Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Psycho Terrorist Both

The other day it was brought up, "what if we are wrong about this whole religion is the root of all evil thingy." Is it really that important. Are not there others factors in all the yucky stuffs that happen in the world. Really, Kriss, religion? Yes.

See this, like, three years ago...or now.
French citizen 24y/o Mohammed Merah *allegedly* murdered three school children, a rabbi and previously, three soldiers. While still early in the manhunt, it is presumed that "Mo" is guilty and French authorities are proceeding as such. Press reports claim that "Mo" is associated with al-Qaeda and has trained in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. "Mo" is protesting France's participation in Afghanistan.

Early reports speculate that this is one of the weapons used. The 1911 is a fine, fine I tell ya, weapon, but when things like this happen it makes me reconsider my position.
So what motivates one to do such horrible acts upon fellow humans. Perhaps his relative(s) or friend(s) were killed because of other countries meddling in his countries affairs. Revenge can be a very strong motivator, so strong that one's rational and thinking is f*cked up (I know first hand this one). These reasons and many more can factor into the how's and why's of such despicable acts, but I can't help but believe that after the surface reasons, religion is the fuel that justifies revenge. I can't help but believe that faith and blind belief are the 'something-somethings' that turn an otherwise normal human into a killing machine.

Why would people hijack a plane and fly it into a building, or kill innocent school children. When compared to an afterlife in heaven , is life here on earth so horrible that one loses all sense, that one loses all humanity within. If foreign troops came to Sacramento would not Joe Citizen fight to take back and preserve our way of life (I would). Both sides in Israel/Palestine are trying to preserve their way of life. Who is right and who is wrong in that one. No one is innocent, both sides have killed and both sides want revenge. Where will it end (1).

The alleged scooter used in the two killings.

Why is the mighty United States all up in different parts of the world. Is it to secure valuable resources (for our own wants), or to spread democracy...or is it to spread our particular God virus. I didn't invent the term American Exceptionalism (Colonisalism), I just acknowledge it. But it's not just American religion that is divisive and elitist...they all are.

God choose the Israelis, he did not choose the Palestinians. This justifies the Gaza "freekin" Strip. This justifies building homes on other peeps property. This justifies a modern day apartheid , an oppression of an entire peoples. This justifies the literal spreading of their particular God virus. God said it is so. Don't question it, because that will make you a heretic, a sinner. Yes we have hella weapons and a buffed and feared military, but don't question, have trust in faith instead, and most importantly, kill kill kill. We are better than them, so saith the Lord.

Don't forget about Uncle Sam and American-ilism. Our god said that we are the best, we are the chosen ones. American religion must dominate, must dominate I tell ya. That is what our God said. Sure the Jews are a chosen people, but they were just chosen to be sacrificed to make way for American exceptionalism...American elitism.

Lastly...Islam. The Religion of Peace is anything but. You know the sayin' "I'll sleep when I die." Their sayin' is "I'll be peaceful when I die...and you too." If any of the major religions had reason for revenge, it would be Team Mo. Don't forget 9/11 was not an attack, it was a retaliation. If pointy nose America did not stick their white pointy noses in others peoples business (affairs, resources, land, culture, etc...) then we wouldn't have revenge and retaliation....err, actually, we still would.

I'll admit that of the major religions, I know the least about Islam. But what is there to know. History has shown us that they are not an assimilating religion, they are a join our team or we'll f*ch you up religion. There is only one true religion (they all say that) and it ain't yours, buddy.

So is religion the umbrella topic, the topic that covers everything from economics, the environment, wars and equality. Is it the topic that is the reason behind the reasons..."you betcha."

* As of 9:18am this is the latest in France at Wa Po.

(1) As long as there is extremist religion there will never be world peace. Extremist religion is elitist and it divides people. The nature of it claims that one group is better than another group. Why, because their particular sky father said so. Fuckity fuck fuck.

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