newest meme in town comes from Sac Towns hippie neighbor, Davis and it's called "The Casually Pepper Spraying Cop." It's not as cool as The Kitten Covers, but nothing is as cool as that. 

This has got to be the oldest trick in that book that people keep talking about...the good 'ol stuff drugs in a hollowed out bible-yes, that trick. Not only does the bible contain the word of God, but also razors, coke, and "E." The article does not say which of the million gazillion interpretations of the bible was used.

Breaking news...Presidential candidate Mitt "Please don't win" Romney tried a cigarette and beer as a "wayward" teenager. In other news, I've used all the drugs ever invented...and liked it (and that is why I'd be a bad Mormon).

Jose Pimentel has been accused of the crazy. What did he do...he tried to make pipe bombs, but he was too stupid to use the drill bits, he tried to circumcise himself, and he smokes the weeds. He faces up to 25 years to life. I guess not too many capable people are signing up to be terrorists nowadays.

Former Denver Broncos Q-Back, Jake Plummer said of new Broncos quarterback, Tim "I wear Jesus on my sleeve" Tebow, needs to tone it down with the annoying Jesus talk. After Timmy does anything good on the field of play, he will point to the sky to thank Jesus, or say Jesus this or Jesus that. Plummer said, "...I wish he'd just shut up after a game and go hug his teammates." 

And lastly, acupuncture has been declared safe for children. To Team Skeptic this is old news, because we know acupuncture, accupressure, reikie, healing hands and complimentary alternative medicine in general is fakey fake and it doesn't do anything any who.

Have a nice day, peeps.

* The pepper spraying cop on Tumblr. Lot's 'o funny funniness here.

* "It's back folks. Unfortunately there is a score to keep. I'm fuckin' fallin' apart. Wish me luck.

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