Rabu, 02 November 2011

Don't Forget The Comics

I dunno no, I thought the cartoon was made 'o funny. Back in the day, before the Jon Stewart Show and the Colbert Report, even before we had the term..."back in the day"comics were the outlet for political/religious/funny funniness and commentary. I think the subtleties of the good 'ol panel cartoon are being looked over and are underrated today.

Don't forget growing up in the 70's and 80's (which is both a long time ago for mere humans, but a short time cosmically-n-such) there was no interbutz and, at least up into the early 80's, there was not even cable (and the cable that existed, was not like it is today. fo sho that). Wasn't there cartoons in everything: magazines, posters, advertisements, the newspaper etc...). I remember looking at a cartoon once in the New Yorker, yes, that New Yorker. I had a copy of one of the magazines that everyone passed around and I had to...had to pass it on to the next peep to continue the buzz and the ado.

I forget exactly what it was about, I just remember  that it was a one panel, black and white and I didn't understand it. I didn't think it was funny or relevant (and again, it's ME that doesn't understand IT). People had raved about it. I guess the cartoonist was famous or particularly good at his/her trade. The way people were talking about this cartoon, the cartoon I didn't understand, was like when people have that buzz when a new Senior Spielbergo  movie comes out, or Harry Pothead, or whatever, something epic...

So I didn't understand the joke. It was over my head, and at the time I lived in the country-I was a hick wishing I lived in the big city...any city)-and something that someone might refer to that person as an intellectual or a scholar or one of those know it all skeptics if they did understand it.. And I held the magazine in my hand and looked at the cartoon and thought, "This is the coolest thing ever ever."

Don't forget the comics, yo.

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