Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

I Read Snopes for Some Laughs

Dam, that could me/us.
 You know when you are with a kid and you pass by a parked car with a dog in the drivers seat and you lie to them and say, "Hey look, that dog knows how to drive," and the little kid with his/her little kid brain is in awe and says a kid "wow." Well, now it's not a lie. Dog in Australia caught driving. Funny comment was dude said something like "even we think this is weird."

Dam, it looks like there is a grandma and kids on the shitty weak ass roof.
 Dude ask's for his "weed back" and the judge says "No."

Even the "beautiful people" could not escape the flooding.
This guy's dog told him to rob a house and he said no...that is until Jesus also told him to rob the house. Thanks Jesus. Oh yea, why. He told police that he was going to meet Taylor Swift in the backyard and marry her. OK.

I'm sure I covered this story before. Man gets jail time for sex with a horse. The thing about it is, I'm not sure if it is the same guy or a different guy. Could there be two of them...please no.

This is weird. Man punches grandmas dog. That is all.

Do guys even like this. Gross.
I think I just solved a crime. This guy was pissed and deposited urine into his bank deposit and this guy pissed on hella books. Could there be two of them. Please, no.
Illegal logging and mining is a problem in S0 PI.

OK I solved another one. Stolen goat gets shaved is the same person that horse fucker is. Right, or are people that weird and there's many of them.

Man urinates on police car. OK, nows there's three of them, potentially.

Most people live like this.
Meanwhile, in the Philippines at least 436 people have died due to flooding in the southern islands. Cagayan de Oro City received a whole months worth of rain in 12 hours. These are all pictures from Cagayan de Oro City.

* Snopes.

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