Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

The Super Windy Day Roundup

There is just too much epic news to not do a roundup today. So here we go.....

A jailed Afghan rape victim has been released from prison...to marry her attacker (I know, WTF). The altruistic one, Afghan president Hamid Karzai, released a women named Gulnaz. Gulnaz gave birth to her attackers child while locked up. Her lawyer says that if she had a choice in the matter, she would not marry her attacker. Epic humanity fail. So freekin' bad.

University of Columbia psychologists have completed a study confirming what we already know...believers do not trust atheists. After scanning the article and actual survey it seems to me like the girlfriend/boyfriend test. Apparently believers will automatically trust you if they know you have faith. Likewise, if someone is in a relationship, then they must be pretty awesome sauce. And I'll just say it, if you are not in a relationship...then there must be something wrong with you (1). Sorry.

Nothing says Gawds love like "We do not want you here and you can't join our exclusive group because you are....black (gasp!). A small Kentucky church has voted (9-6) that interracial couples cannot participate in church activities or become members. Funerals are the exception.

They say it is just a co-winki-dinki, but the newest Apple iPhone will not direct you to an abortion clinic. I don't have a phone, but I guess there is an application that directs you to anything you want: looking for a place to buy dinner, an umbrella, directions. One critic said the classic and one of my favorites blasts, "There is something rotten in the state of Denmark." Smells like dominionism to me (but ya can't trust me, I'm on Team Atheist.).

Team Skeptic already knows this, but the world will not end in 2012. I believe it was last week that archaeologists found/produced a second stone tablet that went all prophecy-y on the end of the world. Sven Gronemeyer (if that is your real name) said that it is about a new era, not the end of the world and time as we know it. Pretty interesting article and while reading it I couldn't help but think...this shit is as batshit crazy as Scientology. Really, read it, so bizarro good.

This headline says it all..."Four from Amish splinter group held for beard cutting attacks." One of the Golden Rules is....never touch an Amish mans beard, right(?).

Lastly, make yer own Jesus toast.

(1) I've been single for, like, ten years. Is there something wrong with me. Where do I even begin.

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