Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Sleepin' With The "Enemy"

Is this what I've been talking about, ya know, concerning that religion evolve-n-stuffs. Really, religion will not survive into the very near future unless some great changes occur, mainly in the sex department. As I mentioned earlier, there are hipster churches, good or bad and they are modernizing the word of the lord. Rebooting, repackaging, whatever you want to call it, as the sayin' goes..."It is what it is."

It's not only mean-y me sayin' this, it's the religious peeps themselves that can see the writing on the wall.

“Ands” want religion revolutionized by spirituality; they want spirituality grounded upon (but not guarded by) ancient wisdom, theologies, and practices. They demand more authenticity, meaning, justice, and community from religious institutions, not less. In these longings, the “ands” voice an older way of understanding religion, where faith should and must be an experience of God that transforms one’s life for the sake of the world. If the “ands” are the vanguard of change, then the great religious recession is about to give way to a great spiritual awakening. Is this the end of religion or only the beginning of a new, and better, form of faith (Wa Po)."

Again I will say this...I'm not one of those atheist that wants to destroy all religion. If it makes people happy and they are doing no harm, then what's the harm. It's that doing no harm part that is complicated because no one is innocent. If a part of your family is fucking shit up, it's your responsibility to take care of that. Liberal religion can claim innocence by disassociation, but extremist religion is still your cousin and that is your metaphorical house.

The 'ands' are the growing number of peeps that do not want organized religion, but still want something spiritual, that they call, God. They are the ladies that are turned off by the sexism inherent in organized religion and they are my LGBT friends that love eachother and wanna get married (but extremist church won't let them), and ya know what, what they call God means something precious to them. Looks to me that we have a lot in common (feminism, LGBT rights etc...). Liberal religion and the New Atheist are more friend than foe (but we can't fight all your battles for you. Secular, hello).

If you are an atheist that wants to wipe away irrational religious belief, then you want the shift from extremist to liberal religion. That is a step in that particular direction. The secular direction.

Strange bedfellows indeed.

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