Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Will Not Throw Shit For Beer And Laughter

I'm not very laugh-y laugh-y lately, it's more like "Hey how come this isn't going my way or working (then I throw shit, like my fists)." So when I can remember that laughter that Robert
Plant mentioned in that documentary, not only do I have to embrace it...I have to go back to it and mine it over and over again (and when the feeling is gone, I go back to throwing shit.).

LoL God is made of the funny. I'm sure I've mentioned it before. Good stuffs peeps. Do yo' sef' a favor and go there and have a laugh. What you say, but Kriss, it's not scholarly. Kind gentle and very good looking readers, I know that and that is even more reason to go (me, I can read back to back essays on boring as shit that is so boring. it's OK to have a laugh once in a while.). Like this gem...

...or sometimes...it is thought provoking...

...and yet, other times, that science-y science comes into play. what is more awe inspiring than this statement.

I may be wrong on this one (after all there are so many atheist bloggers out there), but I do believe that Andy at Laughing in Purgatory (click the link in my sidebar and go directly there. UR welcome Andy) was having one of those debate/conversations last week-ish about using satire, or humor, or even ridicule to get our point across. One dude was saying, "No man, it's disrespectful" while Andy said, "It is effective." I believe it's effective.

Cartoons, editorials, photoshop, Lol Cats, anything, anytime, is a good and great vehicle to our point across. You have silly beliefs in a Gawd that is improbable, and as the sayin' goes...you guys know the rest.

Have a laugh atheist, you deserve it.

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