Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Smokin' Teh Gay Weeds With Pat Robertson

If you have seen pho yer sef' or have heard reports of pigs flying...this is why. Pat "Gays bla bla bla" Robertson, myself and millions of other smart people are all on the same page. Yes it is true. That page that all the cool kids keep talking about, that page that everyone wants to be on, if one were to gaze upon it, right now it contains Pat and yours truly side by Christian side hugging-like buddies. Well, not really. Why?

I'll be bak...after I get some potato chips...and cheat on my wife (loser).
I'll tell ya why...'cause Pat said that we should decriminalize the weeds. Yes, Pat correctly stated on his show, The 700 Club, that we are putting too many youths in prison for the stupid head reason of smokin' the pots. He also says, and I agree with him again, that one may go into prison for weed possession, but they come out a hardened criminal. I agree, smoking the weeds is not a big deal and esp. in this time of strict budgets-n-such, we need to weed the prison population for practical fiscal reasons (I couldn't resist).

What is that you say, kind gentle and very goodlooking readers, "Kriss, yesterday you went to Reformed Hipster church and today you are siding up with...the enemy." Not true, so please do not revoke my atheist card, the card that I'am so proud to hold. Not by a long shot, peeps.

What can I say, I'm popular and well liked and I'm smarter than most people (and really humble). I live on the side of reason and the reason (I did it again) why is because it is the correct side to live on. Pat lives on this side...

I'm not gay, nor am I a bundle of sticks.
...9/11 is Gods way of punishing the states because we tolerate teh gay...hurricane Katrina was because of teh gay...if your spouse has Alzheimer's then you can do The Newt and divorce your suffering and loyal spouse because when you made that commitment before God (sickness and health) you were just kidding and finally, the latest if not the greatest of his eloquent social comments...the tornadoes that killed dozens last week in the South and Midwest was because not enuff people prayed. OK.

"If enough people were praying, He would intervene. You could pray. Jesus stilled the storm. You can still the storm," Pat.

Wow, where do I start on this one. First of all...prayer don't work fer shit. I'm sure there are times when one prays and randomly the desired result comes, but if you were to do the statistics on it, then God not answering said prayers would be way higher than when he (allegedly) does.

If God has a special plan for you, then how can a mere human change God's all mighty plan. If ones destiny is set, then all one can do is sit back and let the tornadoes kill everyone, so it doesn't matter how much and how many pray.

Last summer wildfires devastated Texas and Texas is one, if not thee, most pious state in the nation. I'm sure many peeps there prayed. They sure do hate their homos in Texas, they sure do blindly pray to the sky father, so where was God then.

I think it's a good thing that Pat said the obvious in that smoking the weeds should not result in prison. But that is when our agreeing ends. I live on the side of reason (because it is correct) and to believe that there is an all powerful sky father watching you and acting on your specific prayers (while wars and starvation wreak havoc in communities all around the world), is unreasonable.

We know why tornadoes happen (thanks science) and it is not because certain people have the sex with certain people and it certainly not because "X" amount of people did not pray to this all powerful and all knowing and all loving...God.

Thank you.

* Article

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