Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

The Blog Post With No Name

I was happy not enjoying this latest blog break when I came across something that my dead mentor (Hitch) would acknowledge and say, "Well, then, what more evidence does one need." The latest from the Pew Research Center (yes, that Pew research Center) is that while the number of religionistas are getting smaller and smaller in free society, behind the walls and in the prison courtyards.."religion is bustling."

The current GOP'rs so badly want to return to a Mad Men 50's and 60's (that may or may not have existed if you were white and male), where Jesus is God and God is America (or American) and women made you sandwiches...good ones. The revolutionary pill has set male dominance back 4-5 decades and "those liberal colleges" are breeding grounds for, gasp...atheism and their godless commie socialist sounding free and critical thinking.

I need to party with this dude Bayes. Dam bro, you came up with this shit. Epic.
Meanwhile in the nations prisons religion is spreading so fast that the dude that made Bayes theorem called and thinks the shit is spreading really fast. Team Atheist, we've been over it a million times and we will go over it again and again...(generally speaking) those with some sort of understanding of science and critical thinking tend to be skeptics and atheists, while those with no understanding believe in angels, fairies, the supernatural and miracles-n-such (and I'm not sayin' those peeps are bad people, I'm saying...well, I said it). If Pew Research did a survey in prisons about who knows something about the scientific method, evolution thru natural selection and philosophical/critical thinking I confident that the numbers would be low....really low.

Lords Resistance Army...Uganda. Dammm, bro those are big bullets. That's what she said.
Right now in third world countries evangelical Jesus-ism is spreading faster than cholera (that was a joke, a really bad joke. I don't give a fuck). In Africa they are so white American evangelical that they are (trying) passing laws to make teh gay...illegal (punishable by death). The Pope, yes, that Pope, went to freekin' Cuba (I'd love to go there) and articles claimed that his reception was "understated and smallish". Why, because the American Jesus virus, with it's promise of a better life-although in the AFTER life, is spreading (1).

The prison of third world poverty is verrrryyyyy similar to the prison of, mmm, prison. What is totally similar is...lack of education. If you evah needed proof of dominionism, here it is. I'm not going to look for it (but you should), but last year I wrote about how evangelical ministries are taking over services in prisons that USED to be offered by the state. Because of budget cuts, Jesus cultists, stepped up to offer the prison population access to computers, books and education. The thingy about it is that comes with a side heaping, hell-ping, of white American, fag hating, sexist...Hey-sooz.

Fell sorry for society when these people get out.

* I'm gonna take an atheist blog break peeps, unless something totally awesome that needs addressing, err, needs to be addressed. I'm not feeling that "it" that the cool kids keep talking about. C'ya soon.

    Heart, Kriss

* Oh yea...the Survey. Thanks Pew.

(1) I think it's easier to be an evangelical christian than a Catholic. Less studying, less authority and if you are betting on salvation in the afterlife, the evangelical one seems more accessible than the Catholic version. Just sayin'.

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