Jumat, 11 November 2011

Who Are They Gonna Cheer For

I touched a little bit on this yesterday, but it's such a big deal-eo that merits more attention...and touching (pun intended). The super disgraced Penn State, ya know with that it clearly looks like boy fucking and subsequent cover up involving administration higher ups, just seems to have a case of the "you're not doing it right's."

Here is the progression...boy fucking, boy fucking getting caught, boy fucking getting caught and now the whole cover up thing. Coach Jo Pa gets fired (rightly so), then idiot fans go all idiot fan and tries to do their best imitation of #OWS Oakland, the pseudo hero whistle blower guy was supposed to coach the last game, which is a home game and that's a big deal, but he got hella death treats from rabid, blind fans.

So...Penn St. administration/faculty chose football and winning over getting justice for the (is it) 8 or 10 boys abused. I know we have hindsight and can Monday morning quarterback this, but they should have done more. They could have prevented further abuse but for whatever reason, I could be wrong about the football/winning thing, they chose not to do the super laborious thing and make a freekin' phone call...to the police. Right(?).

Obviously the correct thing to do is fire all those involved. The idiots that rioted are idiots and they are making all the good people at Penn St. look like not good people. There has been a few articles about religion and Penn St. like, how the coach taught the players how to be good, honest people, Penn St. is about integrity-n-stuffs etc...well if this were true, then wouldn't they rally with the victims, help them get justice and stand by their side....or football is more important.

The dude that is taking over for Coach P. is also the whistle blower-he witnessed an actual boy fucking incident (1), and reported it to his higher ups and they didn't do anything about it. It is also the last home game of the season, but is he going to get to coach the big game. No, he was death threat-ed. He did the correct thing (deff. late, but he did eventually do the right thing.) and rabid, blind football fan supports "the boy fucking on his shift" coach.

And here is the last thing. I could be making this shit up, but...Who is the team going to play for this last game. Are the team captains and the coaches gonna say, "Let's do this for coach Jo Pa (even tho he allowed boy fucking...repeatedly)" or are they gonna say "Let's do this for those abused kids." It would be really nice if it were the second one....buuuuutttt, probably not.

Football is more important than humans? Am I missing something? No wonder I don't watch sports anymore.

(1) An article described the whistle blower-death threated guy as walking up to the scene hearing a "slapping sound." So freekin' creepy gross. Aaaaaaaaa.......

* An article with actual details like names and such.

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