Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

(Unfortunately) Extremist Make The World Go Around

I have never seen an "immodest" 8y/o girl. I have seen many a 8y/o in my day, but never one that was "slutty." I just think that it is impossible. Then again I'm not Jewish. Then again I'm not the splinter cell within Judaism (I know that they are not a splinter cell, that is just what I say when I wanna insult peeps) know as ultra-Orthodox Haredi Jewish dudes. Here's a nutshell in case you don't know what's going on...

The reggae, hip hop Jewish awesomeness, Matisyahu, just cut his hair, which is against the "rules."
...a second grade girl got the worlds attention because these extreme Jews hate her. Why, because she is "immodest" Why? She was wearing a long sleeve shirt and a 3/4'rs skirt and she was walking on the same sidewalk as the men folk (which is a no no, to them). In fact, the women folk have to enter the temple thru a side door and worship in a diff area, they have to sit in the back of the bus (yes, this IS 2011). Not only is this one girl treated like this, it is the whole school of girls. There is a 'space' problem in Jew-ville and the extremists are pissed because there is a girls school in their neighborhood-n-shit.

Gross, look how "immodest" she is. Where are her parents.
This splinter cell of Judaism is very strict about their dress and beliefs (obviously, right. dugh) and their hair. They have a special place in society where their job is to study the Torah...and that is it (wouldn't that be awesome if your job was to study atheism and then you could control/command people. Well except that last part). err, awesome. Anywho....

It's 2011 and in a blink, it will be 2012. What do we have here? Do we have religion paving the positive way for society and making everything awesome for everyone.Are we advancing thot, philosophy and humanity, or....is this an example of religion holding peeps and the world that peeps live in, back, as in NOT forward, as in not getting better and perhaps getting worse.  I can only speak for myself, but I believe that Team Atheist wouldn't mind religion if it were a source of ONLY good. As it is right now, it is a source of good and bad (and if you are religious and you can't admit that, then get outta here, U-not honest, loser).

I Googled "religion unites people" and this came up.
Why would I wanna belong to a club that thinks it's OK to throw rocks at little girls going to school (there is a video, but I couldn't find it) and spit on them (if someone spit on me, I'd kick their arse). If I'm a dude and I get on a bus I have the right to tell, not ask, some old lady to go and sit in the back. I don't know if she is sick, ill, just got off of work or what, but then studly me, I can demand "git in the back, beeotch." I could go on and on and on and on...

It is my hope that in the next year humanity unites and steps up to that plate that all the cool kids keep talking about and makes the world a better place. Is it getting better or is the world getting worse? When I hear stories like this, well, you know what I think; but I still have hope, I still believe in humanity.

This is why the battle for secular society is so important. It means equality for all. It means that divisive religion, whatevah religion it is, will have not place in the public arena.

* Article in Slate.

I Googled "Jewish cat" fer these gems. Just like their ladies...Jewsih cats are so cute.

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