Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

From April 1966, That Time Magazine Cover

Fo sho the nonexistent sky father is punishing me right now for calling Rick Santorum, possibly the next president of the United States, Butt Juice. Why, because for the entire weekend that has been what's coming outta mez own behind. Is that TMI...I'm also really sore (so there). Still, even in this is dehydrated butt juiced state, you know the sayin' Team Atheist...the show, err, battle for secular society and debunking religion must go on (that IS a sayin', right).

The super awesome Time Magazine cover from April 1966 (little did I know) was an article by retired theologian William Hamilton. Unfortunately, Mr. Hamilton passed away at age 87 last week, but his groundbreaking work will live on thru The New Atheist. It was the good ol' question of suffering: If there is an all powerful and all loving God, then why is there so much suffering. Obviously the answer of "it's God's test for your faith" was not sufficient for Hamilton.

In 2007 Hamilton commented on the Holocaust...

I wrote out my two choices: God is not behind such radical evil, therefore he cannot be what we have traditionally meant by God, or God is behind everything, including the death camps-and therefore he is a killer.

The 1960's was a no different than now in that he received many death threats, because he butt hurt so many believers that were unwilling to look at their beliefs skeptically. Because he could no longer believe in this active God, he suggested reforming Christianity without God. Hence death treats-n-stuff.

In order for Christianity to survive in the coming decades this is exactly what needs to happen, mainly reformation. There are many reformers (Bishop John Shelby Spong, Robert Price) out there seemingly not many reform-ies. Why would an atheist even care...Just look at the current GOP madness, with the contraception debate that is also dubbed (the faux battle for) Religious Liberty. It's ancient and super old and it just doesn't make sense to my generation the the next generation.

Look man, I'm not an angry militant atheist that wants to destroy all religion. I'm willing to work with y'all, but things halfta change. For example, the literal interpretation of the bible, the interpretation that disses evolution thru natural selection and the age of the earth. Liberal religion, say good bye to that, please. Look at the controlling nature of religion and how it is elitist and divisive-c'mon man "can't we all get along." And lastly, please ditch the ancient *comands* that insist that your particular and specific God cares about who, how and when people have sex. That is sooooo a different time ago.

OK, lastly, lastly I might add, he was not a big fan of the Team, The New Atheist. He thought we were to brash and confident. I dunno...Go figure.

RIP dude.

RIP dead Christian reformer homie.

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