Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

I'll Carry The Torch And Stick It Up Some Arse

Will my hero's soul, whatevah that is, go to the big bar in the sky (because, err, after all, for blokes like us, that IS what heaven is), or WTF. Hitch's debating partner Douglas Wilson wrote a nice piece (and as far as I have read, all the religious folks have said nice things about Hitch-thank you), but he did mention that as far as My Hero's soul...well, we all know the rules right (renounce your evil ways, to enter the kingdom of God or something to that extent), and if you don't, as Mr. Wilson points out "he is lost forever."

Douglas Wilson was in the documentary Collision with Hitch and dagnabit...the guy is really smart. I'm not one of those New Atheists that does not give credit where credit is due. I am not a scholar or a public intellectual (as Hitch was often called), I'm just this dude that works in a cafe. I certainly do not like the way, let's say Dinish D'Souza, speaks about Team Atheist, nor do I agree that a one third god/ghost/man is coming back to do his thing "in our generation", but can dude whip my ass in debate. Yes (1). But does that mean a lay atheist like myself is defenseless against those big Christian/Jewish debaters. No.

I can't recall if I ever said this in Catholic school, but it really sounds like something I would say, or even what a normal inquisitive kid would ask and say. If one can recant their evil ways on their death bed, and accept the Lord, then why even practice in the first place, why even practice a religion, or any religion for your life. You go to the same heaven, right, whether you died a lifelong practitioner or accepted as that light quickly approaches. So...WTF. I know the theistic response, in fact I know several of them. That is not the point.

So I totally bro-crushed on My Hero. It really really....really breaks me up to hear that his demise is NOT greatly exaggerated (Really, I don't recall ever crying so much on one day: Grandma died, cat died, broke up with g-friend etc...). I kept thinking who is going to take his place. We need him, I need him. I kept thinking, who can take his place. It is not enuff just to be an atheist. Hitch was a brainiac, a writer, an intellectual and unapologetic. When he destroyed your argument he did it with style as well as thoroughness. Who can do that...not me. But that is OK....

If you are an atheist and you want to debate William Lane Craig, then you must have a Phd. (those are his rules). But to criticize religion all you need is what you already have-your evolved human brain.  Little kids can come up with the example that I came up with earlier. You don't need a Phd. in ancient history (like Carrier) to point our there are many creation stories in Genesis. There are many empty tomb stories, many of the gospels contradict, who wrote the gospels, what happened to the early types of Christianity's, why were some gospels held back and kept outta the final bible. Read the bible and tell me that shepherds were chillin' in Winter when they saw that star. What is it I'm trying to say....

We may not be the next Christopher Hitchens, and it saddens my heart that there may never be, but that does not mean that we cannot contribute. Team Atheist is a team and everyone plays there role. I guess if I were the worlds most awesome evolutionary biologist, like Dawkins, then I would take that stage to promote modern atheism.

Traveling the atheist blogosphere this weekend I am so encourage to see the not everyday bloggers use this super sad moment to be inspired and pledge to blog some more. This is what we have to do to keep this Golden Age of Atheism going. Do your part. If my part is spending a couple of hours everyday writing my blog that may or may not reach up to 300 people everyday, then by golly, that is my part. Look at the way a person I have never met (and now, never will) has influenced me; we can all do this.

I guess what I scared of is that The New Atheist, the Team, my team, our team, will dissipate and disappear with the passing of Hitch, My Hero. Fo sho I am saddened. Fo sho this is not a good time in my personal life for this to happen (when is it evah). I don't give a shit. I promise, y'all, all you kind gentle and very good looking readers, I may not be the next Christopher Hitchens, but I am the current Kriss, and I promise you...(win or lose) I'm down for the fight for secular society. I'm in for the long hall.

Team Atheist Forever.

* Religion dispatches...Where will Hitches Soul go.

* Rabbi Wolpe also wrote a nice piece about dude. they debated 6 times. Couldn't find it tho.

(1) If you think you can beat D'Souza, W.L. Craig or Wilson is a debate then challenge them. Or Wolpe. c'mon now atheist, I don't see you name on the debate circuit.

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