Kamis, 03 November 2011

In Dawg We Trust

 I don't recall if I have said it lately, baby, but...Black Prez...I heart you. Thanks so much homie, err, I mean Mr President. Eeeeeeyyyyyyeeeeee, reallyt appreciate yer efforts. Thanks. (But everyone else in office...?).

Totally forget the economy thang, the unemployment thang, the underwater mortgage thang, is this a recession (by definition) or a depression thang, separate church and state thang, taxes....shuld I keep going, #OWS'ers, the 1% v. the 99%, bank bailouts, Grease the country-Grease the movie, are pigs flying, my depression and the coming of dark days, the E.U., End of Times, because...Team America has to decide on our official motto.
 The house of Reps recently OK'd "In God We Trust" as the official motto of the good 'ol U.S. of A.. And not a minute too late, or is it too soon-whatever, because now that we have our official motto...automatically there will be more and instant job creation (and not the minimum wage/no insurance jobs of Gov. Ricky Perry's "Texas boom"-I'm talking about good 30-40 year middle class raise a family career kinda jobs), everyone will have health insurance, immigration will be "taken care of," college will be accessible to everyone no matter what race or economic concern(s), GLBT will have equal rights in all endeavors of their lives and very precious to me...women will be treated with equality-no more glass ceiling or sexual harassment or submissiveness. Hooray hooray hooray....

“You’ve been debating a commemorative coin for baseball. You’ve had legislation reaffirming that ‘In God We Trust’ is our motto. That’s not putting people back to work,” Obama said. “I trust in God, “but God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people back to work (Wa Po Politics)

You idiots have been wasting time (and needless to say, tax payer money).

Rep. Trent Franks (R-Arizona) believes the official motto to be a worthy endeavor and states that is important to "reassert that it (the House) believes there is divine goodness and order in the universe (Wa Po Politics)."

One of the thingies about The Motto is that it was introduced to the Star Spangled Banner, or if I may go all biblical and say the word "interpolated (that is added on after the fact, not original or indigenous to said document, just like the bible) and just like the Pledge of Allegiance, there was no original mention of God, but it was something added on later by religious wingnutts. And ya know what, kind gentle and very good looking readers...the same goes for coins and our precious bills of all denominations (introduced/interpolated during the Civil War).

So as a country we have not seen these conditions since WWII and/or The Great Depression. Our global community is experiencing, perhaps, something new and not exciting, something that has sprung the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street ( #OWS), that have resulted in many many civilian arrests and civilian unrest in general. Doctors, lawyers, middle class, the poor, the educated and uneducated, all the races...the frackin' 99% of the peeps have united on Mainstreet USA to have their say, and what are the politicians doing...

...debating the fuckin' national motto, that was already the official fruckin' motto.

Revolution is in the air, folks...

* Wa Po Politics

* The super Awesome Black Prez on ABC News...killin' it.

* Fo sho I know how "Grease" the country is spelt..so shut the fuck up.

* ...i guess I'll edit later ("That's what you always say, but you never do it."). I know.

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