Senin, 19 Desember 2011

While We Were Alseep

What the f*ck, if I wasn't such an atheist I'd say God(s) are against me. But which one(s): Apollo, Zeus or Thor (who fucking cares). I'am so saddened to announce that the man that generously put on this really epic concert I go to most years has passed away.

Warren Hellman, I do believe has was a billionaire, graciously hosted and paid for the entire three day music festival called Hardly Strickly Bluegrass. This concert is so epic that the last time I went (I skipped this year, ya know person problems-n-stuff) I thought that I might not go again because it's getting "too crowded."

So dude fo sho was a 1%'er, but he wasn't a dick about it. In fact he gave to his school (UC Berkeley), help the City is more ways than one and even said classic stuffs like "What the hell is the money for, if not for stuff like that (concerning HSBF)." Hellman is such a great guy that Speedway Meadows in golden Gate Park, the site of some of the best times of my life, will be renamed Hellman Meadows. Great tribute for a great man.

Speaking of a great man...The Supreme Leader, Kim Jong Il, passed away this weekend. Ugh, so much for that atheist utopian society...guess we all better become believers, right-wrong. Whenevah there is a theist/nontheist debate they always bring up Pol Pot or North Korea as examples of why we need faith in public life and not separation of church in state, after all, those are atheist leaders in godless states, right-wrong.

Is this racist of what. Fuck you.
The Crusades were done in the name of God, these wars that we just left, in the name of God, North Korea NOT IN THE NAME OF ATHEISM. That is the difference: God equals kill and atheism only means no belief in God and no killing. We'll see what his butt ugly son will do after the Korean mourning period is finished (I believe it's like a week), or if he gets "coo-d" by some old school general dude.

Meanwhile in secular England, their Supreme Leader, the one that admits that he is a "committed" Christian, but also a "vaguely practicing" Christian, recently said "We are a Christian country and we should not be afraid to say so." Well, my second favorite (and I guess by default, he is now my favorite) Prof. Richard "Papa Bear" Dawkins has something to say about that (eat right and exercise Papa Bear, I can't lose you too).

Finally, I propose that we start a new calendar year and call it After-Hitch. So I guess today would be 0000-003AH.

That's all folks. Have a great week-n-shit like that.

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