Kamis, 10 November 2011

The Not Necessarily Religion News Roundup

"We support boy fuckers, we support boy fuckers..."
What is up with my numbers. It's like down by 100 hits. Y'all need to help me spread the gospel of the six pack. Tell all the super hottie atheist/skeptic ladies over 30, about that really epic guy that is developing his own writing style and is, without a doubt...the most humble person you can ever meet (Ghandi thinks I'm humble, so there). Any who...

Penn St. officials finally did the correct thing and fired their head football coach known as Jo-Pa. Here's the nutshell. THERE WAS BOYFUCKING, ERR, RAPING GOING ON WHEN HE WAS IN CHARGE, HE KNEW ABOUT IT AND HE DID NOT REPORT IT TO THE POLICE. So much for what could have been the most regarded tenure in sports history. I mean freekin' shit, peeps are comparing Penn St. to the Catholic church (if someone did that to me, there'z-a-gonna be some fighting goin' on). I actually dunno if Penn St. is a religious school (are they, are they?), but I do know that all the idiots that "protested", err, rioted when they heard that Coach "I Allow Boy Fucking On My Shift" Jo-Pa had been fired, are exactly like the losers that cover up for Boy Fuckin' Priests-n-such.

Fo sho I'm one of those know it all skeptics and a very proud member of Team Atheist...but that doesn't mean I'm totally rational all of the time. Par example, I haven't watched any 49'ers games this season and that is something I have done (that is watch the games, all of them) since I was a little kid. If you are Filipino growing up in the Bay Area, you WILL be Catholic, you WILL be a 9'ers fan and you will see a therapist later in life. But dagnabit, wouldn't ya know it, the one season I decide to not be a fanatical fan, then my freekin' team is in first place. Sports fans (and players) are allllllll about the stupidstition, so ya know what that means....if I watch a game and they lose, then it's my fault (and if you don't understand that, fo sho I can't explain it to you. That's what a fan is...fanatical.). Go Niner's.

Coach of the year.
Gov. "Pray for rain" Perry went Sarah Palin last nite and "misspoke" (if you will notice, I have, only GOP'ers and Christian wingnuts "misspeak". Really, I'm keeping stats on it. Like Roger Clemens). GOP'ers are all about small government and when asked what three departments would he cut, Gov. Rainmaker couldn't name the third one. Oopsie. It doesn't matter, he's not gonna win anyways...I hope.

Good week for pro-libs at the ballot box, esp. in Mississippi and their really dumb personhood amendment. I have mentioned it many times here, but, it is really stupid pants to fight the same fights over and over again (scopes monkey trial, Roe v. Wade, creationism v. science etc..). The thing about it is, we have to fight those fights. If this bill was passed it would have erased many of the gains in the feminists and reproductive rights movements. We won this time, but what I would like to see in the future is the statistics on how many humans God kills. He's responsible for everything, right. There are way more miscarriages than abortions, therefore God kills more babies. Women go thru their cycle every month and all those lost or unused cells ARE humans right (according to their philosophy), so God, once again, kills hella humans, right. I think so.

Finally, a Tibetan Buddhist leader to his peeps "Stop lighting yo'sef on fire. There must be another way." Well said, my bald Asian brother.

This is the article I read the other day and I started a post...but I'm too dumb to finish it. My question is...Is Quantum Theology the same as Christian Theology, or what the hell is it. It sounds a lot like The Tao of Physics kinda stuffs. Maybe by this weekend I'll figure it out. Maybe.

This is that new docc. all the cool atheist/skeptic kids are talking about The Fabric of the Cosmos. I do believe that it answers the question of the day from last week (what is in empty space, or is that even possible), but honestly, I was watching it last nite and I got stoned and I didn't understand it. Cool graphics tho.

Oh buddies...oh, buddies. Before krissthesexyatheist, at one time in this baddass life o' mine, when I was studying martial arts, I was more like "Chris the guy that believes in Complimentary Alternative Medicine (CAM). When I read this the other day I just thought it was cool. Unbeknownst to me there is an epic battle over wild ginseng. They can bring in tons of money and in Korea it supports an industry that pays top dollar for the yucky tasting and no medical value root. Thanks LA Times.

Lastly, yes kind gentle and very good looking readers all good things come to an end, stay at home, uneducated and really stupid moms, as reported by the LA Times, have been using Facebook to transfer viruses over the mail. Back in the day there wuz this thing called chicken pox parties but now you can get chicken pox in the privacy and connivance of your own home. These stupid mothers are having other stupid mothers-with infected kids, lick loli pops, send it thru the mail and then...well, you know. I wrote about it the other day.

Well peeps, that is all for now. It is super sunny here in Sac Town, could be warmer tho, but still...I can't complain.


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