Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Religion Unfair, Again. Say It Isn't So (So)

It's about time, yo.
Guess what Team Atheist...Bill Donohue is mad, again. "You can trash some religions like Roman Catholicism, with impunity, but you cannot trash Islam, " The Hater known as Bill. Not only is Bill angry, again, but so is the infamous Mooslem hater, Pamela Geller. WTF.

Well, I missed this one the other day, but I'd like to thank the New York Times for being awesome. NYT ran an ad from the super awesome FFRF that suggested Catholic peeps consider leaving their corrupt, dysfunctional, did I say corrupt, boy fuckin' church. So Pam got her hate on because she created a totally similar ad that suggests those Mooslems leave Islam. The NYT turned it down which allows American religionists to cry out their latest tactic "Stop infringing on my religious liberty, bro."

"This shows the hypocrisy of the NYT...and it's willingness to kowtow to violent Islamic supremacist intimidation," The Hater known as Pam.

Pam's turned down ad spews stuffs like "Why put up with an institution that dehumanizes women and non-Muslims...that threatens liberty for women and menaces freedom by slaughtering, oppressing...Join those of us who put humanity above the vengeful, hateful and violent teachings of Islam's prophet," Heart Pam.

Kriss (that's me), " Pot, kettle, black...I know what you are, what am I..rubber glue...and hoppo-crit."

Let's not forget that the so called Prince of Peace (Jesus) in Matt 10:34 arrogantly says "I do not come to bring peace, but a sword." If you don't join the correct Team Jesus (outta so many) and in the allotted amount of time...Jesus/God will kill you. As far as American Christianity treating women and LGBT'ers with equality...fergetaboutit. If I were a Mooslem and an American Christian pointed their hypocritical finger at me, I would cut that shit off. Sheez.

Of course the claim of NYT "kowtow-ing" to Islam is a straw-person. In light of recent stupid headedness by God's American Christian army, you know the killing of 16 innocent peeps by a drunk American Army man and the *accidental* Qu'ran burnings, the NYT decided to postpone Pam's ad not reject it. In light of recent events, I believe that was a reasonable act. Sozzz, what about our ad.

Hello, I'm a photo of Jesus from a TV on a broken phone in Florida.
The whoopla over Freedom From Religion Foundation's leave Catholicism ad is an example of that bad ol' Christian privilege that the atheist blogosphere keeps talking about. For a million gazillion years they have posted numerous ads urging peeps to join their churches, we have one. They have continuously injected their philosophy into the public square for ever and ever and ever without any repercussions. Hell, last year they advertised that the freekin' world was gonna end and spent millions of dollars (with many people using their life savings to get the stupidhead message out) on billboards, buses, cars, print and radio. Isn't that yelling fire in a crowed theatre (yes).

I (sort of) agree with Pam. We definitely need to stop supporting institutions that "dehumanize" women and preach divisiveness. It's just that from the Team Atheist perspective...that includes all religion.

* Article

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