Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

I Found Jesus, He's In Japan

This is too awesome. Jesus is buried in Japan. Really. Shingo Aomori Prefecture, home of aprox 3,000, is where Jesus is buried. Ya know how I asked the other day what about those missing years of dudes life in the bible-n-shit. Well, this video claims that those missing teenage years he was studying in Japan and then went back know, to be Jesus Christ.

The missing part of the puzzle, the part that the authorities don't want us to know is that...mmm, let's see how should I say this (I'll just say it): Jesus was not crucified   he went back to Japan   his lil' brother got crucified instead   he settled in the mountains in Japan   became a rice farmer   did not do miracles, but it was agreed that he was generally a very pleasant person to be around   and he lived to be 106   had wife and three kids   oh yea   his brothers ears and a lock of his moms hair are also buried there   that is all.

There is this Wiki page and it has hella links. I have never heard of this until moments ago. This is so epic.

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